15 customisable OKR examples for Strategies

What are Strategies OKRs?

The Objective and Key Results (OKR) framework is a simple goal-setting methodology that was introduced at Intel by Andy Grove in the 70s. It became popular after John Doerr introduced it to Google in the 90s, and it's now used by teams of all sizes to set and track ambitious goals at scale.

Crafting effective OKRs can be challenging, particularly for beginners. Emphasizing outcomes rather than projects should be the core of your planning.

We have a collection of OKRs examples for Strategies to give you some inspiration. You can use any of the templates below as a starting point for your OKRs.

If you want to learn more about the framework, you can read our OKR guide online.

Building your own Strategies OKRs with AI

While we have some examples available, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. You can use our free AI generator below or our more complete goal-setting system to generate your own OKRs.

Feel free to explore our tools:

Our customisable Strategies OKRs examples

You will find in the next section many different Strategies Objectives and Key Results. We've included strategic initiatives in our templates to give you a better idea of the different between the key results (how we measure progress), and the initiatives (what we do to achieve the results).

Hope you'll find this helpful!

1OKRs to implement effective project risk management strategies

  • ObjectiveImprove project risk management
  • Key ResultReduce overall project risk by 20% through early identification and mitigation
  • Key ResultIncrease team's risk management maturity level by 2 points through training and coaching
  • Key ResultImplement a risk management tracking tool with 100% team adoption and utilization
  • Key ResultReduce project delay and budget overruns by 15% through proactive risk monitoring and response

2OKRs to drive business expansion through innovative strategies

  • ObjectiveDrive business expansion through innovative strategies
  • Key ResultSecure two strategic partnerships for innovation collaboration
  • TaskReach out initiating discussions for collaboration
  • TaskNegotiate and finalize partnership agreements
  • TaskIdentify potential partners aligned with our innovation goals
  • Key ResultIncrease innovation portfolio returns by at least 20%
  • TaskExpand business partnerships for diverse insights
  • TaskInvest in research and employee training programs
  • TaskImplement new technologies to optimize processes
  • Key ResultDevelop and initiate 3 new high-impact innovative projects
  • TaskFormulate project plans detailing the execution strategy
  • TaskInitiate the projects by gathering necessary resources
  • TaskIdentify potential areas for high-impact innovative projects

3OKRs to improve indirect purchasing to support HR's talent strategies

  • ObjectiveImprove indirect purchasing to support HR's talent strategies
  • Key ResultNegotiate 10% cost reduction in vendor contracts for HR tools and services
  • TaskDevelop a negotiation strategy focusing on cost reduction
  • TaskIdentify key vendors and analyze existing contracts for negotiation leverage
  • TaskOrganize meetings with vendors to discuss contract renegotiations
  • Key ResultEstablish long-term partnerships with 3 quality talent sourcing agencies
  • TaskSchedule meetings to discuss partnership opportunities
  • TaskResearch and identify potential talent sourcing agencies
  • TaskNegotiate and finalize the agreements
  • Key ResultImplement benefits package appealing to 85% of potential talents by surveying industry standards
  • TaskConduct a survey of industry standards for benefits packages
  • TaskAnalyze survey results to identify popular benefits
  • TaskDesign benefits package based on analyzed data

4OKRs to increase revenue by optimizing sales strategies and processes

  • ObjectiveIncrease revenue by optimizing sales strategies and processes
  • Key ResultImprove customer retention rate by 15% through targeted loyalty programs and personalized communication
  • TaskAnalyze customer data to identify preferences and develop personalized loyalty program offers
  • TaskConduct regular surveys to gather customer feedback and identify areas for improvement
  • TaskImplement automated system for personalized communication through email, SMS, and social media
  • TaskMonitor, track, and evaluate the effectiveness of loyalty programs and communication strategies
  • Key ResultImplement a streamlined sales pipeline, reducing the time from lead to conversion by 20%
  • Key ResultAcquire 100 new high-value customers through targeted marketing campaigns
  • Key ResultIncrease average order value by 10% through upselling and cross-selling techniques
  • TaskCreate visually appealing and persuasive product displays to encourage add-on sales
  • TaskTrain sales team on effective upselling and cross-selling strategies
  • TaskOffer bundled discounts for purchasing complementary products together
  • TaskImplement personalized product recommendations based on customer browsing and purchase history

