24 OKR examples for Collaboration

Writing good OKRs can be hard, especially if it's your first time doing it. You'll need to center the focus of your plans around outcomes instead of projects.

We have curated a selection of OKR examples specifically for Collaboration to assist you. Feel free to explore the templates below for inspiration in setting your own goals.

If you want to learn more about the framework, you can read more about the OKR meaning online.

Best practices for OKR

Your objectives should be ambitious, but achievable. Your key results should be measurable and time-bound. It can also be helfpul to list strategic initiatives under your key results, as it'll help you avoid the common mistake of listing projects in your KRs.

Building your own OKRs with AI

While we have some examples below, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. There are 2 options available to you.

- Use our free OKRs generator
- Use Tability, a complete platform to set and track OKRs and initiatives – including a GPT-4 powered goal generator

How to track OKRs

Quarterly OKRs should have weekly updates to get all the benefits from the framework.

Spreadsheets are enough to get started. Then, once you need to scale you can use a proper OKRs-tracking platform to make things easier.

We recommend Tability for an easy way to set and track OKRs with your team.

Check out the 5 best OKR tracking templates to find the best way to monitor progress during the quarter.

Collaboration OKRs templates

The examples have Collaboration Objectives and Key Results, but they may also include the tasks that can help you get there.

OKRs to foster higher productivity through effective team collaboration

  • ObjectiveFoster higher productivity through effective team collaboration
  • Key ResultIncrease project completion rate by 20%
  • TaskIncrease support and training for project management skills
  • TaskImprove resource allocation for ongoing projects
  • TaskImplement stricter project deadlines and monitoring processes
  • Key ResultEnhance inter-departmental projects success rate by 15%
  • TaskAssign a project coordinator to oversee cross-department collaborations
  • TaskIntroduce shared project management software
  • TaskDevelop inter-departmental communication training for all team members
  • Key ResultReduce team conflict incidents by 25%
  • TaskEstablish clear team roles and responsibilities
  • TaskFacilitate communication skills training sessions for all team members
  • TaskImplement regular team-building activities and exercises
Turn OKRs into a Strategy Map

OKRs to enhance collaboration and performance in the marketing team

  • ObjectiveEnhance collaboration and performance in the marketing team
  • Key ResultIncrease the number of joint projects by 50% to promote collaboration
  • TaskFollow-up aggressively on project proposals until closure
  • TaskIdentify potential partners for collaboration in shared fields
  • TaskPropose joint-venture ideas to potential partner organizations
  • Key ResultImprove overall project efficiency by 30% through streamlined team processes
  • TaskImplement a robust project management software for better task tracking
  • TaskConduct workshops to enhance team collaboration and communication skills
  • TaskRegularly review and refine team processes to boost productivity
  • Key ResultImplement fortnightly team-building activities to enhance cooperation by 20%
  • TaskSchedule bi-weekly team-building sessions within work hours
  • TaskMonitor and measure cooperation progress post-activity
  • TaskIdentify engaging team-building activities suitable for all team members

OKRs to enhance inter-departmental collaboration for effective social media operations

  • ObjectiveEnhance inter-departmental collaboration for effective social media operations
  • Key ResultPioneer a shared, online document housing all social media initiatives and updates
  • TaskCreate structure for social media initiatives document
  • TaskIdentify suitable online platform for shared document storage
  • TaskUpdate document regularly with initiatives and updates
  • Key ResultImplement weekly cross-departmental meetings focused on social media strategy by month-end
  • TaskCreate a recurring weekly meeting schedule
  • TaskOutline the meeting agenda focusing on social media
  • TaskIdentify key representatives from each department
  • Key ResultIncrease shared social media projects between departments by 20%
  • TaskImplement regular shared social media project progress reports across departments
  • TaskDevelop a centralized social media project management tool for all departments
  • TaskInitiate weekly interdepartmental brainstorming sessions on social media projects

