15 customisable OKR examples for Manager

What are Manager OKRs?

The Objective and Key Results (OKR) framework is a simple goal-setting methodology that was introduced at Intel by Andy Grove in the 70s. It became popular after John Doerr introduced it to Google in the 90s, and it's now used by teams of all sizes to set and track ambitious goals at scale.

How you write your OKRs can make a huge difference on the impact that your team will have at the end of the quarter. But, it's not always easy to write a quarterly plan that focuses on outcomes instead of projects.

That's why we have created a list of OKRs examples for Manager to help. You can use any of the templates below as a starting point to write your own goals.

If you want to learn more about the framework, you can read our OKR guide online.

Building your own Manager OKRs with AI

While we have some examples available, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. You can use our free AI generator below or our more complete goal-setting system to generate your own OKRs.

Feel free to explore our tools:

Our customisable Manager OKRs examples

You'll find below a list of Objectives and Key Results templates for Manager. We also included strategic projects for each template to make it easier to understand the difference between key results and projects.

Hope you'll find this helpful!

1OKRs to boost teamwork and development via regular manager-employee meetings

  • ObjectiveBoost teamwork and development via regular manager-employee meetings
  • Key ResultImplement a standardized meeting schedule for managers and their onsite teams by week 2
  • TaskSelect a consistent time and day for weekly manager-team meetings
  • TaskCommunicate proposed schedule to the managers and teams
  • TaskIncorporate feedback and finalize weekly meeting schedule
  • Key ResultAchieve a 20% increase in the employee development index by quarter end
  • TaskImplement mandatory professional development workshops
  • TaskFoster a mentorship program within the organization
  • TaskIncrease feedback and coaching sessions
  • Key ResultConduct at least two remote team-building activities each month
  • TaskFacilitate the planned team-building sessions
  • TaskSchedule the activities on team calendar
  • TaskIdentify suitable remote team-building exercises

2OKRs to enhance managerial skills and leadership qualities

  • ObjectiveEnhance managerial skills and leadership qualities
  • Key ResultComplete 2 relevant professional development courses
  • TaskFinish and submit all assignments or tests for course completion
  • TaskEnroll and actively participate in the selected courses
  • TaskIdentify 2 professional development courses relevant to your role
  • Key ResultReceive positive feedback from 75% of team members
  • TaskActively address issues and concerns raised by the team
  • TaskImplement a system for collecting team members' feedback
  • TaskConduct regular team meetings to discuss improvements and goals
  • Key ResultImprove team productivity by 20%
  • TaskEncourage continuous training and skill development
  • TaskSimplify workflow processes to reduce inefficiencies
  • TaskImplement regular team building exercises to boost morale

3OKRs to improve quarterly performance through consistent check-ins with manager

  • ObjectiveImprove quarterly performance through consistent check-ins with manager
  • Key ResultImplement suggestions from manager to enhance performance
  • TaskReview manager's suggestions carefully and clarify any doubts or queries
  • TaskOutline a concrete plan to apply suggested modifications structurally
  • TaskDaily monitor, measure and evaluate progress towards goals
  • Key ResultReview progress towards goals and receive feedback during meetings
  • TaskPrepare reports detailing goal progression
  • TaskSchedule regular meetings for progress reviews
  • TaskAsk for feedback during these meetings
  • Key ResultSchedule quarterly meeting with performance manager
  • TaskIdentify schedules that align between you and your performance manager
  • TaskDraft an email proposing the meeting time and agenda
  • TaskSend the email and confirm the meeting date

4OKRs to boost overall employee satisfaction and reduce turnover

  • ObjectiveBoost overall employee satisfaction and reduce turnover
  • Key ResultDecrease voluntary employee turnover rate by 10%
  • TaskImplement a comprehensive employee engagement and satisfaction program
  • TaskIncrease opportunities for employee advancement and skill development
  • TaskEnhance employee benefits and incentive packages
  • Key ResultIncrease employee engagement score by 15% in company-wide surveys
  • TaskImplement regular team-building events for employee bonding
  • TaskProvide regular recognition for employees' accomplishments
  • TaskConduct an open forum for feedback and suggestions
  • Key ResultEnhance internal promotion rate by 20%
  • TaskIncrease communication about available promotion opportunities
  • TaskImplement ongoing skills training for all employees
  • TaskDevelop clear promotion pathways with performance benchmarks

