OKR template to streamline Sign in and Registration process on eCommerce Website

public-lib · Published 3 months ago

The primary goal outlined in this OKR is streamlining the sign-in and registration process for an eCommerce website. The objective focuses on enhancing user experience by making the registration and sign-in process less complex and time-consuming. This optimization effort is aimed, in part, at reducing support tickets related to these processes.

The first metric for success stipulates a 15% reduction in support tickets related to sign-in and registration. Initiatives for achieving this include conducting usability testing to identify problematic areas, implementing a more user-friendly process, and providing easily understandable instructions for sign-ups.

The second success factor is a decrease in the average sign-in time by 30%. Initiatives proposed to achieve this include the implementation of an auto-fill option for returning users, website load time optimization, and the removal of unnecessary steps from the sign-in process.

The final success indicator is a 20% increase in the conversion rate for registration. Steps meant to facilitate this growth include improving website speed and usability, offering incentives to users for completing sign-ups, and simplification of the registration form.
  • ObjectiveStreamline Sign in and Registration process on eCommerce Website
  • Key ResultReduce sign in and registration related support tickets by 15%
  • TaskConduct site-wide usability testing to identify problem areas
  • TaskImplement user-friendly, intuitive sign in and registration process
  • TaskProvide clear, simple instructions for the sign-up process
  • Key ResultDecrease average sign in time by 30%
  • TaskImplement auto-fill option for returning users
  • TaskOptimize website's load time for faster access
  • TaskStreamline the sign in process by removing unnecessary steps
  • Key ResultIncrease registration conversion rate by 20%
  • TaskImprove website speed and usability
  • TaskOffer incentives for completing sign-ups
  • TaskSimplify registration form to only essential information
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