34 OKR examples for Social Media

Creating impactful OKRs can be a daunting task, especially for newcomers. Shifting your focus from projects to outcomes is key to successful planning.

We have curated a selection of OKR examples specifically for Social Media to assist you. Feel free to explore the templates below for inspiration in setting your own goals.

If you want to learn more about the framework, you can read more about the OKR meaning online.

Best practices for OKR

Your objectives should be ambitious, but achievable. Your key results should be measurable and time-bound. It can also be helfpul to list strategic initiatives under your key results, as it'll help you avoid the common mistake of listing projects in your KRs.

Building your own OKRs with AI

While we have some examples below, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. There are 2 options available to you.

- Use our free OKRs generator
- Use Tability, a complete platform to set and track OKRs and initiatives – including a GPT-4 powered goal generator

How to track OKRs

OKRs without regular progress updates are just KPIs. You'll need to update progress on your OKRs every week to get the full benefits from the framework.

We recommend using a spreadsheet for your first OKRs cycle. You'll need to get familiar with the scoring and tracking first. Then, you can scale your OKRs process by using a proper OKRs-tracking tool for it.

We recommend Tability for an easy way to set and track OKRs with your team.

Check out the 5 best OKR tracking templates to find the best way to monitor progress during the quarter.

Social Media OKRs templates

The examples have Social Media Objectives and Key Results, but they may also include the tasks that can help you get there.

OKRs to increase lead generation from organic and paid social media outlets

  • ObjectiveIncrease lead generation from organic and paid social media outlets
  • Key ResultImprove engagement rate on all social platforms by 25%
  • TaskCreate engaging and relevant content targeting specific audience interests
  • TaskImplement A/B testing to optimize content engagement
  • TaskIncrease frequency and consistency of posts across all platforms
  • Key ResultBoost paid social media conversion rate by 15%
  • TaskEvaluate and improve landing page design
  • TaskTarget specific audience groups
  • TaskCreate visually appealing and persuasive paid ads
  • Key ResultAchieve a 20% increase in organic social media leads
  • TaskOptimize social profiles for improved visibility and lead generation
  • TaskRun organic engagement campaigns to capture potential leads
  • TaskImplement consistent, engaging content schedule across social media platforms
Turn OKRs into a Strategy Map

OKRs to enhance inter-departmental collaboration for effective social media operations

  • ObjectiveEnhance inter-departmental collaboration for effective social media operations
  • Key ResultPioneer a shared, online document housing all social media initiatives and updates
  • TaskCreate structure for social media initiatives document
  • TaskIdentify suitable online platform for shared document storage
  • TaskUpdate document regularly with initiatives and updates
  • Key ResultImplement weekly cross-departmental meetings focused on social media strategy by month-end
  • TaskCreate a recurring weekly meeting schedule
  • TaskOutline the meeting agenda focusing on social media
  • TaskIdentify key representatives from each department
  • Key ResultIncrease shared social media projects between departments by 20%
  • TaskImplement regular shared social media project progress reports across departments
  • TaskDevelop a centralized social media project management tool for all departments
  • TaskInitiate weekly interdepartmental brainstorming sessions on social media projects

OKRs to to implement a strategic, consistent, and realistic social media approach

  • ObjectiveTo implement a strategic, consistent, and realistic social media approach
  • Key ResultGain 1000 new, organic followers across all social media platforms
  • TaskImplement a strategic follow and unfollow campaign
  • TaskActively interact and build relationships with followers
  • TaskCreate engaging, high-quality content regularly
  • Key ResultPost high-quality content consistently 5 times per week
  • TaskWrite and finalize 5 high-quality posts
  • TaskCreate a weekly content calendar with 5 post ideas
  • TaskSchedule 5 posts for weekly publication
  • Key ResultIncrease overall social media engagement by 20%
  • TaskRespond promptly and personally to comments and messages
  • TaskImplement a regular posting schedule across all platforms
  • TaskEngage audience with interactive content like quizzes and polls

