23 OKR examples for Enhancement

OKRs are quickly gaining popularity as a goal-setting framework. But, it's not always easy to know how to write your goals, especially if it's your first time using OKRs.

To aid you in setting your goals, we have compiled a collection of OKR examples customized for Enhancement. Take a look at the templates below for inspiration and guidance.

If you want to learn more about the framework, you can read more about the OKR meaning online.

Best practices for OKR

Your objectives should be ambitious, but achievable. Your key results should be measurable and time-bound. It can also be helfpul to list strategic initiatives under your key results, as it'll help you avoid the common mistake of listing projects in your KRs.

Building your own OKRs with AI

While we have some examples below, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. There are 2 options available to you.

- Use our free OKRs generator
- Use Tability, a complete platform to set and track OKRs and initiatives – including a GPT-4 powered goal generator

How to track OKRs

OKRs without regular progress updates are just KPIs. You'll need to update progress on your OKRs every week to get the full benefits from the framework.

We recommend using a spreadsheet for your first OKRs cycle. You'll need to get familiar with the scoring and tracking first. Then, you can scale your OKRs process by using a proper OKRs-tracking tool for it.

We recommend Tability for an easy way to set and track OKRs with your team.

Check out the 5 best OKR tracking templates to find the best way to monitor progress during the quarter.

Enhancement OKRs templates

The examples have Enhancement Objectives and Key Results, but they may also include the tasks that can help you get there.

OKRs to develop and strengthen effective team leadership skills

  • ObjectiveDevelop and strengthen effective team leadership skills
  • Key ResultFacilitate 3 team building activities to foster strong interpersonal bonds and trust
  • TaskSchedule and plan the selected team building activities
  • TaskResearch diverse team building activities suitable for the team
  • TaskConduct and oversee the team building activities
  • Key ResultImprove communication by creating a bi-weekly open feedback system within the team
  • TaskIntroduce a bi-weekly open feedback system to the team
  • TaskSchedule consistent bi-weekly feedback sessions
  • TaskDevelop a set structure for providing and receiving feedback
  • Key ResultIncrease team productivity by 20% through effective task delegation and monitoring
  • TaskProvide regular feedback to improve team performance
  • TaskDevelop a routine process for monitoring progress
  • TaskImplement a system for efficient task delegation and assignment
Turn OKRs into a Strategy Map

OKRs to enhance effective communication through counseling

  • ObjectiveEnhance effective communication through counseling
  • Key ResultConduct 10 counseling sessions focused on improving communication skills
  • TaskIdentify ten individuals requiring communication skill enhancement
  • TaskDesign a communication skills improvement curriculum
  • TaskSchedule and conduct 10 counseling sessions
  • Key ResultIncrease client's communication efficiency by 30% as measured by standard tests
  • TaskImplement streamlined communication platforms for client usage
  • TaskTrain clients on effective communication strategies
  • TaskMonitor and assess client's communication improvement
  • Key ResultAchieve 90% client satisfaction rates on communication improvement
  • TaskConduct regular client communication training for employees
  • TaskEstablish a process for collecting client feedback regularly
  • TaskImplement weekly touch-point meetings with clients

OKRs to enhance DevOps operations and efficiency

  • ObjectiveEnhance DevOps operations and efficiency
  • Key ResultReduce code deployment downtime by 30% through improved deployment practices
  • TaskImplement continuous integration and deployment systems
  • TaskIncrease automated testing before deployment
  • TaskSimplify deployment procedures
  • Key ResultImprove system uptime by 20% by optimizing automation processes
  • TaskMonitor changes and adjust strategies accordingly
  • TaskEvaluate current system uptime and identify weak points in automation processes
  • TaskDevelop and implement improvements in automation procedures
  • Key ResultAchieve certification in two additional DevOps management tools to broaden technical skills
  • TaskStudy and pass the certification exams
  • TaskResearch and choose two DevOps management tools for certification
  • TaskEnroll in certification courses for the chosen tools