5OKRs to increase contract bookings significantly

  • ObjectiveIncrease contract bookings significantly
  • Key ResultGenerate 10% more qualified leads through targeted marketing campaigns
  • TaskImplement targeted marketing strategies across various platforms
  • TaskIdentify customer demographics for highly personalized ads
  • TaskEvaluate and optimize campaigns based on lead generation metrics
  • Key ResultSecure 15% more contract bookings compared to last quarter over the next quarter
  • TaskIncrease marketing efforts towards client acquisition
  • TaskImprove and promote contract discount incentives
  • TaskIdentify and target new potential clients for contract bookings
  • Key ResultImprove contract completion rate to 85% with no escalation or issues
  • TaskImplement thorough contract review to find potential obstacles
  • TaskConduct continuous improvement training for better contract execution
  • TaskProvide timely support and guidance to the contracting team

6OKRs to establish robust strategies to prevent newsroom sellouts

  • ObjectiveEstablish robust strategies to prevent newsroom sellouts
  • Key ResultInstigate strict vendor vetting procedures that reduce sellout risk by 30%
  • TaskIntroduce mandatory background checks for all potential vendors
  • TaskDevelop strict criteria for vendor performance evaluation
  • TaskImplement mandatory sellout risk training for procurement team
  • Key ResultImplement newsroom integrity training for 80% of journalistic staff
  • TaskSchedule training sessions for journalism staff
  • TaskMonitor and track staff participation rates
  • TaskDevelop a comprehensive newsroom integrity training curriculum
  • Key ResultDevelop a comprehensive risk assessment protocol for potential sellouts by 25%
  • TaskIdentify potential sellout products and their current market demand
  • TaskCreate mitigation strategies for potential risks
  • TaskEvaluate potential financial impact of a 25% sellout

7OKRs to implement machine learning strategies to cut customer attrition

  • ObjectiveImplement machine learning strategies to cut customer attrition
  • Key ResultDecrease monthly churn rate by 15% through the application of predictive insights
  • TaskPrioritize customer retention strategies with predictive modeling
  • TaskEnhance user engagement based on predictive insights
  • TaskImplement predictive analytics for customer behavior patterns
  • Key ResultImplement machine learning solutions in 85% of our customer-facing interactions
  • TaskDevelop and test relevant ML models for these interactions
  • TaskIdentify customer interactions where machine learning can be applied
  • TaskIntegrate ML models into the existing customer interface
  • Key ResultIncrease accurate churn prediction rates by 25% with a refined machine learning model
  • TaskGather and analyze data for evaluating churn rates
  • TaskIntensify machine learning training on accurate prediction
  • TaskImplement and test refined machine learning model

8OKRs to enhance support for junior recruiters

  • ObjectiveEnhance support for junior recruiters
  • Key ResultProvide 10 training programs on effective recruitment strategies by end of the quarter
  • TaskIdentify relevant topics for the 10 training programs
  • TaskWrite the curricula for each training program
  • TaskOrganize resources and schedule the training sessions
  • Key ResultAchieve a 90% satisfaction rate on mentors' guidance from junior recruiters
  • TaskRegularly review and improve mentoring strategies
  • TaskCollect feedback from recruiters after each mentoring session
  • TaskImplement mentor training focusing on recruiters' needs
  • Key ResultReduce onboarding time for new recruiters by 30% through streamlined processes
  • TaskDevelop a mentoring program for new hires
  • TaskImplement a digital onboarding system
  • TaskUpdate training materials for better efficiency

9OKRs to elevate brand awareness and conversion rates through dynamic marketing strategies

  • ObjectiveElevate brand awareness and conversion rates through dynamic marketing strategies
  • Key ResultAchieve a 15% increase in social media engagement through intriguing content
  • TaskMonitor audience engagement trends and adjust strategies accordingly
  • TaskRegularly update social media with intriguing, resonating materials
  • TaskIdentify trending topics for more relevant, engaging content
  • Key ResultIncrease website traffic by 20% through improved SEO techniques
  • TaskBoost local SEO by improving the quality of backlinks
  • TaskIncorporate relevant keywords throughout the website content
  • TaskOptimize website for mobile and page loading speed
  • Key ResultGenerate a 10% uplift in online sales from effective email marketing campaigns
  • TaskSegment customer base for personalized, targeted email campaigns
  • TaskTest and optimize email subject lines for open rates
  • TaskAnalyze campaign data to improve future email strategies