OKRs to develop robust metrics for social media content assessment

  • ObjectiveDevelop robust metrics for social media content assessment
  • Key ResultMinimize measurement errors to 2% or less across all evaluated social media content
  • TaskImplement precise analytics tools for accurate data collection
  • TaskRegularly audit data sets to identify discrepancies
  • TaskTrain teams on data collection best practices
  • Key ResultCreate a standardized measurement framework for evaluating content by week 8
  • TaskReview existing content evaluation methods by week 2
  • TaskFinalize and implement framework by week 8
  • TaskEstablish criteria for standardized measurements by week 5
  • Key ResultIdentify and define 10 key performance indicators for social media by the end of week 4
  • TaskPrepare definitions for each chosen indicator
  • TaskResearch potential key performance indicators for social media
  • TaskDraft list of the 10 most relevant indicators

OKRs to amplify lead generation via social media platforms

  • ObjectiveAmplify lead generation via social media platforms
  • Key ResultGenerate 15% more conversions through Facebook ads by improving targeting
  • TaskIncrease ad spend focused on targeted demographic
  • TaskTailor ad content to engage the identified demographic
  • TaskIdentify demographic with the highest conversion rate
  • Key ResultBoost Instagram engagement rate by 25% through interactive content
  • TaskIncorporate quizzes and polls in Instagram stories frequently
  • TaskRegularly host live Q&A or discussion sessions
  • TaskDevelop engaging, user-generated Instagram challenges
  • Key ResultIncrease LinkedIn followers by 30% to enhance professional exposure
  • TaskPromote LinkedIn profile across different social media platforms
  • TaskPublish high-value content regularly to attract new followers
  • TaskEngage with followers by responding or liking their comments

OKRs to implement a consistent social media approach based on a calendar agreement

  • ObjectiveImplement a consistent social media approach based on a calendar agreement
  • Key ResultMeasure and increase audience engagement by 20% by the end of the quarter
  • TaskConsistently track engagement growth weekly
  • TaskDetermine current engagement levels with existing data
  • TaskImplement new user-engaging content strategy
  • Key ResultEstablish a shared social media calendar with agreed posts within two weeks
  • TaskCreate a shared social media calendar online
  • TaskIdentify relevant team members for shared calendar collaboration
  • TaskSchedule meeting to agree on posts
  • Key ResultConsistently post on social media 5 times a week for the entire quarter
  • TaskRegularly monitor and adjust posting strategy
  • TaskDevelop a content calendar scheduling 5 posts weekly
  • TaskCreate engaging posts according to schedule

OKRs to increase social media engagement by 30%

  • ObjectiveBoost social media engagement
  • Key ResultElevate average share per post by 30%
  • Key ResultExpand the reach of each post by 20%
  • Key ResultRaise average likes per post by 25%
  • Key ResultIncrease average comments per post by 35%

OKRs to boost Site Traffic

  • ObjectiveBoost Site Traffic
  • Key ResultImprove website loading speed by 30% to enhance user experience and reduce bounce rates
  • TaskUtilize a content delivery network (CDN) to serve website content faster to users worldwide
  • TaskEnable browser caching to store static resources locally and speed up subsequent page visits
  • TaskOptimize images by compressing, resizing, and converting to a more web-friendly format
  • TaskMinify CSS and JavaScript files to reduce their file size and improve loading speed
  • Key ResultGrow social media traffic by 25% through targeted campaigns and compelling content
  • TaskCreate engaging and shareable content tailored to the identified target audience
  • TaskConduct in-depth audience research to identify target demographics and interests
  • TaskAnalyze and optimize campaign performance using analytics tools for continuous improvement
  • TaskUtilize social media advertising to reach a wider audience and increase visibility
  • Key ResultAchieve a 15% increase in referral traffic by actively engaging in guest blogging and collaborations
  • TaskRegularly track and analyze referral traffic data to monitor progress and identify areas for improvement
  • TaskResearch and identify popular guest blogging platforms and collaboration opportunities
  • TaskDevelop high-quality, engaging blog posts and content for guest blogging and collaborations
  • TaskReach out to potential partners and pitch guest blogging and collaboration ideas
  • Key ResultIncrease organic search traffic by 20% by optimizing website content and keywords
  • TaskOptimize existing website content by incorporating identified keywords and improving metadata
  • TaskConduct an in-depth keyword research to identify high-potential and relevant keywords
  • TaskImplement a backlink-building strategy to improve website authority and increase organic search rankings
  • TaskRegularly create and publish fresh, high-quality content that is optimized for targeted keywords

OKRs to expand brand awareness through social media marketing and influencer collaborations