OKRs to expand legal and regulatory resources network

  • ObjectiveExpand legal and regulatory resources network
  • Key ResultImprove user engagement by implementing feedback-driven enhancements to the network
  • TaskRegularly communicate with users about the network's updates and improvements based on their feedback
  • TaskAnalyze feedback to identify areas of improvement and prioritize enhancements
  • TaskImplement user-suggested features and enhancements to address their needs and concerns
  • TaskSend out surveys to collect feedback on user experience and pain points
  • Key ResultDevelop an online platform for easy access to legal and regulatory materials
  • TaskConduct market research to understand user needs and preferences
  • TaskConduct user testing and gather feedback to continuously improve the platform's functionality
  • TaskCollaborate with legal experts to curate and regularly update the platform's content
  • TaskDesign an intuitive interface for easy navigation and document search
  • Key ResultIncrease the number of legal and regulatory contacts by 20% through targeted outreach
  • TaskAttend industry conferences and events to establish connections with new legal and regulatory contacts
  • TaskIdentify regulatory agencies with relevant contacts for targeted outreach
  • TaskImplement a focused email marketing campaign to engage potential legal and regulatory contacts
  • TaskDevelop a comprehensive database of legal and regulatory contact information
  • Key ResultEstablish partnerships with 3 influential legal organizations to enhance resource availability
  • TaskCollaborate with the legal organizations to develop strategies for enhancing resource availability
  • TaskResearch and identify three influential legal organizations relevant to our objectives
  • TaskFormalize partnerships through legal agreements and ensure effective implementation of joint initiatives
  • TaskReach out to the identified organizations to initiate partnership discussions

OKRs to enhance processes to support accurate and timely compliance reporting

  • ObjectiveImprove accuracy and efficiency of compliance reporting processes
  • Key ResultAchieve 100% on-time submission of compliance reports through improved project management and accountability
  • TaskImplement consequences for missed deadlines
  • TaskAssign individual responsibility for each report
  • TaskDevelop clear project timeline with deadlines
  • TaskConduct regular progress review meetings
  • Key ResultReduce compliance reporting errors by 20% through improved data gathering and validation
  • TaskImplement automated data validation processes
  • TaskEstablish clear data entry and reporting protocols for all stakeholders
  • TaskConduct regular audits of compliance data for accuracy
  • TaskTrain compliance reporting team on proper data gathering techniques
  • Key ResultIncrease compliance reporting accuracy by 15% through staff training and quality control checks
  • TaskEstablish quality control checks for compliance reporting procedures
  • TaskReview and revise reporting templates, instructions, and documentation to reduce errors
  • TaskDevelop and implement a comprehensive staff training program
  • TaskProvide ongoing coaching and feedback to staff to improve accuracy
  • Key ResultImplement automated compliance reporting processes to reduce reporting time by 30%
  • TaskImplement automation tools and procedures to streamline reporting
  • TaskTest and optimize automated compliance reporting process
  • TaskIdentify compliance reporting requirements
  • TaskAssess current reporting process and areas of improvement

OKRs to enhance automation coverage in UPI's T1 and T2 services

  • ObjectiveEnhance automation coverage in UPI's T1 and T2 services
  • Key ResultDecrease deployment time for T1 and T2 services by 40% using automation
  • TaskContinually review and enhance automation techniques for efficiency
  • TaskImplement automated tools for streamlining T1 and T2 service deployment
  • TaskTrain staff to leverage automation in the deployment process
  • Key ResultAchieve 95% deployment stability for automated T1 and T2 services
  • TaskDevelop robust automation scripts for T1 and T2 services deployment
  • TaskDevelop contingency plans for failed deployments
  • TaskImplement rigorous pre-deployment testing to ensure stability
  • Key ResultExpand backend automation to cover 70% of T1 services by the end of the quarter
  • TaskDevelop an automation strategy and timeline
  • TaskImplement and test automation processes
  • TaskIdentify T1 services suitable for backend automation

OKRs to enhance productivity with increased automation and streamlined administration

  • ObjectiveEnhance productivity with increased automation and streamlined administration
  • Key ResultProvide administration staff with time management training to enhance efficiency by 15%
  • TaskIdentify suitable time management training program for staff
  • TaskMonitor and evaluate efficiency improvements post-training
  • TaskSchedule training sessions for administration staff
  • Key ResultImplement automation tools to minimize manual entry work by 25%
  • TaskIdentify daily processes that involve repetitive manual entry
  • TaskResearch, select, and acquire suitable automation tools
  • TaskTrain staff on utilizing new automation technologies effectively
  • Key ResultReduce paperwork by moving 50% of reports/work to digital platform
  • TaskImplement a reliable digital platform for reports
  • TaskIdentify essential reports suitable for digital transition
  • TaskTrain staff on electronic report submission