5OKRs to boost overall employee happiness levels

  • ObjectiveBoost overall employee happiness levels
  • Key ResultLaunch a peer recognition program to uplift morale by 5%
  • TaskDevelop a comprehensive, engaging recognition program
  • TaskImplement the program and track its results
  • TaskResearch effective peer recognition program strategies
  • Key ResultImplement weekly team-building activities, improving engagement scores by 7%
  • TaskMonitor engagement scores after each activity to evaluate improvement
  • TaskIdentify various interactive team-building activities suitable for weekly implementation
  • TaskSchedule consistent weekly slots for these team-building exercises
  • Key ResultEnhance work-life balance through flexible hours, reducing stress levels by 3%

6OKRs to improve relationships and delivery results with internet customers and project managers

  • ObjectiveImprove relationships and delivery results with internet customers and project managers
  • Key ResultIncrease customer satisfaction ratings by 25% through improved communication protocols and response times
  • TaskDevelop and enforce a timely customer response protocol
  • TaskImplement team training on effective communication and customer interaction
  • TaskRegularly review and adjust communication strategies based on customer feedback
  • Key ResultBoost customer retention rates by 15% through improved project management and after-sales follow-ups
  • TaskTrack and analyze customer retention metrics regularly
  • TaskDevelop an effective after-sales follow-up system
  • TaskImplement meticulous project management strategies for customer satisfaction
  • Key ResultSuccessfully complete 100% of projects within promised deadlines and budgets
  • TaskStreamline processes and eliminate unnecessary tasks
  • TaskPrioritize tasks based on urgency and available resources
  • TaskRegularly review and update budget and timeline

7OKRs to strengthen and Revitalize Marketing Department Functionality

  • ObjectiveStrengthen and Revitalize Marketing Department Functionality
  • Key ResultImplement two new strategic marketing initiatives
  • TaskIdentify potential marketing initiatives based on current market trends
  • TaskImplement and monitor the effectiveness of the new initiatives
  • TaskDevelop detailed plans and goals for two chosen initiatives
  • Key ResultIncrease team productivity by 25% measured through KPIs
  • TaskIncentivize timely task completion with rewards
  • TaskProvide training for efficient project management tools
  • TaskImplement daily stand-up meetings to streamline communication
  • Key ResultAchieve 30% rise in positive customer feedback on marketing efforts
  • TaskIncrease frequency of customer satisfaction surveys and feedback requests
  • TaskRevamp marketing strategies based on customers' preferences and needs
  • TaskStreamline communication channels for better customer engagement

8OKRs to streamline and enhance efficiency in a specific work lane

  • ObjectiveStreamline and enhance efficiency in a specific work lane
  • Key ResultIncrease staff productivity by 20% with relevant training and tools
  • TaskImplement tailored training programs addressing identified gaps
  • TaskProvide necessary tools and resources for upskilling
  • TaskIdentify specific skill gaps among the current staff
  • Key ResultReduce error rate by 15% through standardized procedures
  • TaskRegularly monitor and evaluate procedure adherence and effectiveness
  • TaskProvide training and guidance on new standardized procedures
  • TaskDevelop comprehensive, standardized procedures for all operations
  • Key ResultDecrease process completion time by 35% through the implementation of lean principles
  • TaskImplement lean principles to streamline flow
  • TaskIdentify inefficiencies in the current process
  • TaskMeasure, evaluate, and adjust for improvements