OKRs to enhance cross-functional collaboration in team

  • ObjectiveEnhance cross-functional collaboration in team
  • Key ResultIncrease the team's cross-functional skills by 30% by offering relevant training
  • TaskIdentify necessary cross-functional skills for team improvement
  • TaskImplement regular skill development trainings
  • TaskFind suitable training programs for these skills
  • Key ResultConduct minimum 3 team-building activities promoting inter-department collaboration each week
  • TaskIdentify suitable inter-department team-building activities
  • TaskSchedule these activities for each week
  • TaskEnsure each department's participation
  • Key ResultReduce project completion time by 15% through improving cross-functional performance
  • TaskImplement collaborative software for seamless cross-functional communication
  • TaskStreamline workflows across different departments
  • TaskProvide training to improve cross-functional teamwork

OKRs to enhance Collaboration and Communication across the team

  • ObjectiveEnhance Collaboration and Communication across the team
  • Key ResultImplement one new collaborative tool with at least 80% team adoption rate
  • TaskDevelop an engaging training session for the new tool
  • TaskSelect a suitable collaborative tool based on team input and needs
  • TaskMonitor usage and address resistance to reach 80% adoption
  • Key ResultIncrease team meetings frequency by 50% for improved discussions and action planning
  • TaskImplement the increased meeting frequency immediately
  • TaskCalculate current meeting frequency to determine new schedule
  • TaskCommunicate the new meeting schedule to the team
  • Key ResultConduct two communication-skills workshops leading to a 30% improvement in team surveys
  • TaskSchedule two workshop sessions for the team
  • TaskDistribute and analyze post-workshop team surveys
  • TaskIdentify professional trainer for communication-skills workshops

OKRs to strengthen collaboration and maximize the impact of public and private partnerships

  • ObjectiveStrengthen collaboration and maximize the impact of public and private partnerships
  • Key ResultIncrease the number of public and private partnership agreements by 20%
  • TaskInitiate targeted outreach and networking efforts to engage potential public and private partners
  • TaskDevelop a compelling proposal highlighting the benefits of collaboration to potential partners
  • TaskStreamline negotiation and agreement processes to ensure efficient and timely partnership agreements
  • TaskResearch potential public and private partners aligned with our mission and values
  • Key ResultFoster trust and deepen relationships with partners through regular communication and engagement
  • TaskSchedule bi-weekly check-ins with partners to share updates and gather feedback
  • TaskPlan and host quarterly virtual events or webinars to facilitate networking and collaboration
  • TaskOffer regular performance reviews and acknowledgments to show partners their value and importance
  • TaskShare relevant industry news and resources with partners to foster knowledge exchange
  • Key ResultMeasure and enhance the effectiveness of partnerships by conducting quarterly evaluations and feedback sessions
  • TaskAnalyze evaluation data and identify areas for improvement to enhance partnership effectiveness
  • TaskImplement action plans based on feedback and evaluation results to optimize partnerships
  • TaskSchedule and conduct quarterly feedback sessions with partners to gather their insights
  • TaskDevelop a comprehensive evaluation framework to measure partnership effectiveness accurately
  • Key ResultSecure additional funding opportunities by leveraging existing partnerships and identifying new potential collaborators
  • TaskReview existing partnerships and identify any untapped funding opportunities
  • TaskDevelop a strategic plan to leverage existing partnerships for securing additional funding
  • TaskConduct research to identify potential new collaborators with relevant funding resources
  • TaskBuild relationships with potential collaborators through networking events and communication channels

OKRs to enhance collaboration and stimulate thought leadership

  • ObjectiveEnhance collaboration and stimulate thought leadership
  • Key ResultConduct 4 leadership training workshops to foster thought leadership
  • TaskIdentify topics and designing the content for the leadership workshops
  • TaskCoordinate with facilitators and arranging the necessary resources
  • TaskSend invitations and schedule the four leadership training workshops
  • Key ResultImplement 5 successful cross-functional projects to boost team collaborations
  • TaskDevelop clear communication guidelines and timelines
  • TaskIdentify and assign cross-functional team members for each project
  • TaskEstablish metrics for success and regular progress checks
  • Key ResultIncrease the average audience engagement rate on team discussions by 20%
  • TaskImplement interactive activities during team discussions
  • TaskIncorporate feedback sessions post-discussions
  • TaskProvide comprehensive training for engagement techniques