OKRs to secure the position of Secretary to the Vice President

  • ObjectiveSecure the position of Secretary to the Vice President
  • Key ResultIncrease networking efforts by connecting with 20 industry professionals
  • TaskEngage on their social media profiles
  • TaskResearch and identify 20 relevant industry professionals
  • TaskSend personalized connection requests or emails
  • Key ResultSubmit 10 tailored applications per week to relevant job postings
  • TaskResearch and identify relevant job postings daily
  • TaskSubmit tailored applications through appropriate platforms
  • TaskCustomize 10 applications according to each job requirement
  • Key ResultImprove admin skills by completing an advanced secretarial course with 90% score
  • TaskRegularly study course material for mastery
  • TaskResearch and enroll in an advanced secretarial course
  • TaskAchieve a 90% score on all course tests

OKRs to enhance the quality of the company's testing process

  • ObjectiveEnhance the quality of the company's testing process
  • Key ResultReduce the number of bugs found post-release by 30%
  • TaskImplement continuous training for the development team
  • TaskDevelop rigorous pre-launch software testing protocols
  • TaskEnhance code review processes and quality checks
  • Key ResultAchieve 95% accuracy rate in every conducted testing
  • TaskReview and refine testing procedures and tools
  • TaskImplement comprehensive training on test protocol
  • TaskConduct regular monitoring and performance evaluation
  • Key ResultImplement two new automated testing tools to streamline process
  • TaskResearch and select two suitable automated testing tools
  • TaskTrain the team on usage and integration of tools
  • TaskPurchase and install chosen automated testing tools

OKRs to to maximize clarity and reach in resident communication

  • ObjectiveTo maximize clarity and reach in resident communication
  • Key ResultReduce turnaround time for resident queries by 30% through proactive communication
  • TaskImplement efficient resident communication software
  • TaskEstablish a dedicated resident queries response team
  • TaskTrain staff in proactive query resolution techniques
  • Key ResultImplement 2 new communication channels to increase resident engagement by 50%
  • TaskDevelop a rollout strategy for implementing these channels
  • TaskIdentify two new potential communication channels for resident engagement
  • TaskTrack and evaluate the increase in resident engagement
  • Key ResultConduct 3 resident surveys to identify areas for communication improvement
  • TaskDevelop a concise resident survey focusing on communication
  • TaskDistribute the survey to 3 selected residents
  • TaskAnalyze survey responses for areas of improvement

OKRs to scale and ensure long-term success of the new team

  • ObjectiveScale and ensure long-term success of the new team
  • Key ResultImprove team performance by implementing at least 2 training programs to enhance skills
  • TaskImplement the selected training programs and track progress through regular evaluations and updates
  • TaskResearch and select two training programs that align with the identified skill gaps
  • TaskCommunicate the importance of the training programs and obtain buy-in from team members
  • TaskIdentify key skill gaps within the team through assessments and evaluations
  • Key ResultIncrease team size by hiring and onboarding 3 new members
  • TaskConduct effective interviews and assessments to select the most qualified candidates for the team
  • TaskAdvertise job openings through various channels to reach a wide pool of potential candidates
  • TaskUpdate job descriptions and qualifications to attract suitable candidates for new team members
  • TaskImplement a thorough onboarding process to ensure smooth integration and successful transition for new members
  • Key ResultEstablish a sustainable workflow that consistently meets team's productivity goals
  • TaskContinuously analyze data and adjust workflow as needed to improve productivity and efficiency
  • TaskIdentify productivity goals and define clear metrics for measuring success
  • TaskStreamline workflow processes to eliminate inefficiencies and reduce manual tasks
  • TaskImplement regular team meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and brainstorm solutions
  • Key ResultAchieve a 90% retention rate of existing team members through effective engagement efforts

OKRs to enhance productivity and proactivity as a VA and document specialist

  • ObjectiveEnhance productivity and proactivity as a VA and document specialist
  • Key ResultBecome proficient in two new software that aid in document creation and management
  • TaskEngage in online tutorials and training for selected software
  • TaskResearch and select two software for document creation and management
  • TaskPractice regular usage and application of learnt software tools
  • Key ResultComplete tasks 10% faster without compromising the quality of work
  • TaskUtilize productivity tools for better time management
  • TaskUtilize breaks to rejuvenate and maintain focus
  • TaskPrioritize work according to urgency and importance
  • Key ResultTake initiative in three projects requiring comprehensive documentation without being prompted
  • TaskStart drafting comprehensive documents for those projects
  • TaskComplete and submit those documents unprompted
  • TaskIdentify three projects lacking thorough documentation

