OKR template to boost trading volume by 30%

public-lib · Published 3 months ago

The OKR aims to increase trading volume by 30%. The first objective seeks to increase daily trading activity by growing the number of active traders by 25%. This will be achieved by enhancing the user interface, conducting training webinars and launching a reward-based referral program.

The second sub-objective is to increase the number of daily trades per individual trader by 10%. This is to be attained by improving the user interface and user experience. The UI/UX enhancements will be followed by monitoring and rigorous user testing.

The third sub-target focuses on implementing a referral program, aiming for a 15% increase in trader participation. A marketing campaign will promote the program while a rewards system will be established for successful referrals. Integration of this system into the existing platform will also be achieved.

Overall, the key objective is to boost trade volumes by increasing daily trader activity, raising daily trades per trader, and successfully implementing a reward-based referral system. The implementation of these initiatives will involve extensive user testing, marketing, and technical integration.
  • ObjectiveBoost trading volume by 30%
  • Key ResultRaise daily active traders by 25% to increase overall trading activity
  • TaskEnhance user interface for smoother trading experience
  • TaskImplement engaging training webinars for potential traders
  • TaskLaunch a referral incentive program for current active traders
  • Key ResultIncrease daily trades per active trader by 10% by enhancing trading platform UX/UI
  • TaskImplement recommendations for UX/UI enhancements
  • TaskMonitor and evaluate trading activity post-implementation
  • TaskPerform user testing for existing trading platform UX/UI
  • Key ResultImplement a referral program resulting in a 15% trader increase
  • TaskCreate a marketing campaign promoting the program
  • TaskDevelop criteria for customer referral rewards program
  • TaskIntegrate referral system into current trading platform
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