OKRs to enhance cross-functional collaboration and communication

  • ObjectiveImprove cross-functional communication and collaboration
  • Key ResultIncrease cross-functional team meeting attendance by 50%
  • Key ResultDecrease email response time by 25%
  • Key ResultLaunch a company-wide collaboration platform with 100% adoption
  • Key ResultConduct 3 cross-functional team building activities with a participation rate of 90%

OKRs to enhance communication and foster collaboration within the team

  • ObjectiveEnhance communication and foster collaboration within the team
  • Key ResultConduct bi-weekly workshops to improve team communication skills
  • TaskIdentify key communication issues impacting team's performance
  • TaskPlan interactive bi-weekly workshops to address these issues
  • TaskRegularly evaluate workshop's efficiency and adapt accordingly
  • Key ResultImplement a successful team project involving all members showcasing effective collaboration
  • TaskSchedule regular team meetings for progress updates and brainstorming
  • TaskActively promote open communication and constructive feedback within the team
  • TaskIdentify individual strengths and assign respective team roles accordingly
  • Key ResultDecrease email response time to under one hour during working days
  • TaskPrioritize regularly checking emails during work hours
  • TaskSet alarm reminders to answer pending emails
  • TaskUse quick-reply templates for frequently asked questions

OKRs to improve team performance through effective teamwork and collaboration

  • ObjectiveImprove team performance through effective teamwork and collaboration
  • Key ResultReduce conflicts within the team by 50% by implementing conflict resolution strategies
  • TaskEncourage active listening and empathy among team members during conflicts
  • TaskEstablish a clear communication protocol to address conflicts promptly
  • TaskImplement a mentorship program to provide guidance and support during conflict resolution
  • TaskConduct a team-wide conflict resolution training session
  • Key ResultDevelop team members' skills by organizing at least two team-building workshops focused on enhancing collaboration and problem-solving abilities
  • Key ResultIncrease team productivity by 20% through enhanced communication and coordination
  • TaskProvide effective communication tools and train team members on how to use them
  • TaskImplement regular team meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and goals
  • TaskEncourage collaboration by assigning cross-functional projects and fostering teamwork
  • TaskDevelop a centralized system for task tracking, deadlines, and accountability
  • Key ResultEnhance employee satisfaction and engagement by achieving an average team happiness score of 8 out of 10
  • TaskImplement employee recognition programs to celebrate achievements and boost team morale
  • TaskAnalyze survey results to identify areas for improvement and develop targeted action plans
  • TaskProvide regular opportunities for employee feedback and implement suggestions for enhancing happiness
  • TaskConduct quarterly employee satisfaction surveys to measure team happiness score

OKRs to strengthen cross-functional team collaboration

  • ObjectiveStrengthen cross-functional team collaboration
  • Key ResultReduce resolution time for team conflicts by 30%
  • TaskDefine clear process for handling disputes promptly
  • TaskImplement conflict resolution training for all team members
  • TaskRegularly review and adjust the conflict resolution process
  • Key ResultImplement two new communication tools to aid team interaction and engagement
  • TaskIdentify top two communication tools suitable for team engagement
  • TaskPurchase and install chosen communication tools
  • TaskConduct training sessions on using new tools
  • Key ResultAchieve a 20% increase in collaborative projects compared to last quarter
  • TaskInitiate regular brainstorming sessions for project ideas
  • TaskDevelop incentives for collaborative project participation
  • TaskFormulate strategies to strengthening team cooperation and communication

OKRs to improve team collaboration and communication for increased productivity

  • ObjectiveEnhance team productivity through better collaboration and communication
  • Key ResultReduce response time on team chat by 50%
  • Key ResultAchieve 90% satisfaction rate with communication tools through surveys
  • Key ResultLaunch and complete 2 cross-functional projects within the quarter
  • Key ResultIncrease weekly team meetings attendance by 20%

