14 OKR examples for Quality Control

How you write your OKRs can make a huge difference on the impact that your team will have at the end of the quarter. But, it's not always easy to write a quarterly plan that focuses on outcomes instead of projects.

We have curated a selection of OKR examples specifically for Quality Control to assist you. Feel free to explore the templates below for inspiration in setting your own goals.

If you want to learn more about the framework, you can read more about the OKR meaning online.

Best practices for OKR

Your objectives should be ambitious, but achievable. Your key results should be measurable and time-bound. It can also be helfpul to list strategic initiatives under your key results, as it'll help you avoid the common mistake of listing projects in your KRs.

Building your own OKRs with AI

While we have some examples below, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. There are 2 options available to you.

- Use our free OKRs generator
- Use Tability, a complete platform to set and track OKRs and initiatives – including a GPT-4 powered goal generator

How to track OKRs

The rules of OKRs are simple. Quarterly OKRs should be tracked weekly, and yearly OKRs should be tracked monthly.

Most teams should start with a spreadsheet if they're using OKRs for the first time. Then, once you get comfortable you can graduate to a proper OKRs-tracking tool.

We recommend Tability for an easy way to set and track OKRs with your team.

Check out the 5 best OKR tracking templates to find the best way to monitor progress during the quarter.

Quality Control OKRs templates

The examples have Quality Control Objectives and Key Results, but they may also include the tasks that can help you get there.

OKRs to enhance architectural vision and delivery quality

  • ObjectiveEnhance architectural vision and delivery quality
  • Key ResultAchieve 90% client satisfaction rating for completed architectural projects
  • TaskFoster open communication for client queries
  • TaskRegularly monitor and evaluate client satisfaction
  • TaskImplement client feedback in final project designs
  • Key ResultIncrease departmental collaboration on innovative design concepts
  • TaskCreate shared online platform for design ideas discussion
  • TaskEstablish interdisciplinary project teams for innovation design
  • TaskImplement regular brainstorming sessions across different departments
  • Key ResultImplement 2 new quality control measures to optimize project delivery
  • TaskResearch effective quality control methods to address deficiencies
  • TaskIdentify two deficiencies in the current project delivery process
  • TaskDevelop and implement quality control measures based on research
Turn OKRs into a Strategy Map

OKRs to improve Product Stability and Quality

  • ObjectiveImprove Product Stability and Quality
  • Key ResultAchieve a product stability score of 90% in internal testing
  • TaskContinuously monitor and evaluate the product's stability throughout the testing phase
  • TaskImplement necessary optimizations and improvements to ensure a stability score of 90%
  • TaskIdentify and address any bugs or issues found during internal testing promptly
  • TaskPerform thorough and rigorous internal testing on the product
  • Key ResultReduce average product response time by 15%
  • Key ResultIncrease customer satisfaction rating by 10%
  • TaskPersonalize customer interactions by addressing them by name and anticipating their needs
  • TaskImprove response time to customer inquiries by implementing a live chat feature
  • TaskProvide additional training to customer service representatives to enhance their communication skills
  • TaskConduct customer feedback surveys to gather insights and identify areas for improvement
  • Key ResultReduce product defects by 20%

OKRs to amplify efficiency and scalability of Business Operations' internal processes

  • ObjectiveAmplify efficiency and scalability of Business Operations' internal processes
  • Key ResultIncrease team's operational efficiency by 25% through process automation and training
  • Key ResultReduce operational delays and errors by 30% via enhanced internal quality controls
  • TaskMonitor and assess performance for continuous improvement
  • TaskTrain employees on revised operational procedures
  • TaskImplement stringent quality control checks at each stage
  • Key ResultExpand the volume capacity by 20% through better resource allocation and staffing strategies
  • TaskReview current resource allocation for efficiency improvements
  • TaskImplement optimal staffing strategies to increase productivity
  • TaskSource additional resources to accommodate 20% volume increase

OKRs to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of our design system

  • ObjectiveImprove the effectiveness and efficiency of our design system
  • Key ResultReduce system-related design errors by 20%
  • TaskRegularly update system software to minimize glitches
  • TaskImplement rigorous quality control checks in the design process
  • TaskIncrease training for design team on error prevention
  • Key ResultImprove the reuse rate of the system components by 15%
  • TaskRegularly review component reuse metrics for constant improvement
  • TaskAnalyze current system components usage and identify areas for improvement
  • TaskImplement reusable software design strategies across the development team
  • Key ResultIncrease the user interface consistency by 30%
  • TaskDevelop guidelines to improve UI uniformity
  • TaskImplement changes and assess improvements
  • TaskAnalyze current UI elements for inconsistencies