  • ObjectiveIncrease brand reach through social media and influencer partnerships
  • Key ResultIdentify and partner with 5 relevant influencers to promote our brand
  • Key ResultTrack success metrics, analyze the ROI, and optimize campaigns accordingly
  • Key ResultIncrease social media followers by 20% through targeted advertising campaigns
  • Key ResultGenerate 50% increase in social media engagement through compelling content

OKRs to raise Customer Score and Customer Engagement Rate

  • ObjectiveIncrease Customer Satisfaction and Engagement
  • Key ResultReduce customer churn rate by 15% through proactive retention strategies
  • Key ResultImplement and launch a loyalty program with a minimum of 20% customer enrollment
  • Key ResultIncrease overall Customer Score by 5 points through weekly post-purchase surveys
  • Key ResultAchieve a 10% increase in average monthly Customer Engagement Rate on social media platforms

OKRs to achieve a 20% upsurge in organic traffic for designated categories

  • ObjectiveAchieve a 20% upsurge in organic traffic for designated categories
  • Key ResultUpscale social media marketing to attract 15% more visitors to the website
  • TaskCollaborate with influencers relevant to the brand for wider reach
  • TaskIncrease frequency of engaging posts on popular social media platforms
  • TaskImplement targeted advertising campaigns using platform-specific metrics
  • Key ResultDevelop and implement a search engine optimization strategy for increasing site visibility
  • TaskCreate a comprehensive strategy utilizing identified SEO methods
  • TaskImplement and monitor the effectiveness of the SEO strategy
  • TaskResearch current SEO trends and best practices
  • Key ResultAmplify engagement through sharing informative, unique blog posts bi-weekly
  • TaskDevelop engaging, educational blog content twice a week
  • TaskPromote posts through various social media platforms
  • TaskEncourage readers to share posts across their networks

OKRs to enhance brand presence on various social platforms

  • ObjectiveEnhance brand presence on various social platforms
  • Key ResultAchieve a 20% growth in Instagram followers
  • TaskCollaborate with influencers for shoutouts or promotions
  • TaskDevelop engaging content relevant to target audience
  • TaskConsistently engage with followers through comments and DMs
  • Key ResultIncrease newsletter subscribers by 30%
  • TaskPromote the newsletter through social media and email campaigns
  • TaskOffer exclusive content for newsletter subscribers
  • TaskImplement a user-friendly and attractive subscription form on the website
  • Key ResultBoost Podcast listenership by 25%
  • TaskImprove podcast content based on listener feedback
  • TaskPromote the podcast on relevant social media platforms
  • TaskInvite popular guests to increase audience interest
  • Key ResultDrive Website traffic up by 15%
  • TaskImplement search engine optimization strategies to improve page ranking
  • TaskIncrease frequency of engaging, relevant content posts
  • TaskLaunch a targeted social media marketing campaign

OKRs to increase Social Media x3

  • ObjectiveTriple the growth of our social media
  • Key ResultLinkedIn total impressions 30k per month
  • Key ResultIncrease LinkedIn followers to 30K
  • TaskPromote content on other social media platforms
  • TaskCreate an engaging profile and regularly update content
  • TaskConnect with relevant professionals and actively engage
  • TaskUtilize LinkedIn Ads for targeted campaigns
  • Key ResultTwitter total impressions 15k per month
  • TaskAnalyze current performance metrics to identify areas of improvement
  • TaskIncrease follower base to maximize potential reach
  • TaskImplement targeted Twitter advertising campaigns
  • TaskOptimize content to ensure maximum engagement

OKRs to streamline the process of posting on multiple users' pages

  • ObjectiveStreamline the process of posting on multiple users' pages
  • Key ResultReduce the average time taken to post on 50 users' pages by 35%
  • TaskAutomate posting process using social media management tools
  • TaskTrain team in fast, effective posting techniques
  • TaskPrepare content in advance for scheduled posts
  • Key ResultImplement a new automated posting system tested by 90% of all users
  • TaskIdentify a compatible automated posting system for implementation
  • TaskTrain 90% of users in using the new system
  • TaskConduct system testing with selected users to gauge effectiveness
  • Key ResultEnsure 98% of posted content matches the individual user's page criteria perfectly
  • TaskTrain team on user's page criteria
  • TaskDevelop a rigorous content verification system
  • TaskImplement regular content audits