OKRs to improve development team productivity

  • ObjectiveIncrease development team productivity
  • Key ResultReduce average time taken to complete development tasks by 20%
  • TaskProvide developers with necessary training and resources to enhance productivity
  • TaskImplement agile development methodologies and prioritize tasks based on importance
  • TaskEncourage open communication and collaboration among team members to expedite task completion
  • TaskIdentify bottlenecks in the development process to streamline efficiency
  • Key ResultImprove unit test coverage by 10% for critical components
  • Key ResultReduce the number of production bugs reported by customers by 25%
  • TaskConduct regular code reviews to identify and fix potential bugs before deployment
  • TaskImplement automated unit testing for critical components and frequently executed code
  • TaskIncrease the frequency of software releases to address and resolve issues more promptly
  • TaskImprove communication channels with customers to encourage reporting and capturing of bugs
  • Key ResultIncrease code review completion rate by 15%
  • TaskSchedule regular team meetings to discuss and address code review concerns
  • TaskProvide comprehensive and concise code review guidelines for reviewers
  • TaskEncourage timely and constructive feedback during code review discussions
  • TaskImplement a clear and streamlined code review process

OKRs to optimize and excel as an innovative agile team

  • ObjectiveOptimize and excel as an innovative agile team
  • Key ResultReduce project turnaround time by 15% through improved team collaboration
  • TaskIntroduce collaboration tools for effective communication
  • TaskImplement regular team meetings focusing on project obstacles
  • TaskProvide training to enhance team collaboration
  • Key ResultObtain 90% positive feedback on project deliverables from stakeholders
  • TaskImprove deliverables based on feedback received
  • TaskActively seek stakeholders' wants and needs
  • TaskContinually communicate project updates to stakeholders
  • Key ResultIncrease team productivity by 25% measured by completed tasks
  • TaskIntroduce performance incentives for early or on-time task completion
  • TaskImplement a daily morning team-meeting for task assignment and completion updates
  • TaskProvide training on efficient task management and prioritizing techniques

OKRs to maintain a professional and engaged presence at work

  • ObjectiveMaintain a professional and engaged presence at work
  • Key ResultComplete assigned tasks on time with high quality and seek opportunities for improvement
  • TaskSeek feedback from colleagues and supervisors to enhance performance
  • TaskPay attention to detail and ensure the quality of work before submission
  • TaskRegularly evaluate workflow and identify areas for improvement
  • TaskPrioritize tasks and create a schedule to meet deadlines efficiently
  • Key ResultBuild and maintain positive relationships with colleagues and superiors through effective communication and collaboration
  • TaskActively listen to colleagues and superiors, showing genuine interest in their perspectives and ideas
  • TaskCommunicate clearly and concisely, both verbally and in written correspondence
  • TaskSeek feedback from colleagues and superiors, and implement constructive criticism to improve collaboration
  • TaskOffer assistance and support to colleagues and superiors whenever possible
  • Key ResultActively seek out additional responsibilities or projects to demonstrate enthusiasm and dedication
  • TaskOffer assistance to teammates on their projects to showcase dedication and support
  • TaskTake initiative and volunteer for tasks that align with personal interests and skills
  • TaskRegularly communicate to superiors about eagerness to be involved in new projects and contribute
  • TaskSeek feedback and suggestions from supervisors to identify areas where additional responsibilities can be taken on
  • Key ResultAttend all meetings prepared and actively contribute to discussions
  • TaskFollow up after meetings with action points, summaries, or additional research if needed
  • TaskEngage in discussions by actively listening, sharing insights, and providing constructive input
  • TaskReview meeting agenda beforehand and gather necessary materials or information
  • TaskParticipate in pre-meeting preparations, research topics, and formulate ideas or questions

OKRs to implement seamless data integration and collaboration processes

  • ObjectiveImplement seamless data integration and collaboration processes
  • Key ResultIncrease system interoperability by 70% enabling efficient data flow between platforms
  • TaskDevelop robust APIs for seamless data integration
  • TaskImplement open standard protocols for enhanced cross-platform communication
  • TaskUpgrade existing infrastructures to support interoperability
  • Key ResultTrain 90% of team members on new data integration tools to enhance collaboration
  • TaskIdentify appropriate data integration tools for training
  • TaskPlan and schedule training sessions for team members
  • TaskMonitor and evaluate the training's effectiveness
  • Key ResultReduce data silo instances by 50% promoting a unified, accessible data environment
  • TaskEstablish company-wide data accessibility policies
  • TaskIdentify and catalogue all existing data silos
  • TaskImplement efficient data integration processes

