5 OKR examples for Cost Efficiency

Writing good OKRs can be hard, especially if it's your first time doing it. You'll need to center the focus of your plans around outcomes instead of projects.

We have curated a selection of OKR examples specifically for Cost Efficiency to assist you. Feel free to explore the templates below for inspiration in setting your own goals.

If you want to learn more about the framework, you can read more about the OKR meaning online.

Best practices for OKR

Your objectives should be ambitious, but achievable. Your key results should be measurable and time-bound. It can also be helfpul to list strategic initiatives under your key results, as it'll help you avoid the common mistake of listing projects in your KRs.

Building your own OKRs with AI

While we have some examples below, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. There are 2 options available to you.

- Use our free OKRs generator
- Use Tability, a complete platform to set and track OKRs and initiatives – including a GPT-4 powered goal generator

How to track OKRs

The rules of OKRs are simple. Quarterly OKRs should be tracked weekly, and yearly OKRs should be tracked monthly.

We recommend using a spreadsheet for your first OKRs cycle. You'll need to get familiar with the scoring and tracking first. Then, you can scale your OKRs process by using a proper OKRs-tracking tool for it.

We recommend Tability for an easy way to set and track OKRs with your team.

Check out the 5 best OKR tracking templates to find the best way to monitor progress during the quarter.

Cost Efficiency OKRs templates

The examples have Cost Efficiency Objectives and Key Results, but they may also include the tasks that can help you get there.

OKRs to improve cost efficiency through optimal resource allocation

  • ObjectiveImprove cost efficiency through optimal resource allocation
  • Key ResultReduce waste in resource allocation by identifying and eliminating non-essential expenses by 20%
  • TaskImplement and monitor the expense reduction plan
  • TaskIdentify non-essential expenses in current resource allocation
  • TaskCreate a plan to reduce these expenses by 20%
  • Key ResultReduce overall operational costs by 10% through careful cost monitoring and control
  • TaskImplement regular audits to identify unnecessary expenses
  • TaskEnforce strict budgeting and reduce waste
  • TaskIntroduce cost tracking systems in all departments
  • Key ResultIncrease resource utilization rate by 15% while maintaining performance quality
  • TaskImplement efficient resource allocation strategies
  • TaskProvide regular training for optimal resource utilization
  • TaskMonitor and optimize resource usage regularly
Turn OKRs into a Strategy Map

OKRs to increase cost management efficiency for people and operations

  • ObjectiveIncrease cost management efficiency for people and operations
  • Key ResultImplement cost tracking system to monitor and analyze spend across departments
  • TaskTrain department heads in cost tracking system usage
  • TaskLaunch system and begin monitoring departmental expenses
  • TaskSelect cost tracking software suitable for our business needs
  • Key ResultTrain managers on cost management best practices to mitigate overspending
  • TaskFollow-up on training effectiveness and changes
  • TaskIdentify experts to guide practice implementation
  • TaskArrange cost management training seminars for managers
  • Key ResultReduce operational costs by 10% through process optimization and automation
  • TaskConduct a thorough assessment of current operational processes
  • TaskImplement process optimization and automation strategies
  • TaskIdentify inefficiencies and areas for automation

OKRs to increase efficiency and scalability through cloud deployment

  • ObjectiveIncrease efficiency and scalability through cloud deployment
  • Key ResultEnhance data security by implementing robust cloud security protocols and achieving compliance certifications
  • TaskConduct a comprehensive review of current cloud security protocols and identify weaknesses
  • TaskRegularly monitor and assess cloud security protocols and update as needed
  • TaskDevelop and implement an updated cloud security framework based on industry best practices
  • TaskEnsure all necessary compliance certifications are achieved and regularly maintained
  • Key ResultAchieve a minimum of 99.9% uptime by ensuring seamless integration and high availability in the cloud
  • Key ResultImprove response time by optimizing cloud infrastructure to achieve 20% faster application performance
  • TaskAnalyze current cloud infrastructure to identify performance bottlenecks hindering application response time
  • TaskOptimize code and queries by analyzing and improving inefficient code segments
  • TaskUtilize content delivery network (CDN) for faster content delivery and reduced latency
  • TaskImplement caching mechanisms to store frequently accessed data and minimize database calls
  • Key ResultReduce infrastructure costs by migrating 80% of applications and services to the cloud

OKRs to improve Compensation Plan

  • ObjectiveImprove Compensation Plan
  • Key ResultIncrease employee satisfaction by implementing pay raises based on performance evaluation
  • Key ResultImprove cost efficiency by optimizing the compensation plan to decrease overhead expenses
  • Key ResultEnhance equity by conducting a thorough analysis to identify any pay disparities among employees
  • TaskDevelop and implement strategies to address identified pay disparities and ensure equal compensation
  • TaskCollect and analyze salary data to identify any pay disparities among employees
  • TaskConduct interviews or surveys to gather feedback on employee perceptions of pay equity
  • TaskCompare compensation across different job roles to determine if there are significant gaps
  • Key ResultReduce turnover rate by revising the compensation structure to align with market standards
  • TaskDevelop a revised compensation plan that aligns with market standards and addresses employee needs
  • TaskReview and analyze the company's existing compensation structure
  • TaskConduct market research to determine current compensation standards for relevant positions
  • TaskCommunicate the revised compensation structure to employees and seek their feedback and suggestions

OKRs to reduce operational cost in the Network Operations Center

  • ObjectiveReduce operational cost in the Network Operations Center
  • Key ResultReduce unnecessary expenses by 15% through procurement optimization
  • TaskImplement a stringent approval process for all procurements
  • TaskConduct regular reviews of procurement practices
  • TaskEliminate redundant suppliers to consolidate spending
  • Key ResultImplement cost-effective automated systems to decrease manual labor costs by 20%
  • TaskImplement the chosen systems and monitor the cost-saving
  • TaskResearch and select cost-effective automation systems
  • TaskIdentify areas where automation can replace manual labor
  • Key ResultAchieve a 10% reduction in energy usage through efficient resource management
  • TaskImplement weekly power shutdowns in non-essential areas
  • TaskInstall energy-efficient lighting and appliances throughout the facility
  • TaskInsulate building envelope to optimize heating/cooling use

More OKR templates

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

OKRs resources

Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the Objectives and Key Results framework.