OKRs to increase player base by 20%

  • ObjectiveIncrease player base by 20%
  • Key ResultPartner with an influencer with a gamer following to enhance brand exposure
  • TaskCollaborate on brand-promotion content for influencer to share
  • TaskReach out to chosen influencer for potential partnership agreement
  • TaskIdentify relevant influencers with a substantial gamer following
  • Key ResultDevelop and roll out a referral program to acquire 1000 new players
  • TaskDesign a referral program incentivizing current players to invite friends
  • TaskImplement a marketing campaign promoting the referral program
  • TaskTest the referral program on a smaller sample first
  • Key ResultLaunch two engaging marketing campaigns on social media platforms
  • TaskDesign and create compelling visuals for each marketing campaign
  • TaskSchedule and post campaigns on desired social media platforms
  • TaskEstablish target demographics and optimize content for them

OKRs to increase LinkedIn activity on the company page

  • ObjectiveIncrease LinkedIn activity on the company page
  • Key ResultEngage 20% of our followers with the first 5 posts by month 2
  • TaskMonitor and respond to comments and messages swiftly
  • TaskPromote posts across various social media platforms
  • TaskCreate engaging content tailored to follower's interests
  • Key ResultSchedule and create content for 5 LinkedIn posts by the end of month 1
  • TaskIdentify key topics for five LinkedIn posts
  • TaskSet exact dates to publish each post
  • TaskDraft creative content for each post
  • Key ResultComplete and publish remaining 5 posts ensuring 30% audience engagement by month 3
  • TaskWrite, edit, and finalize the remaining 5 blog posts
  • TaskPromote each post effectively to ensure 30% of audience interaction
  • TaskUse analytics to craft audience-engaging content for each post

OKRs to develop and launch a web based multiplayer game

  • ObjectiveDevelop and launch a web based multiplayer game
  • Key ResultEnhance player retention by implementing a leaderboard and achieving a 30% increase in returning players
  • Key ResultIncrease user engagement by achieving a minimum of 1000 active players per week
  • TaskIncrease social media presence and regularly share updates, promotions, and player achievements
  • TaskLaunch weekly in-game events and competitions to keep players engaged and excited
  • TaskImplement a referral program to encourage current players to invite new ones
  • TaskImprove user interface and overall gameplay experience based on player feedback
  • Key ResultImprove game performance by reducing average server response time to below 100 milliseconds
  • Key ResultEnsure a seamless gaming experience by achieving a player satisfaction rating of at least 4 out of 5
  • TaskEnhance in-game communication channels to provide prompt and effective customer support
  • TaskConduct player surveys and gather feedback to identify areas for improvement
  • TaskImplement regular bug fixes and performance updates to optimize game functionality
  • TaskContinuously analyze gameplay data to identify patterns and enhance game features accordingly

OKRs to successfully launch and sell my online course

  • ObjectiveSuccessfully launch and sell my online course
  • Key ResultAttract 1000 potential buyers through strategic social media marketing
  • TaskDevelop attention-grabbing content tailored for various social media platforms
  • TaskImplement targeted paid advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram
  • TaskEngage with followers consistently to build a community and generate leads
  • Key ResultDevelop high-converting landing page for course by testing 3 design variations
  • TaskAnalyze test results and choose highest-converting design
  • TaskImplement A/B testing for each design variation
  • TaskCreate three distinct design variations for the landing page
  • Key ResultAchieve 100 course sales at full price within the first two weeks of launch
  • TaskOffer an exclusive bonus for immediate sign-ups
  • TaskDevelop a comprehensive, high-engagement marketing campaign
  • TaskUtilize both email and social media for marketing

OKRs to improve visibility on socials

  • ObjectiveBuild a significant social media presence for the brand
  • Key ResultGet 250 positive mentions on Twitter and Linkedin
  • Key ResultReach a total audience of 10k across all channels
  • Key Result2.5% average engagement on promoted posts
  • Key ResultRun 10 collaborations with relevant content creators
  • TaskBuild a detailed project brief
  • TaskCreate a list of relevant content creators

OKRs to boost audience loyalty and brand affiliation

  • ObjectiveBoost audience loyalty and brand affiliation
  • Key ResultOrganize and execute 3 audience-engaging activities that reinforces brand loyalty
  • Key ResultIncrease repeat customer rate by 15%
  • TaskOffer exclusive deals or discounts for returning customers
  • TaskImplement a customer loyalty rewards program
  • TaskEnhance post-purchase communication and customer service
  • Key ResultAchieve a 20% increase in positive brand sentiment analysis results
  • TaskImprove and maintain high-quality customer service interactions
  • TaskLaunch a positive, engaging social media marketing campaign
  • TaskDevelop and implement a strong customer satisfaction survey strategy