OKRs to improve product management efficiency

  • ObjectiveImprove product management efficiency
  • Key ResultIncrease customer satisfaction rating by 10% through continuous improvement of product features and functionality
  • TaskImplement necessary product updates based on customer feedback to enhance satisfaction
  • TaskAnalyze survey data to identify areas for improvement in product features and functionality
  • TaskMonitor customer satisfaction rating regularly to track progress and make further improvements
  • TaskConduct regular customer surveys to gather feedback on product features and functionality
  • Key ResultIncrease cross-functional collaboration by ensuring 90% of product decisions involve inputs from key stakeholders
  • TaskSchedule regular cross-functional meetings to discuss and gather input on product decisions
  • TaskCreate a centralized platform for stakeholders to provide feedback and suggestions on product development
  • TaskImplement a process to collect feedback from key stakeholders before finalizing product decisions
  • TaskConduct training sessions to educate team members about the importance of cross-functional collaboration
  • Key ResultAchieve a 15% increase in product revenue by identifying and implementing new monetization strategies
  • TaskTrack and measure revenue growth after implementing new monetization strategies for optimization
  • TaskConduct market research to identify new consumer needs and preferences
  • TaskCollaborate with the product development team to create and implement new revenue-generating features
  • TaskAnalyze competitor strategies to uncover potential monetization opportunities
  • Key ResultReduce average time to market by 20% through streamlined product development processes
  • TaskConduct thorough analysis and eliminate non-essential steps from the product development workflow
  • TaskStreamline communication channels and establish clear guidelines for efficient information sharing
  • TaskOptimize resource allocation and prioritize tasks to minimize bottlenecks in the product development process
  • TaskImplement agile project management methodologies and cross-functional collaboration for faster decision-making

OKRs to enhance innovation and synergy within startup house ecosystem

  • ObjectiveEnhance innovation and synergy within startup house ecosystem
  • Key ResultAchieve 25% increase in constructive feedback exchanges among members
  • TaskOffer training on how to give constructive feedback
  • TaskEncourage open communication and active listening
  • TaskImplement regular, structured team feedback sessions
  • Key ResultInitiate three cross-departmental projects to enhance collaborative efforts
  • TaskOrganize a meeting with department leads to discuss plans
  • TaskAssign project teams and set clear communication channels
  • TaskIdentify potential projects requiring cross-departmental collaboration
  • Key ResultImplement two new innovative systems or processes for startups to utilize
  • TaskProvide comprehensive training and support for startup utilization
  • TaskResearch cutting-edge technologies suitable for startup business operations
  • TaskDesign and develop two innovative systems or processes

OKRs to improve efficiency and accuracy of Salesforce data migration process

  • ObjectiveImprove efficiency and accuracy of Salesforce data migration process
  • Key ResultEnhance cross-functional collaboration by conducting regular knowledge sharing sessions with relevant teams
  • TaskDevelop agendas focusing on cross-functional topics
  • TaskSchedule weekly knowledge sharing meetings with all necessary teams
  • TaskAssign team leaders to facilitate each session
  • Key ResultIncrease data migration accuracy rate to 95% through rigorous data validation and testing
  • TaskImplement regular data validation procedures
  • TaskEnhance data migration testing techniques
  • TaskRegularly assess and adjust accuracy rates
  • Key ResultReduce data migration time by 20% through the implementation of automation tools and streamlined processes
  • TaskReview current processes to identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement
  • TaskResearch suitable automation tools for the data migration process
  • TaskImplement automation and revise protocols to streamline workflows

OKRs to improve team members' performance and productivity

  • ObjectiveImprove team members' performance and productivity
  • Key ResultImprove team members' professional skills through participation in at least two relevant training courses
  • TaskIdentify and research relevant training courses that align with team members' professional goals
  • TaskFacilitate team members' registration and participation in chosen training courses
  • TaskCommunicate the available training courses to team members and gather their preferences
  • Key ResultAchieve a 90% completion rate on team projects by consistently meeting deadlines and delivering high-quality work
  • Key ResultEnhance team collaboration by conducting monthly cross-functional knowledge sharing sessions
  • TaskSchedule monthly cross-functional knowledge sharing sessions
  • TaskInvite team members from different departments to share their expertise
  • TaskProvide a platform for participants to collaborate, ask questions, and exchange ideas
  • Key ResultIncrease individual productivity by 10% through time management and task prioritization