OKRs to enhance skillset of 40% of the teams

  • ObjectiveEnhance skillset of 40% of the teams
  • Key ResultAchieve 80% completion rate of these training programs by year-end
  • TaskSchedule consistent training sessions throughout the year
  • TaskImplement engaging, comprehensive training materials
  • TaskRegularly monitor and track program completion rates
  • Key ResultImplement tailored training programs for these identified skills
  • Key ResultIdentify key skills lacking in 40% of the teams by month end
  • TaskAnalyze survey results to determine skill gaps
  • TaskCreate a comprehensive report outlining lacking skills
  • TaskDevelop and distribute skill assessment surveys to all teams

OKRs to enhance performance of clients' paid campaigns

  • ObjectiveEnhance performance of clients' paid campaigns
  • Key ResultIncrease average click-through rate by 15%
  • TaskSegment email lists for a more personalized approach
  • TaskImplement A/B testing to optimize email subject lines
  • TaskEnhance CTA button design to draw attention
  • Key ResultBoost campaign conversion rate by 20%
  • TaskImprove targeting efforts for more relevant user engagement
  • TaskTailor ad copy to better resonate with audience needs
  • TaskImplement A/B testing to optimize landing page design
  • Key ResultReduce cost per acquisition by 10%
  • TaskImprove website conversion rates with UX optimization
  • TaskLaunch targeted marketing campaigns to attract desired customers
  • TaskAnalyze current customer acquisition strategies for inefficiencies

OKRs to improve sales support operations for increased revenues

  • ObjectiveImprove sales support operations for increased revenues
  • Key ResultIncrease upselling rate by 15% with enhanced support-guided recommendations
  • TaskDevelop tailored recommendation scripts for support staff to use
  • TaskTrain support team in advanced selling techniques and product knowledge
  • TaskImplement tracking metrics to monitor progress and effectiveness regularly
  • Key ResultIncrease customer engagement by 30% through revamped sales support systems
  • TaskIntroduce incentive programs to reward loyal customers
  • TaskImplement a user-friendly interface for seamless customer interaction
  • TaskTrain sales personnel on customer connectivity and relationship building
  • Key ResultReduce sales cycle duration by 20% through sales support optimizations
  • TaskTrain team on effective closing techniques
  • TaskStreamline sales proposal approval process
  • TaskImplement more efficient sales tracking software

OKRs to incrementar la audiencia del newsletter al doble

  • ObjectiveIncrementar la audiencia del newsletter al doble
  • Key ResultConseguir un 30% de aumento en las suscripciones a través de referencias
  • TaskImplementar un programa de incentivos para referencias
  • TaskPromover el programa de referencias en redes sociales
  • TaskCapacitar al equipo de atención al cliente sobre referencias
  • Key ResultIncrementar la tasa de clics en el enlace del newsletter en un 25%
  • TaskDiseñar llamadas a la acción convincentes y atractivas
  • TaskSegmentar y personalizar el newsletter para cada destinatario
  • TaskMejorar la calidad y relevancia del contenido del newsletter
  • Key ResultAumentar el número de páginas visitadas del sitio web en un 20%
  • TaskCrear contenido atractivo e interactivo para retener a los visitantes
  • TaskPromover el sitio web activamente en redes sociales
  • TaskImplementar estrategias de SEO para mejorar el ranking de búsqueda

OKRs to enhance training areas for improvement identification

  • ObjectiveEnhance training areas for improvement identification
  • Key ResultConduct a comprehensive review and analysis on identified areas for enhancements
  • TaskPerform an in-depth analysis based on the review
  • TaskIdentify areas that require improvement or enhancements
  • TaskCarry out detailed research for a comprehensive review
  • Key ResultCreate and implement detailed action plans for the top 2 areas requiring improvement
  • TaskBegin implementing both action plans
  • TaskIdentify top 2 areas needing most improvement
  • TaskDevelop detailed plans for each area
  • Key ResultIdentify and categorize at least 10 potential areas for improvements in current training
  • TaskCategorize findings into at least 10 improvement segments
  • TaskSurvey employees to identify dissatisfaction in current training areas
  • TaskAnalyze feedback for common themes and improvement areas

OKRs to enhance efficiency of month end reporting process

  • ObjectiveEnhance efficiency of month end reporting process
  • Key ResultAutomate 30% of manual reporting tasks
  • TaskImplement and test automated tasks
  • TaskChoose appropriate reporting automation software
  • TaskIdentify repeatable and time-consuming manual reporting tasks
  • Key ResultIncrease report accuracy by eliminating all data discrepancies
  • TaskDevelop a standardized data input procedure
  • TaskTrain staff on data accuracy best practices
  • TaskImplement regular data auditing processes
  • Key ResultReduce average report generation time by 25%
  • TaskImplement automation software to expedite tasks
  • TaskTrain staff to efficiently utilize reporting tools
  • TaskReview and streamline the current report generation process