OKRs to increase daily leads to 500

  • ObjectiveIncrease daily leads to 500
  • Key ResultImprove conversion rate of website visitors to leads by 15% through A/B testing
  • TaskTest different call-to-action buttons to optimize conversion rate for website visitors
  • TaskExperiment with various headline messages to increase engagement and lead generation
  • TaskEvaluate and modify lead capture forms to simplify and encourage more submissions
  • TaskConduct A/B testing on landing page layout to identify more effective design
  • Key ResultIncrease social media engagement by 20% to drive more leads
  • TaskPost daily engaging content with compelling visuals and relevant hashtags to increase reach
  • TaskActively respond to comments, messages, and inquiries within 24 hours to foster audience connection
  • TaskRun interactive contests or giveaways to encourage user-generated content and boost engagement
  • TaskCollaborate with influencers or industry experts for guest posts and cross-promotion to expand reach
  • Key ResultLaunch targeted email marketing campaign to generate 100 leads per day
  • TaskDevelop a lead nurturing strategy to engage and convert email subscribers
  • TaskMonitor and analyze campaign metrics to optimize email marketing performance
  • TaskCreate compelling email content and design templates for different target segments
  • TaskBuild a segmented email list with detailed buyer personas
  • Key ResultIncrease organic website traffic by 25% through SEO optimization
  • TaskImprove website loading speed by compressing images and enabling browser caching
  • TaskOptimize website content by incorporating target keywords into titles, headings, and meta descriptions
  • TaskPerform keyword research to identify high-volume and relevant search terms
  • TaskBuild quality backlinks by reaching out to industry influencers and publishing guest posts

OKRs to boost internal outreach and enhance brand recognition

  • ObjectiveBoost internal outreach and enhance brand recognition
  • Key ResultAchieve a 30% increase in employee engagement in company wide initiatives
  • TaskCreate engaging, inclusive intra-office communication channels
  • TaskImplement regular employee feedback sessions on company initiatives
  • TaskRecognize and reward active employee participation in initiatives
  • Key ResultGain 20% more followers on all company social media platforms
  • TaskCreate engaging and shareable content consistently
  • TaskFoster collaboration with relevant influencers
  • TaskImplement targeted ad campaigns on each platform
  • Key ResultExecute 2 brand promotional activities leading to 40% increase in brand awareness
  • TaskImplement, measure, and adjust the promotional strategies
  • TaskIdentify relevant platforms for brand promotion activities
  • TaskPlan and develop engaging promotional content

OKRs to enhance travel agent business through video competition

  • ObjectiveEnhance travel agent business through video competition
  • Key ResultConvert 10% of video competition participants into signed travel agents
  • TaskInitiate personalized follow-up conversations with participants
  • TaskOffer special training sessions tailored for video competition participants
  • TaskProvide incentives for participants to join as travel agents
  • Key ResultIncrease social media engagement by 30% through video competition promotions
  • TaskAnalyze video competition performance and adjust strategy accordingly
  • TaskPromote the video competition on all social media platforms
  • TaskCreate engaging video competition concepts relevant to the target audience
  • Key ResultLaunch video competition and attract 500+ entries from aspiring travel agents
  • TaskEstablish partnerships with travel agencies for wider reach
  • TaskCreate enticing competition guidelines and promotion materials
  • TaskAmplify event on social media and travel blogs

OKRs to establish a successful YouTube channel

  • ObjectiveEstablish a successful YouTube channel
  • Key ResultReach 10,000 total views on all videos combined
  • TaskCreate and publish engaging and high-quality videos consistently
  • TaskCollaborate with influencers or popular YouTubers for broader reach
  • TaskPromote videos across different social media platforms
  • Key ResultCreate and publish 20 high-quality videos by end of next quarter
  • TaskEdit, review and publish the videos
  • TaskSchedule and conduct filming sessions
  • TaskIdentify topics and draft outlines for 20 videos
  • Key ResultSecure a minimum of 500 subscribers on the channel
  • TaskCreate engaging content relevant to target audience
  • TaskImplement a subscriber referral reward system
  • TaskPromote the channel through social media ad campaigns

