6 OKR examples for Cost Optimization

Writing good OKRs can be hard, especially if it's your first time doing it. You'll need to center the focus of your plans around outcomes instead of projects.

We have curated a selection of OKR examples specifically for Cost Optimization to assist you. Feel free to explore the templates below for inspiration in setting your own goals.

If you want to learn more about the framework, you can read more about the OKR meaning online.

Best practices for OKR

Your objectives should be ambitious, but achievable. Your key results should be measurable and time-bound. It can also be helfpul to list strategic initiatives under your key results, as it'll help you avoid the common mistake of listing projects in your KRs.

Building your own OKRs with AI

While we have some examples below, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. There are 2 options available to you.

- Use our free OKRs generator
- Use Tability, a complete platform to set and track OKRs and initiatives – including a GPT-4 powered goal generator

How to track OKRs

Quarterly OKRs should have weekly updates to get all the benefits from the framework.

Spreadsheets are enough to get started. Then, once you need to scale you can use a proper OKRs-tracking platform to make things easier.

We recommend Tability for an easy way to set and track OKRs with your team.

Check out the 5 best OKR tracking templates to find the best way to monitor progress during the quarter.

Cost Optimization OKRs templates

The examples have Cost Optimization Objectives and Key Results, but they may also include the tasks that can help you get there.

OKRs to increase cost management efficiency for people and operations

  • ObjectiveIncrease cost management efficiency for people and operations
  • Key ResultImplement cost tracking system to monitor and analyze spend across departments
  • TaskTrain department heads in cost tracking system usage
  • TaskLaunch system and begin monitoring departmental expenses
  • TaskSelect cost tracking software suitable for our business needs
  • Key ResultTrain managers on cost management best practices to mitigate overspending
  • TaskFollow-up on training effectiveness and changes
  • TaskIdentify experts to guide practice implementation
  • TaskArrange cost management training seminars for managers
  • Key ResultReduce operational costs by 10% through process optimization and automation
  • TaskConduct a thorough assessment of current operational processes
  • TaskImplement process optimization and automation strategies
  • TaskIdentify inefficiencies and areas for automation
Turn OKRs into a Strategy Map

OKRs to significantly reduce Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) for our mobile app

  • ObjectiveSignificantly reduce Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) for our mobile app
  • Key ResultImprove app store optimizations to increase organic downloads by 20%
  • TaskLeverage user feedback for app improvement
  • TaskReview and enhance keyword strategy in app descriptions
  • TaskOptimize app icon and screenshots for better visibility
  • Key ResultEnhance referral program to increase organic acquisition by 30%
  • TaskRedesign referral incentives to make them more attractive
  • TaskImplement user-friendly referral process in the app/website
  • TaskLaunch marketing campaign to promote referral program
  • Key ResultImplement A/B tests on marketing channels to enhance conversion rates by 15%
  • TaskIdentify key variables for A/B testing in current marketing channels
  • TaskAnalyze results, identify successful variables, implement changes
  • TaskPlan and execute A/B tests in the identified marketing channels
  • Key ResultDecrease app installation cost by 25% through optimizing ad targeting
  • TaskAnalyze user data to better understand our successful app installation demographics
  • TaskMonitor and adjust ad campaigns based on performance metrics
  • TaskRefine ad targeting parameters based on this analysis

OKRs to optimize CPA by reducing it by 15%

  • ObjectiveDecrease CPA by 15%
  • Key ResultIdentify and pause underperforming campaigns
  • TaskPause or adjust campaigns that consistently underperform benchmarks
  • TaskReview campaign performance metrics
  • TaskDetermine performance benchmarks for each campaign
  • TaskCompare benchmarks to current campaign performance
  • Key ResultOptimize landing pages for higher conversion rates
  • TaskIncrease page load speed by optimizing images and minimizing text
  • TaskSimplify form fields and reduce the number of required inputs
  • TaskConduct A/B testing to determine optimal page layout
  • TaskCreate clear call-to-action button with contrasting color and placement
  • Key ResultPerform a comprehensive audit of current campaigns
  • TaskReview campaign goals and success metrics
  • TaskEvaluate ad copy and creative effectiveness
  • TaskAnalyze audience targeting and segmentation
  • TaskAssess budget allocation and ROI
  • Key ResultIncrease bids on top-performing campaigns
  • TaskMonitor campaign performance to evaluate the effectiveness of bid increases
  • TaskIdentify top-performing campaigns
  • TaskImplement bid increases on identified campaigns
  • TaskAnalyze performance data to determine bid increase percentage