9OKRs to boost Site Traffic

  • ObjectiveBoost Site Traffic
  • Key ResultImprove website loading speed by 30% to enhance user experience and reduce bounce rates
  • TaskUtilize a content delivery network (CDN) to serve website content faster to users worldwide
  • TaskEnable browser caching to store static resources locally and speed up subsequent page visits
  • TaskOptimize images by compressing, resizing, and converting to a more web-friendly format
  • TaskMinify CSS and JavaScript files to reduce their file size and improve loading speed
  • Key ResultGrow social media traffic by 25% through targeted campaigns and compelling content
  • TaskCreate engaging and shareable content tailored to the identified target audience
  • TaskConduct in-depth audience research to identify target demographics and interests
  • TaskAnalyze and optimize campaign performance using analytics tools for continuous improvement
  • TaskUtilize social media advertising to reach a wider audience and increase visibility
  • Key ResultAchieve a 15% increase in referral traffic by actively engaging in guest blogging and collaborations
  • TaskRegularly track and analyze referral traffic data to monitor progress and identify areas for improvement
  • TaskResearch and identify popular guest blogging platforms and collaboration opportunities
  • TaskDevelop high-quality, engaging blog posts and content for guest blogging and collaborations
  • TaskReach out to potential partners and pitch guest blogging and collaboration ideas
  • Key ResultIncrease organic search traffic by 20% by optimizing website content and keywords
  • TaskOptimize existing website content by incorporating identified keywords and improving metadata
  • TaskConduct an in-depth keyword research to identify high-potential and relevant keywords
  • TaskImplement a backlink-building strategy to improve website authority and increase organic search rankings
  • TaskRegularly create and publish fresh, high-quality content that is optimized for targeted keywords

10OKRs to enhance the service quality for customer satisfaction

  • ObjectiveEnhance the service quality for customer satisfaction
  • Key ResultAchieve 98% on-time service delivery rate
  • TaskImplement efficient route planning and schedule system for deliveries
  • TaskUpgrade tracking and reporting mechanisms for more accuracy
  • TaskImprove staff training on time management and customer service
  • Key ResultIncrease service usage by 20%
  • TaskOffer promotions or discounts encouraging more frequent usage
  • TaskEnhance service features to improve customer satisfaction and retention
  • TaskImplement targeted marketing campaigns to reach more potential customers
  • Key ResultReduce customer complaints by 30%
  • TaskRegularly train staff in customer satisfaction strategies
  • TaskImplement and strictly follow customer service quality standards
  • TaskInspect complaint feedback and make required improvements

11OKRs to ensure cost-efficiency at Wonderfly Arena

  • ObjectiveEnsure cost-efficiency at Wonderfly Arena
  • Key ResultNegotiate vendor contracts to achieve at least a 10% reduction in expenses
  • TaskInitiate negotiation meetings with selected vendors
  • TaskPrepare negotiation strategies and proposals focusing on cost reduction
  • TaskAnalyze existing vendor contracts and identify over-expensive areas
  • Key ResultImplement a new tracking system for accurate financial record keeping
  • TaskResearch the best financial tracking systems available
  • TaskTrain staff on how to use the new system
  • TaskPurchase and install selected financial tracking system
  • Key ResultReduce operational costs by 15% through optimization of resources
  • TaskConsolidate work tasks to maximize staff productivity
  • TaskImplement energy-saving measures in all premises
  • TaskAutomate repetitive processes to minimize manual labor

12OKRs to enhance overall organizational efficiency and effectiveness

  • ObjectiveEnhance overall organizational efficiency and effectiveness
  • Key ResultHike employee productivity by 20% via holistic skill development programs
  • TaskImplement comprehensive skill development programs for all employees
  • TaskOffer frequent training courses focused on efficiency and productivity
  • TaskEncourage frequent inter-department knowledge sharing sessions
  • Key ResultIncrease internal process efficiency by 30% through streamlined workflow methods
  • TaskIdentify current operational bottlenecks impacting efficiency
  • TaskDevelop and implement streamlined workflow strategies
  • TaskMonitor and adjust strategies regularly for improvement
  • Key ResultDecrease operational costs by 15% through efficient resource utilization
  • TaskImplement energy-saving measures across all company operations
  • TaskOptimize supply chain management to reduce excess costs
  • TaskEnhance employee productivity through targeted training

13OKRs to enhance technical solution delivery for customer projects

  • ObjectiveEnhance technical solution delivery for customer projects
  • Key ResultReduce solution rollout errors by 25% by revamping testing processes
  • TaskTrain staff on new testing processes
  • TaskIdentify common errors in current solution rollout
  • TaskDevelop improved, thorough testing protocols
  • Key ResultIncrease project delivery efficiency by 30% using new architecture strategies
  • TaskTrain team members on using new strategies for project delivery
  • TaskImplement new architecture strategies across all project divisions
  • TaskMonitor and adjust strategies to ensure 30% efficiency increase
  • Key ResultImprove customer satisfaction scores by 15% through improved solution implementation
  • TaskIncorporate customer feedback into solution improvement processes
  • TaskMonitor and adjust solutions regularly for continuous improvement
  • TaskTrain team to effectively implement solutions with customer-focused approach