OKRs to boost the volume of organic website traffic

  • ObjectiveBoost the volume of organic website traffic
  • Key ResultImprove SEO ranking to top 10 for 5 targeted keywords
  • TaskEnhance backlink profile with high-quality, relevant links
  • TaskImplement target keywords in website content and meta descriptions
  • TaskRegularly publish fresh, original, keyword-focused content
  • Key ResultAchieve 20% increase in organic visitors per month
  • TaskOptimize website content for relevant SEO keywords
  • TaskDevelop consistent social media posting schedule
  • TaskStart a blog for higher search engine visibility
  • Key ResultDecrease bounce rate by 15%
  • TaskImplement a compelling call-to-action
  • TaskImprove website speed and load times
  • TaskOptimize content for relevancy and readability

OKRs to expand content distribution through podcasts or videos

  • ObjectiveIncrease content reach through multimedia channels
  • Key ResultIncrease podcast listener retention rate by 20%
  • Key ResultCreate and publish four high-quality videos per month
  • Key ResultLaunch two new podcast episodes per month
  • Key ResultBoost video engagement rate on YouTube by 15%

OKRs to develop an engaging and results-driven events strategy

  • ObjectiveDevelop an engaging and results-driven events strategy
  • Key ResultMeasure and increase participant satisfaction by 25% post-event via surveys
  • TaskCreate a post-event satisfaction survey for participants
  • TaskImplement feedback to improve future events by 25%
  • TaskDistribute the survey to all event participants
  • Key ResultSecure partnerships with at least 5 industry influencers for event exposure
  • TaskIdentify relevant industry influencers for partnership
  • TaskDraft compelling proposal for potential influencer partnerships
  • TaskFollow-up proposal with individual discussions and negotiation
  • Key ResultBoost event engagement by 30% through interactive and engaging execution strategies
  • TaskUse visual storytelling to captivate attendees' interest
  • TaskAdopt gamification methods for interactive participant involvement
  • TaskImplement live polls/quizzes to encourage audience participation

OKRs to secure guest posts for enhanced brand visibility and thought leadership

  • ObjectiveIncrease brand visibility and thought leadership through secure guest posts
  • Key ResultSecure 5 high-authority guest post opportunities
  • Key ResultBuild relationships with 3 key influencers in the industry through guest posting
  • Key ResultIncrease website traffic from guest post referrals by 25%
  • Key ResultEarn at least 10 social media shares per guest post

OKRs to establish a substantial presence on YouTube

  • ObjectiveEstablish a substantial presence on YouTube
  • Key ResultCreate and upload a minimum of 15 high-quality, engaging videos
  • TaskUpload videos through designated platform
  • TaskPlan out content topics and storyboard for 15 videos
  • TaskProduce, edit and finalize each video
  • Key ResultAttract and gain 1000 new subscribers to my YouTube channel
  • TaskPromote channel widely through social media outlets
  • TaskImplement SEO techniques to improve channel visibility
  • TaskCreate intriguing, high-quality content relevant to target audience
  • Key ResultGarner an average of 2000 views per video
  • TaskImplement strategic SEO techniques for video discoverability
  • TaskConsistently promote videos on different social media platforms
  • TaskCreate engaging, high-quality content appealing to target audience

OKRs to successfully orchestrate an engaging food street event

  • ObjectiveSuccessfully orchestrate an engaging food street event
  • Key ResultAttract at least 500 attendees
  • TaskUtilize social media channels for widespread promotion of the event
  • TaskDevelop a compelling event agenda to attract potential attendees
  • TaskSend out personalized invitation emails to targeted audience groups
  • Key ResultAchieve 90% positive participant feedback
  • TaskDevelop a responsive and effective communication system
  • TaskImplement comprehensive, regular training programs for staff members
  • TaskEvaluate and enhance participant experience based on surveys
  • Key ResultSecure a minimum of 20 food vendors
  • TaskInitiate contact and discuss vending opportunities
  • TaskFinalize agreements with at least 20 vendors
  • TaskIdentify potential food vendors in the local area