OKRs to enhance profitable performance of the finance team

  • ObjectiveEnhance profitable performance of the finance team
  • Key ResultImprove the ROI (Return on Investment) by 10% on all key business initiatives
  • TaskIncrease upselling and cross-selling efforts across channels
  • TaskIdentify and eliminate inefficient processes or expenditures
  • TaskImplement tracking metrics to optimize marketing campaigns
  • Key ResultIncrease total revenue by 15% in operational areas
  • TaskInitiate strategies for customer retention and acquisition
  • TaskEnhance product/service offerings to drive sales
  • TaskImplement efficiency measures to reduce operational costs
  • Key ResultCut financial inefficiencies and wastage by 20%
  • TaskImplement stricter budget control measures
  • TaskConduct thorough assessments to find wasteful spending
  • TaskTrain employees on cost efficiency strategies

OKRs to enhance productivity of IT Service Desk Analysts and maintain SLAs

  • ObjectiveEnhance productivity of IT Service Desk Analysts and maintain SLAs
  • Key ResultReduce weekly outstanding tickets by 20%
  • TaskIncrease feedback and training to improve first-call resolution rates
  • TaskPrioritize resolution of high-priority and oldest tickets first
  • TaskImplement an automated reminder system for unresolved tickets
  • Key ResultDecrease the average ticket resolution time by 15%
  • TaskEstablish escalation protocols for complex tickets
  • TaskImplement advanced ticket resolution training for customer service staff
  • TaskInvest in technological software to automate ticket resolution
  • Key ResultIncrease customer satisfaction rate to 90%
  • TaskEnhance customer service training for staff
  • TaskImplement customer feedback surveys to identify areas requiring improvement
  • TaskCreate effective customer loyalty programs

OKRs to enhance and Sustain High Performances in the EA Pool

  • ObjectiveEnhance and Sustain High Performances in the EA Pool
  • Key ResultImplement a new feedback system to increase employee satisfaction by 20%
  • TaskResearch and identify effective employee feedback systems
  • TaskPurchase and set up selected feedback system
  • TaskTrain staff on how to use the new system
  • Key ResultDecrease turnover rate in the EA pool to below 5%
  • TaskIntroduce competitive benefits and compensation
  • TaskImprove workplace environment through team-building activities
  • TaskImplement comprehensive and continuous training programs
  • Key ResultConduct bi-weekly training for all EAs to improve their skills by 25%
  • TaskDevelop specific training materials to enhance EA skills
  • TaskCreate a comprehensive bi-weekly EA skills training schedule
  • TaskImplement a method to measure and track skill improvement

OKRs to enhance performance in the top two targeted areas for improvement

  • ObjectiveEnhance performance in the top two targeted areas for improvement
  • Key ResultBuild detailed strategy plans addressing identified improvements by week 4
  • TaskDevelop a detailed strategy plan in week two
  • TaskFinalize and implement improvement plans by week four
  • TaskIdentify areas needing improvement in the first week
  • Key ResultImplement created action plans and achieve 20% improvement by week 10
  • TaskMonitor progress and adjust approaches to ensure 20% improvement
  • TaskReview and understand the details of the created action plans
  • TaskStart implementing strategies from the action plans
  • Key ResultIdentify improvement needs through comprehensive analysis by week 2
  • TaskConduct surveys to gather employee feedback on improvement needs
  • TaskReview latest reports for performance-based improvement areas
  • TaskAnalyze customer feedback to identify required enhancements

OKRs to enhance the performance of the Database Administration Unit

  • ObjectiveEnhance the performance of the Database Administration Unit
  • Key ResultIncrease the team's productivity by 25% through supervision and technical guidance
  • TaskProvide frequent technical training for team members
  • TaskEstablish clear targets and productivity expectations
  • TaskImplement weekly supervision meetings to monitor work progress
  • Key ResultReduce database-related tickets by 20% through improved administration strategies
  • TaskImplement comprehensive database administration training
  • TaskUpdate database systems with latest software patches
  • TaskCreate efficient data backup and restoration plan
  • Key ResultEnsure all team members complete a relevant professional development course
  • TaskIdentify relevant professional development courses for the team
  • TaskAssign courses to each team member
  • TaskMonitor course completion progress regularly

More OKR templates

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

OKRs resources

Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the Objectives and Key Results framework.