OKR template to amplify the voice of our current customer base

public-lib · Published 9 months ago

The OKR aims to broaden the influence of the company's existing clientele. The first objective is to improve the response rate on customer satisfaction reviews by 20% from the current rate. This is to be achieved through three strategies: introducing rewards for completed customer satisfaction reviews, optimizing review request timing for better engagement, and sending reminders for incomplete reviews.

The second objective is to engage more customers in user experience surveys. A 25% increase in engagement is targeted. This ambitious goal will be realized through tactics like enhancing survey advertisement across all media channels, crafting an engaging survey invitation, and providing incentives or rewards for survey participants.

The final objective under this OKR is to increase customer feedback submission by 30%. This would be possible with initiatives such as creating a user-friendly feedback form on the company's website, offering incentives to customers who provide feedback, and frequently emphasizing the significance of customer feedback.

This OKR is oriented towards developing a stronger customer base and enhancing customer participation. The initiatives under each target are comprehensive, covering everything from scheduling reviews to feedback collection. It also emphasizes the value of customers' input and outlines steps to improve customer engagement.
  • ObjectiveAmplify the voice of our current customer base
  • Key ResultImprove response rate on customer satisfaction reviews by 20%
  • TaskIntroduce incentives for completed customer satisfaction reviews
  • TaskOptimize review request timing for increased engagement
  • TaskSend reminders for pending review completion
  • Key ResultEngage 25% more customers in user experience surveys
  • TaskBoost survey advertisement across all media platforms
  • TaskDevelop a compelling invitation for participation in surveys
  • TaskOffer incentives or rewards for survey participation
  • Key ResultIncrease customer feedback submission by 30%
  • TaskImplement a user-friendly feedback form on our website
  • TaskOffer incentives for customers who provide feedback
  • TaskRegularly promote the importance of customer feedback
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