OKRs to increase client satisfaction for better retention rate

  • ObjectiveIncrease client satisfaction for better retention rate
  • Key ResultImprove product quality to bring customer complaints down by 5%
  • TaskIncorporate customer feedback to rectify recurring issues
  • TaskInitiate robust product testing protocols to identify flaws
  • TaskEnhance quality control measures during production
  • Key ResultImplement a feedback mechanism to address at least 80% customer concerns
  • TaskTrain personnel on handling customer feedback
  • TaskDevelop a customer feedback form addressing common issues
  • TaskImplement feedback form into customer service procedures
  • Key ResultIncrease engagement efforts to achieve a 10% lift in customer interaction
  • TaskDevelop and promote new, engaging loyalty programs
  • TaskEnhance the mobile app for customer-friendly usage and interaction
  • TaskImplement a personalized email campaign targeting existing customers

OKRs to achieve full project implementation

  • ObjectiveAchieve full project implementation
  • Key ResultReduce project implementation errors by 50% through continuous quality control measures
  • Key ResultComplete all project milestones and deliverables within the set timeframe
  • TaskAssign responsibilities to team members and ensure clear communication channels
  • TaskImplement risk management strategies to mitigate potential delays and challenges
  • TaskRegularly review progress and make adjustments to ensure milestones are on track
  • TaskCreate a detailed project plan outlining tasks, deadlines, and deliverables
  • Key ResultIncrease project implementation progress by 25% each month
  • TaskSet clear project milestones and deadlines
  • TaskPromote effective collaboration and communication among project team members
  • TaskRegularly track and analyze project performance and identify bottlenecks
  • TaskAllocate additional resources or redefine tasks to expedite project implementation
  • Key ResultEnsure all project team members have received the necessary training and support for successful implementation
  • TaskMonitor and evaluate team members' progress and provide ongoing support
  • TaskAssess the training needs of all project team members
  • TaskSchedule training sessions and support sessions as needed
  • TaskProvide relevant training resources and materials

OKRs to and with quality

  • ObjectiveDeliver work with exceptional quality
  • Key ResultIncrease productivity by 25% through optimization of work processes
  • Key ResultIncrease the number of positive customer feedback by 50%
  • Key ResultAchieve a customer satisfaction rating of 95% or higher
  • Key ResultComplete 100% of tasks before the deadline

OKRs to successfully complete the GPU component

  • ObjectiveSuccessfully complete the GPU component
  • Key ResultReduce the number of performance issues found during testing by 50%
  • TaskIntegrate automated testing in the development process
  • TaskImplement thorough code reviews before initiating tests
  • TaskIncrease training sessions on effective coding practices
  • Key ResultQuality review passed in all 3 stages of the GPU component lifecycle
  • TaskUpdate GPU component lifecycle quality control procedures
  • TaskDiscuss the successful review outcome with the team
  • TaskDocument all observations during GPU component lifecycle stages
  • Key ResultAchieve 80% project milestone completions on GPU component development by the period end
  • TaskAssign experienced team for GPU component development
  • TaskRegularly track and review progress of project completion
  • TaskPrioritize daily tasks towards the project's milestones

OKRs to achieve optimal efficiency in engineering operations

  • ObjectiveAchieve optimal efficiency in engineering operations
  • Key ResultLower engineering error rates by 10% through enhanced quality control measures
  • TaskRegularly monitor and review error reports
  • TaskConduct regular training for quality control measures
  • TaskImplement rigorous testing protocols for every engineering process
  • Key ResultReduce operation downtime by 20% through improved preventative maintenance procedures
  • TaskImplement strict equipment servicing and inspection schedules
  • TaskDevelop detailed preventative maintenance protocols
  • TaskTrain personnel in efficient troubleshooting techniques
  • Key ResultIncrease operational efficiency by 15% via process improvement initiatives
  • TaskImplement new strategies to streamline processes
  • TaskRegularly assess and adjust improvements for optimal efficiency
  • TaskIdentify inefficiencies in current operational procedures

OKRs to build a process orchestration system

  • ObjectiveImprove process efficiency and effectiveness through an automated orchestration system
  • Key ResultIncrease process scalability by integrating the system with external tools and data sources
  • Key ResultAchieve a 90% reduction in manual errors by implementing automated quality checks and validations
  • TaskDevelop and implement automated quality check systems for error detection and prevention
  • TaskIdentify and analyze existing manual error-prone processes for automation
  • TaskContinuously refine and update automated validation procedures based on feedback and findings
  • TaskConduct regular audits to monitor the effectiveness of automated quality checks
  • Key ResultImprove user satisfaction by maintaining an average response time of less than 5 seconds
  • Key ResultReduce process execution time by 20% through system optimization and streamlined workflows
  • TaskStreamline and automate manual processes to eliminate unnecessary steps and reduce execution time
  • TaskAnalyze system performance bottlenecks to identify areas for optimization and improvement
  • TaskCollaborate with stakeholders to identify and resolve any workflow inefficiencies or bottlenecks
  • TaskPrioritize and implement software upgrades or patches to enhance system efficiency and performance

