5 OKR examples for Content Marketer

Writing good OKRs can be hard, especially if it's your first time doing it. You'll need to center the focus of your plans around outcomes instead of projects.

We have curated a selection of OKR examples specifically for Content Marketer to assist you. Feel free to explore the templates below for inspiration in setting your own goals.

If you want to learn more about the framework, you can read more about the OKR meaning online.

Best practices for OKR

Your objectives should be ambitious, but achievable. Your key results should be measurable and time-bound. It can also be helfpul to list strategic initiatives under your key results, as it'll help you avoid the common mistake of listing projects in your KRs.

Building your own OKRs with AI

While we have some examples below, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. There are 2 options available to you.

- Use our free OKRs generator
- Use Tability, a complete platform to set and track OKRs and initiatives – including a GPT-4 powered goal generator

How to track OKRs

OKRs without regular progress updates are just KPIs. You'll need to update progress on your OKRs every week to get the full benefits from the framework.

Spreadsheets are enough to get started. Then, once you need to scale you can use a proper OKRs-tracking platform to make things easier.

We recommend Tability for an easy way to set and track OKRs with your team.

Check out the 5 best OKR tracking templates to find the best way to monitor progress during the quarter.

Content Marketer OKRs templates

The examples have Content Marketer Objectives and Key Results, but they may also include the tasks that can help you get there.

OKRs to optimize evergreen funnel to boost inbound discovery calls

  • ObjectiveOptimize evergreen funnel to boost inbound discovery calls
  • Key ResultIncrease inbound discovery calls by 20% through funnel optimization
  • TaskOptimize website landing pages to boost conversions
  • TaskEnhance content marketing to attract potential leads
  • TaskReview and update SEO strategy for improved organic traffic
  • Key ResultReduce bounce rates by 15% on funnel landing pages
  • TaskCreate engaging, relevant content on landing pages
  • TaskImprove website loading speed for seamless user experience
  • TaskOptimize website design for mobile users
  • Key ResultImprove call-to-action click-through rate by 10% on the funnel pages
  • TaskOptimize page load speed to prevent drop-offs
  • TaskAdjust copywriting techniques to improve user engagement
  • TaskRedesign call-to-action buttons for better visibility and clarity
Turn OKRs into a Strategy Map

OKRs to increase search ranking

  • ObjectiveIncrease search ranking
  • Key ResultAchieve a top 5 ranking for at least 5 target keywords
  • TaskConduct keyword research to identify the most relevant and valuable target keywords
  • TaskOptimize website content and meta tags based on chosen target keywords
  • TaskImplement a strategic link building campaign to increase website's authority
  • TaskContinuously monitor and analyze keyword rankings and make adjustments accordingly
  • Key ResultIncrease organic website traffic by 20%
  • TaskPromote website through social media platforms and engage with the audience
  • TaskCollaborate with influencers or industry experts for guest blogging or partnerships
  • TaskRegularly publish high-quality, SEO-friendly blog posts and articles
  • TaskOptimize website content with relevant keywords and meta tags
  • Key ResultIncrease the number of indexed pages by 15%
  • TaskGenerate high-quality and relevant content to expand website's indexable pages
  • TaskImplement XML sitemap and submit to search engines for better indexing
  • TaskOptimize website structure and navigation for improved crawlability
  • TaskIncrease internal linking to help search engines discover and index more pages
  • Key ResultImprove domain authority score by 10 points
  • TaskOptimize on-page content by adding relevant keywords and improving internal linking structure
  • TaskCreate high-quality and shareable content to attract natural backlinks from other websites
  • TaskIncrease backlinks by reaching out to authoritative websites in the same niche
  • TaskRegularly monitor and disavow any spammy or low-quality backlinks to maintain a clean link profile

OKRs to increase brand awareness and credibility through webinars

  • ObjectiveIncrease brand awareness and credibility through webinars
  • Key ResultAchieve a webinar attendee satisfaction rate of 90% through post-webinar surveys
  • Key ResultIncrease webinar attendance by 25% through targeted marketing efforts
  • TaskCreate engaging and informative promotional content for webinars across relevant marketing channels
  • TaskIdentify target audience segments and preferences through comprehensive market research
  • TaskCollaborate with industry influencers to promote webinars through guest blogging or co-hosted webinars
  • TaskUtilize social media platforms to run targeted ad campaigns and attract potential attendees
  • Key ResultIncrease social media engagement related to webinars by 30% through interactive campaigns
  • TaskCreate engaging promotional graphics and videos to generate interest in webinars
  • TaskCollaborate with influencers or industry experts to co-host webinars for wider reach
  • TaskEncourage attendees to share their webinar experiences through interactive polls and Q&A sessions
  • TaskImplement a referral program to incentivize participants to invite others to join webinars
  • Key ResultGenerate 50 inbound leads per webinar through engaging content and effective promotion
  • TaskOptimize landing page and registration process to increase conversion rate
  • TaskContinuously measure and analyze webinar performance to identify areas for improvement
  • TaskCreate compelling and relevant content that resonates with target audience
  • TaskImplement effective promotion strategies across multiple platforms to reach wider audience

OKRs to establish a successful YouTube channel

  • ObjectiveEstablish a successful YouTube channel
  • Key ResultReach 10,000 total views on all videos combined
  • TaskCreate and publish engaging and high-quality videos consistently
  • TaskCollaborate with influencers or popular YouTubers for broader reach
  • TaskPromote videos across different social media platforms
  • Key ResultCreate and publish 20 high-quality videos by end of next quarter
  • TaskEdit, review and publish the videos
  • TaskSchedule and conduct filming sessions
  • TaskIdentify topics and draft outlines for 20 videos
  • Key ResultSecure a minimum of 500 subscribers on the channel
  • TaskCreate engaging content relevant to target audience
  • TaskImplement a subscriber referral reward system
  • TaskPromote the channel through social media ad campaigns

OKRs to enhance audience nurturing for improved policy acquisition

  • ObjectiveEnhance audience nurturing for improved policy acquisition
  • Key ResultIncrease the quote-to-policy conversion rate by 20% through audience nurturing efforts
  • TaskEnhance user experience on conversion platforms
  • TaskImplement a personalized email follow-up strategy
  • TaskDevelop a targeted content marketing plan
  • Key ResultDevelop and implement at least two new nurturing strategies or campaigns
  • TaskDevise two unique nurturing campaign plans
  • TaskLaunch and monitor campaign effectiveness regularly
  • TaskResearch current market trends and effective nurturing strategies
  • Key ResultReduce the time from quote to policy purchase by 15% with nurturing touchpoints
  • TaskDevelop quick, user-friendly online purchasing system
  • TaskImplement automated follow-up emails after quote
  • TaskProvide informational content about policies regularly

More OKR templates

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

OKRs resources

Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the Objectives and Key Results framework.