OKRs to expand brand awareness through social media marketing and influencer collaborations

  • ObjectiveIncrease brand reach through social media and influencer partnerships
  • Key ResultIdentify and partner with 5 relevant influencers to promote our brand
  • Key ResultTrack success metrics, analyze the ROI, and optimize campaigns accordingly
  • Key ResultIncrease social media followers by 20% through targeted advertising campaigns
  • Key ResultGenerate 50% increase in social media engagement through compelling content

OKRs to drive successful implementation of relevant alliance principles

  • ObjectiveDrive successful implementation of relevant alliance principles
  • Key ResultIncrease revenue generated through alliance activities by 10% compared to previous quarter
  • Key ResultImprove cross-functional collaboration within the alliance, measured by a 15% increase in joint projects
  • Key ResultIncrease alliance partner satisfaction by 20% based on quarterly feedback survey
  • Key ResultAchieve 95% adherence to alliance guidelines and best practices in all initiatives
  • TaskImplement a monitoring system to track adherence to alliance guidelines and best practices
  • TaskProvide ongoing support and resources to alliance members for implementing best practices
  • TaskConduct regular training sessions focused on alliance guidelines and best practices
  • TaskConduct regular audits to assess adherence to alliance guidelines and best practices

OKRs to enhance proficiency as a Partnership Manager

  • ObjectiveEnhance proficiency as a Partnership Manager
  • Key ResultStrengthen relationship with 5 existing partners by enhancing engagement activities
  • TaskPropose and organize bi-monthly virtual events to foster interaction
  • TaskDevelop more interactive and personalized communication strategies for each partner
  • TaskImplement regular partnership satisfaction surveys and feedback loops
  • Key ResultClose 3 new strategic collaborations to extend business network
  • TaskDraft proposals outlining mutual business benefit
  • TaskArrange meetings to negotiate collaboration terms
  • TaskResearch potential companies for strategic collaborations
  • Key ResultImprove partner satisfaction rate by 20% through improved communication and support tactics
  • TaskInitiate training on effective communication for support teams
  • TaskOffer personalized support for their specific needs
  • TaskImplement regular, structured communication check-ins with partners

OKRs to develop proficiency in TypeScript

  • ObjectiveDevelop proficiency in TypeScript
  • Key ResultParticipate in a minimum of three collaborative projects involving TypeScript, showcasing effective teamwork and contributions
  • TaskContribute effectively to the TypeScript projects by sharing ideas and working collaboratively
  • TaskCommunicate and request to participate in the identified projects
  • TaskShowcasing the completed projects to highlight the effective teamwork and individual contributions
  • TaskIdentify three collaborative projects involving TypeScript
  • Key ResultWrite TypeScript code for at least two personal coding projects, covering different areas of application
  • TaskPlan and brainstorm ideas for two personal coding projects
  • TaskWrite TypeScript code for the first coding project, covering its designated area
  • TaskWrite TypeScript code for the second coding project, covering its designated area
  • TaskResearch and choose different areas of application for each coding project
  • Key ResultCreate a portfolio showcasing TypeScript projects with detailed explanations, attracting positive feedback from peers or potential employers
  • TaskShare the portfolio with peers and potential employers through online platforms or personal networking
  • TaskProvide detailed explanations and documentation for each project, highlighting their purpose and technical details
  • TaskIdentify a diverse range of TypeScript projects to include in the portfolio
  • TaskActively seek feedback from peers and potential employers to continuously improve the portfolio
  • Key ResultComplete an online TypeScript course and pass all assessments with a score of 90% or above
  • TaskTake all assessments seriously, review all material thoroughly, and aim for a score of 90% or above
  • TaskResearch and choose a reputable online TypeScript course that covers all necessary topics
  • TaskEngage in active learning by practicing coding exercises and seeking clarification when needed
  • TaskCreate a study schedule with dedicated time slots and milestones for completing each module

More OKR templates

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

OKRs resources

Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the Objectives and Key Results framework.