OKRs to achieve 100% compliance with relevant industry regulations and standards

  • ObjectiveEnsure regulatory compliance in all operations
  • Key ResultEstablish a system for continuous monitoring and reporting of compliance status
  • TaskDefine metrics to track compliance
  • TaskSchedule regular compliance audits
  • TaskEstablish communication protocol for reporting
  • TaskDesign compliance reporting dashboard
  • Key ResultAchieve 100% compliance with all relevant regulations and standards
  • TaskStay up-to-date with changes to regulations and standards
  • TaskConduct regular audits to ensure compliance
  • TaskProvide ongoing training to employees
  • TaskImplement measures to address non-compliance
  • Key ResultDevelop and implement an updated compliance training program for all employees
  • TaskLaunch new compliance training program online and in-person
  • TaskEvaluate effectiveness of updated program through employee feedback and assessments
  • TaskConduct a needs assessment to identify compliance training gaps
  • TaskCreate new, engaging training materials for all job functions
  • Key ResultConduct a full audit of all operations and identify areas of regulatory risk
  • TaskIdentify gaps in compliance procedures and create action plan
  • TaskReview each operation for compliance risks
  • TaskConduct training on regulations and compliance procedures
  • TaskEvaluate existing controls and their effectiveness

OKRs to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of our web crawler

  • ObjectiveEnhance the efficiency and accuracy of our web crawler
  • Key ResultImprove data accuracy to successfully capture 95% of web content
  • TaskUpgrade data capturing tools to capture wider web content
  • TaskRegularly train staff on data accuracy techniques
  • TaskImplement stringent data validation protocols in the system
  • Key ResultIncrease crawl rate by 30% while maintaining current system stability
  • TaskOptimize the crawler algorithm for efficiency
  • TaskUpgrade server capacity to handle increased crawl rate
  • TaskRegularly monitor system performance
  • Key ResultReduce false-positive crawl results by 15%
  • TaskOptimize web crawling algorithms for better accuracy
  • TaskImplement quality control checks on crawled data
  • TaskIncrease sample size for reviewing accuracy

OKRs to elevate understanding in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

  • ObjectiveElevate understanding in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
  • Key ResultComplete an advanced M&E online certification course with a final score of 85+%
  • TaskDedicate time daily for course content and study
  • TaskEnroll in an advanced M&E online certification course
  • TaskScore 85%+ on all assessments and the final exam
  • Key ResultOrganize and lead a knowledge-sharing session in M&E for colleagues
  • TaskIdentify relevant M&E topics to cover in the session
  • TaskSchedule a meeting date, time, and location
  • TaskPrepare and distribute informative materials for the session
  • Key ResultConduct two insightful case studies related to M&E methods by end of quarter
  • TaskConduct research and data collection for both case studies
  • TaskAnalyze data and write up both case studies
  • TaskIdentify relevant research topics for M&E methods case studies

OKRs to increase Internal Customer NPS

  • ObjectiveIncrease Internal Customer NPS
  • Key ResultImplement at least two new initiatives to enhance internal customer experience
  • TaskDevelop a comprehensive internal knowledge base to streamline information access and retrieval
  • TaskCreate a dedicated internal customer support team to provide timely assistance
  • TaskImplement regular training sessions to enhance communication and problem-solving skills
  • TaskConduct a survey to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement
  • Key ResultAchieve a 10% increase in internal customer NPS score
  • TaskConduct a survey to identify pain points and areas for improvement
  • TaskRegularly communicate updates on actions taken based on customer feedback
  • TaskProvide training to employees to improve customer service skills
  • TaskImplement feedback loops to address customer concerns and gather suggestions
  • Key ResultReduce internal customer complaints by 20% through proactive resolution and improved service
  • TaskStreamline processes and ensure effective coordination among different departments
  • TaskImplement a feedback system to identify potential issues and address them promptly
  • TaskConduct regular training sessions to improve communication and problem-solving skills
  • TaskEstablish quality control measures to track and monitor customer satisfaction levels
  • Key ResultIncrease internal customer satisfaction survey participation rate by 15%
  • TaskConduct regular meetings to communicate the importance of survey participation to employees
  • TaskOffer an incentive or reward for employees who actively participate in the survey
  • TaskSend personalized email reminders to employees to complete internal customer satisfaction survey
  • TaskSimplify the survey process by making it easily accessible and user-friendly

More OKR templates

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

OKRs resources

Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the Objectives and Key Results framework.