10OKRs to enhance triggering and conversion rates through effective marketing strategies

  • ObjectiveEnhance triggering and conversion rates through effective marketing strategies
  • Key ResultElevate conversion rates by 10% via optimizing the website's landing page
  • TaskImprove loading speed of the landing page
  • TaskCreate engaging, relevant content for the audience
  • TaskConduct A/B testing on various landing page designs
  • Key ResultBoost social media engagement by 30% through regular, quality content posting
  • TaskDevelop engaging, relevant content that encourages interaction
  • TaskCreate a consistent posting schedule for all social media platforms
  • TaskImplement promotional strategies to increase post visibility
  • Key ResultIncrease the Open Rate of marketing emails by 25%
  • TaskSegment email list for targeted, personalized content
  • TaskTest different sending times and days
  • TaskImprove subject lines to be more enticing and relevant

11OKRs to accelerate the company's hiring process

  • ObjectiveAccelerate the company's hiring process
  • Key ResultIncrease the hired candidates by 30%
  • TaskEnhance recruitment strategies to attract more potential candidates
  • TaskImplement incentives for employee referrals
  • TaskInvest in further recruiter training and resources
  • Key ResultImprove job postings to attract 20% more candidate applications
  • TaskIncrease job posting visibility across multiple platforms
  • TaskHighlight benefits, company culture, and growth opportunities
  • TaskRevise job descriptions to include clear and detailed responsibilities
  • Key ResultShorten the interview process to a maximum of two weeks
  • TaskSchedule back-to-back interviews to hasten decision-making
  • TaskImplement preliminary screening calls to weed out unsuitable candidates
  • TaskStreamline interview questions, focusing on crucial ones only

12OKRs to improve stakeholder engagement and communication plan to enhance project success

  • ObjectiveImprove stakeholder engagement and communication plan to enhance project success
  • Key ResultIncrease stakeholder satisfaction rating by 10% through improved communication and engagement strategies
  • TaskCreate an online platform to provide stakeholders with easy access to information and updates
  • TaskEstablish a consistent schedule for stakeholder meetings and ensure relevant topics are discussed
  • TaskImplement regular surveys to gather stakeholder feedback and identify areas for improvement
  • TaskDevelop targeted communication strategies to effectively reach and engage stakeholders
  • Key ResultConduct stakeholder feedback survey to measure effectiveness of the communication and engagement plan
  • TaskAnalyze survey responses to identify areas of improvement for the communication and engagement plan
  • TaskImplement changes based on survey findings to enhance effectiveness of communication and engagement strategies
  • TaskConduct a follow-up survey to assess the impact of implemented changes and gather additional feedback
  • TaskCreate and distribute stakeholder feedback survey to gather opinions and suggestions
  • Key ResultIdentify and prioritize key stakeholders by analyzing their influence and interest in the project
  • TaskAssess influence levels of stakeholders by analyzing their past involvement and decision-making power
  • TaskDetermine stakeholders' level of interest in the project through surveys, interviews, or feedback sessions
  • TaskPrioritize stakeholders based on their influence and the level of interest they hold
  • TaskConduct stakeholder analysis to identify individuals or organizations involved in the project
  • Key ResultImplement at least three initiatives aimed at strengthening relationships with key stakeholders

13OKRs to enhance employee recruitment, mentorship and development strategies

  • ObjectiveEnhance employee recruitment, mentorship and development strategies
  • Key ResultRecruit and onboard 15 new high-potential employees
  • TaskIdentify talent through LinkedIn and job board searches
  • TaskArrange interviews with selected candidates
  • TaskDevelop comprehensive onboarding plan for new hires
  • Key ResultEstablish mentorship programs impacting 80% of team
  • TaskIdentify potential mentors within the organization
  • TaskDevelop a structured mentorship program outline
  • TaskImplement program and monitor participation rates
  • Key ResultEnsure 70% of employees engage in at least one development program
  • TaskMonitor and announce progress towards target regularly
  • TaskPromote benefits of development programs to all staff
  • TaskOversee individual sign-ups for at least one program