OKRs to incrementar la audiencia del newsletter al doble

  • ObjectiveIncrementar la audiencia del newsletter al doble
  • Key ResultConseguir un 30% de aumento en las suscripciones a través de referencias
  • TaskImplementar un programa de incentivos para referencias
  • TaskPromover el programa de referencias en redes sociales
  • TaskCapacitar al equipo de atención al cliente sobre referencias
  • Key ResultIncrementar la tasa de clics en el enlace del newsletter en un 25%
  • TaskDiseñar llamadas a la acción convincentes y atractivas
  • TaskSegmentar y personalizar el newsletter para cada destinatario
  • TaskMejorar la calidad y relevancia del contenido del newsletter
  • Key ResultAumentar el número de páginas visitadas del sitio web en un 20%
  • TaskCrear contenido atractivo e interactivo para retener a los visitantes
  • TaskPromover el sitio web activamente en redes sociales
  • TaskImplementar estrategias de SEO para mejorar el ranking de búsqueda

OKRs to increase brand awareness and credibility through webinars

  • ObjectiveIncrease brand awareness and credibility through webinars
  • Key ResultAchieve a webinar attendee satisfaction rate of 90% through post-webinar surveys
  • Key ResultIncrease webinar attendance by 25% through targeted marketing efforts
  • TaskCreate engaging and informative promotional content for webinars across relevant marketing channels
  • TaskIdentify target audience segments and preferences through comprehensive market research
  • TaskCollaborate with industry influencers to promote webinars through guest blogging or co-hosted webinars
  • TaskUtilize social media platforms to run targeted ad campaigns and attract potential attendees
  • Key ResultIncrease social media engagement related to webinars by 30% through interactive campaigns
  • TaskCreate engaging promotional graphics and videos to generate interest in webinars
  • TaskCollaborate with influencers or industry experts to co-host webinars for wider reach
  • TaskEncourage attendees to share their webinar experiences through interactive polls and Q&A sessions
  • TaskImplement a referral program to incentivize participants to invite others to join webinars
  • Key ResultGenerate 50 inbound leads per webinar through engaging content and effective promotion
  • TaskOptimize landing page and registration process to increase conversion rate
  • TaskContinuously measure and analyze webinar performance to identify areas for improvement
  • TaskCreate compelling and relevant content that resonates with target audience
  • TaskImplement effective promotion strategies across multiple platforms to reach wider audience

OKRs to enhance brand visibility and customer loyalty

  • ObjectiveEnhance brand visibility and customer loyalty
  • Key ResultImplement a loyalty program, acquiring at least 500 subscriptions
  • TaskResearch and outline structure for the proposed loyalty program
  • TaskDevelop marketing strategies to promote subscriptions
  • TaskMonitor and track acquired subscriptions regularly
  • Key ResultIncrease social media following by 30%
  • TaskCreate engaging content that incentivizes shares and likes
  • TaskPromote profiles through cross-platform collaborations
  • TaskImplement targeted ad campaigns to attract potential followers
  • Key ResultAchieve a 25% rise in brand mentions across online platforms
  • TaskCollaborate with influencers for brand promotion
  • TaskInitiate engaging social media campaigns to increase brand visibility
  • TaskImplement SEO strategies for better online visibility

OKRs to establish ourselves as cloud specialists with Atlassian

  • ObjectiveEstablish ourselves as cloud specialists with Atlassian
  • Key ResultAchieve a customer satisfaction rating of 4.5 stars or higher for our Atlassian cloud services
  • Key ResultGenerate at least 10 new leads for Atlassian cloud services through marketing campaigns
  • TaskCreate engaging social media posts promoting the benefits of Atlassian cloud services
  • TaskCollaborate with influencers to endorse Atlassian cloud services and increase brand visibility
  • TaskOptimize website content and implement SEO strategies to attract more organic traffic
  • TaskDevelop targeted email campaigns highlighting the features and advantages of Atlassian cloud services
  • Key ResultComplete 3 successful Atlassian cloud migration projects within the next quarter
  • Key ResultIncrease the number of Atlassian cloud certifications by 25%
  • TaskEnhance the availability of online training materials for Atlassian cloud certifications
  • TaskLaunch targeted marketing campaigns to promote the benefits of Atlassian cloud certifications
  • TaskOffer discounts or incentives for individuals who successfully complete Atlassian cloud certifications
  • TaskCollaborate with universities and educational institutions to integrate Atlassian cloud certifications into their curriculum

More OKR templates

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

OKRs resources

Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the Objectives and Key Results framework.