OKRs to efficiently migrate services and databases to Google Cloud

  • ObjectiveEfficiently migrate services and databases to Google Cloud
  • Key ResultAchieve minimal downtime during the migration process
  • TaskConduct regular communication regarding the migration process with all relevant stakeholders
  • TaskPerform a thorough assessment of the existing infrastructure and identify potential issues
  • TaskDevelop a detailed migration plan with clear timelines and allocated resources
  • TaskImplement redundancy measures and backup systems to minimize the impact of any disruptions
  • Key ResultOptimize costs by analyzing and implementing cost-effective solutions in Google Cloud
  • TaskIdentify and eliminate any unnecessary services or resources to reduce expenses
  • TaskRegularly monitor and review cost reports and adjust strategies accordingly
  • TaskResearch and implement more cost-effective alternatives or optimized configurations for existing services
  • TaskConduct a thorough analysis of current Google Cloud services and associated costs
  • Key ResultEnsure seamless data migration from existing databases to Google Cloud
  • TaskPerform necessary data cleansing and transformation to ensure compatibility with Google Cloud
  • TaskAssess current database structure and data volume for smooth migration planning
  • TaskCreate a detailed data migration strategy outlining steps, tools, and timelines
  • TaskExecute step-by-step migration process, verifying data integrity and minimizing downtime
  • Key ResultSuccessfully migrate all services from current platform to Google Cloud

OKRs to optimize AWS Costs

  • ObjectiveOptimize AWS Costs
  • Key ResultDecrease monthly AWS spend by 15% compared to the previous quarter
  • TaskImplement automatic scaling and resource utilization monitoring for cost-effective resource provisioning
  • TaskImplement AWS Cost Explorer to analyze spending patterns and identify optimization opportunities
  • TaskOptimize EC2 instances and remove unused resources to reduce AWS usage costs
  • TaskUtilize Reserved Instances and Savings Plans to save on compute and database service costs
  • Key ResultIdentify and eliminate any unnecessary or unused AWS resources
  • TaskRemove or terminate any unnecessary or redundant AWS resources immediately
  • TaskEvaluate the purpose and necessity of each identified unused resource
  • TaskRegularly monitor and audit AWS resources to ensure ongoing resource optimization
  • TaskReview all AWS resources to identify any that are not actively being used
  • Key ResultImplement cost-saving measures, such as Reserved Instances and Spot Instances utilization
  • Key ResultConduct regular cost analysis to track and report savings achieved from optimization efforts
  • TaskCompile a comprehensive report showcasing the achieved savings and present it to stakeholders
  • TaskReview cost data and compare it to previous periods to identify potential savings
  • TaskAnalyze cost drivers and evaluate opportunities for optimization in different areas
  • TaskImplement a system to regularly track and monitor ongoing optimization efforts and cost savings

OKRs to decrease user acquisition cost for our mobile app

  • ObjectiveDecrease user acquisition cost for our mobile app
  • Key ResultImprove advertisement click-through rate by 15% with targeted marketing campaigns
  • TaskMonitor, analyze, and optimize campaign performance regularly
  • TaskImplement targeted ad campaigns based on identified personas
  • TaskResearch customer behavior to create detailed audience personas
  • Key ResultReduce average acquisition cost per user by 25%
  • TaskIncrease targeting precision in ad campaigns
  • TaskAnalyze and optimize current marketing strategies
  • TaskEnhance the retention strategies for existing customers
  • Key ResultIncrease organic app downloads by 30% through app store optimization
  • TaskPromotion through positive user reviews and ratings
  • TaskDevelop compelling app descriptions and attractive icons
  • TaskConduct keyword research to improve app store search ranking

More OKR templates

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

OKRs resources

Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the Objectives and Key Results framework.