14OKRs to streamline financial processes for enhanced profit growth

  • ObjectiveStreamline financial processes for enhanced profit growth
  • Key ResultIncrease net profit margin by 10% through operational efficiencies
  • TaskIncrease pricing strategy efficiency to boost profit
  • TaskStreamline supply chain to reduce operational expenses
  • TaskImplement cost-saving measures in production processes
  • Key ResultImprove financial forecasting accuracy by 15% through use of advanced analytics
  • TaskTrain staff on accurate use of analytics tools
  • TaskContinually assess and refine forecasting model accuracy
  • TaskImplement advanced analytics software for financial forecasting
  • Key ResultImplement two new innovative cost-reduction strategies by the end of the quarter
  • TaskDevelop a detailed plan for implementation
  • TaskResearch and identify potential cost-reduction strategies
  • TaskExecute and monitor the new strategies

15OKRs to attain IIBA ECBA certification

  • ObjectiveAttain IIBA ECBA certification
  • Key ResultScore 80% consistently in mock ECBA practice exams
  • Key ResultFinalize proven test strategies and apply on practice ECBA exams to ensure readiness
  • TaskApply strategies on practice ECBA exams
  • TaskReview and finalize current test strategies
  • TaskEvaluate performance to ensure exam readiness
  • Key ResultComplete preparation of 70% of total ECBA study material within first few weeks
  • TaskCreate a structured study schedule based on the ECBA syllabus
  • TaskDedicate specific hours daily for focused study sessions
  • TaskRegularly review progress to ensure 70% completion

Strategies OKR best practices to boost success

Generally speaking, your objectives should be ambitious yet achievable, and your key results should be measurable and time-bound (using the SMART framework can be helpful). It is also recommended to list strategic initiatives under your key results, as it'll help you avoid the common mistake of listing projects in your KRs.

Here are a couple of best practices extracted from our OKR implementation guide 👇

Tip #1: Limit the number of key results

The #1 role of OKRs is to help you and your team focus on what really matters. Business-as-usual activities will still be happening, but you do not need to track your entire roadmap in the OKRs.

We recommend having 3-4 objectives, and 3-4 key results per objective. A platform like Tability can run audits on your data to help you identify the plans that have too many goals.

Tability Insights DashboardTability's audit dashboard will highlight opportunities to improve OKRs

Tip #2: Commit to weekly OKR check-ins

Don't fall into the set-and-forget trap. It is important to adopt a weekly check-in process to get the full value of your OKRs and make your strategy agile – otherwise this is nothing more than a reporting exercise.

Being able to see trends for your key results will also keep yourself honest.

Tability Insights DashboardTability's check-ins will save you hours and increase transparency

Tip #3: No more than 2 yellow statuses in a row

Yes, this is another tip for goal-tracking instead of goal-setting (but you'll get plenty of OKR examples above). But, once you have your goals defined, it will be your ability to keep the right sense of urgency that will make the difference.

As a rule of thumb, it's best to avoid having more than 2 yellow/at risk statuses in a row.

Make a call on the 3rd update. You should be either back on track, or off track. This sounds harsh but it's the best way to signal risks early enough to fix things.

How to turn your Strategies OKRs in a strategy map

OKRs without regular progress updates are just KPIs. You'll need to update progress on your OKRs every week to get the full benefits from the framework. Reviewing progress periodically has several advantages:

  • It brings the goals back to the top of the mind
  • It will highlight poorly set OKRs
  • It will surface execution risks
  • It improves transparency and accountability

Most teams should start with a spreadsheet if they're using OKRs for the first time. Then, once you get comfortable you can graduate to a proper OKRs-tracking tool.

A strategy map in TabilityTability's Strategy Map makes it easy to see all your org's OKRs

If you're not yet set on a tool, you can check out the 5 best OKR tracking templates guide to find the best way to monitor progress during the quarter.

More Strategies OKR templates

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

OKRs resources

Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the Objectives and Key Results framework.

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You can use Tability to create OKRs with AI – and keep yourself accountable 👀

Tability is a unique goal-tracking platform built to save hours at work and help teams stay on top of their goals.

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