14OKRs to improve our team's productivity and efficiency

  • ObjectiveImprove our team's productivity and efficiency
  • Key ResultDecrease wastage of resources by 20%
  • TaskTrain staff on resource conservation strategies
  • TaskConduct regular equipment checks for optimal functionality
  • TaskImplement efficiency measures in production processes
  • Key ResultIncrease weekly team output by 15%
  • TaskMonitor, evaluate, and adjust work processes regularly
  • TaskEnhance staff skills through focused training
  • TaskImplement efficient work strategies and new productivity tools
  • Key ResultReduce project turnaround time by 25%
  • TaskDelegate responsibilities effectively among team members
  • TaskImplement time management techniques
  • TaskStreamline workflows and eliminate unnecessary steps

15OKRs to enhance internal controls for a zero-deficiency internal audit

  • ObjectiveEnhance internal controls for a zero-deficiency internal audit
  • Key ResultTrain all relevant personnel on the updated internal control processes
  • TaskIdentify personnel requiring updated controls training
  • TaskSchedule training sessions for identified personnel
  • TaskConduct evaluation post-training for effectiveness
  • Key ResultSuccessfully pass the internal audit with zero major findings
  • TaskConduct pre-audit checks to identify potential issues
  • TaskRegularly review and update company policies and procedures
  • TaskTrain staff on audit procedures and expectations
  • Key ResultImplement 100% of internal control recommendations from the previous audit
  • TaskReview past audit's internal control recommendations
  • TaskCreate an implementation plan for all recommendations
  • TaskCarry out the implementation plan effectively

Manager OKR best practices to boost success

Generally speaking, your objectives should be ambitious yet achievable, and your key results should be measurable and time-bound (using the SMART framework can be helpful). It is also recommended to list strategic initiatives under your key results, as it'll help you avoid the common mistake of listing projects in your KRs.

Here are a couple of best practices extracted from our OKR implementation guide 👇

Tip #1: Limit the number of key results

Focus can only be achieve by limiting the number of competing priorities. It is crucial that you take the time to identify where you need to move the needle, and avoid adding business-as-usual activities to your OKRs.

We recommend having 3-4 objectives, and 3-4 key results per objective. A platform like Tability can run audits on your data to help you identify the plans that have too many goals.

Tability Insights DashboardTability's audit dashboard will highlight opportunities to improve OKRs

Tip #2: Commit to weekly OKR check-ins

Having good goals is only half the effort. You'll get significant more value from your OKRs if you commit to a weekly check-in process.

Being able to see trends for your key results will also keep yourself honest.

Tability Insights DashboardTability's check-ins will save you hours and increase transparency

Tip #3: No more than 2 yellow statuses in a row

Yes, this is another tip for goal-tracking instead of goal-setting (but you'll get plenty of OKR examples above). But, once you have your goals defined, it will be your ability to keep the right sense of urgency that will make the difference.

As a rule of thumb, it's best to avoid having more than 2 yellow/at risk statuses in a row.

Make a call on the 3rd update. You should be either back on track, or off track. This sounds harsh but it's the best way to signal risks early enough to fix things.

How to turn your Manager OKRs in a strategy map

The rules of OKRs are simple. Quarterly OKRs should be tracked weekly, and yearly OKRs should be tracked monthly. Reviewing progress periodically has several advantages:

  • It brings the goals back to the top of the mind
  • It will highlight poorly set OKRs
  • It will surface execution risks
  • It improves transparency and accountability

Spreadsheets are enough to get started. Then, once you need to scale you can use a proper OKR platform to make things easier.

A strategy map in TabilityTability's Strategy Map makes it easy to see all your org's OKRs

If you're not yet set on a tool, you can check out the 5 best OKR tracking templates guide to find the best way to monitor progress during the quarter.

More Manager OKR templates

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

OKRs resources

Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the Objectives and Key Results framework.

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You can use Tability to create OKRs with AI – and keep yourself accountable 👀

Tability is a unique goal-tracking platform built to save hours at work and help teams stay on top of their goals.

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