20 OKR examples for Strategy

Crafting effective OKRs can be challenging, particularly for beginners. Emphasizing outcomes rather than projects should be the core of your planning.

We have a collection of OKRs examples for Strategy to give you some inspiration. You can use any of the templates below as a starting point for your OKRs.

If you want to learn more about the framework, you can read more about the OKR meaning online.

Best practices for OKR

Your objectives should be ambitious, but achievable. Your key results should be measurable and time-bound. It can also be helfpul to list strategic initiatives under your key results, as it'll help you avoid the common mistake of listing projects in your KRs.

Building your own OKRs with AI

While we have some examples below, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. There are 2 options available to you.

- Use our free OKRs generator
- Use Tability, a complete platform to set and track OKRs and initiatives – including a GPT-4 powered goal generator

How to track OKRs

OKRs without regular progress updates are just KPIs. You'll need to update progress on your OKRs every week to get the full benefits from the framework.

Spreadsheets are enough to get started. Then, once you need to scale you can use a proper OKRs-tracking platform to make things easier.

We recommend Tability for an easy way to set and track OKRs with your team.

Check out the 5 best OKR tracking templates to find the best way to monitor progress during the quarter.

Strategy OKRs templates

We've added Strategy Objectives and Key Results, but also the initiatives that relate to the OKRs.

OKRs to secure the buy-in from the leadership of the 5 MAYD clusters on our strategy

  • ObjectiveSecure the buy-in from the leadership of the 5 MAYD clusters on our strategy
  • Key ResultConduct 5 customized persuasive presentations for each MAYD cluster's leadership
  • TaskCreate compelling graphics and content for five presentations
  • TaskIdentify key points for each MAYD cluster's personalized presentation
  • TaskSchedule and conduct the presentations for each cluster's leadership
  • Key ResultSecure formal written agreement from at least 4 of the 5 cluster heads on strategy
  • TaskSend drafted agreement to the 5 cluster heads
  • TaskDraft detailed strategy agreement for cluster head approval
  • TaskFollow up for signatures of at least 4 heads
  • Key ResultOutline benefits and get a 75% positive initial feedback from MAYD cluster heads
  • TaskConduct survey to gauge initial feedback
  • TaskIdentify and list benefits of MAYD cluster heads
  • TaskPrepare comprehensive presentation highlighting benefits
Turn OKRs into a Strategy Map

OKRs to develop a cohesive investor relations strategy for effective fundraising

  • ObjectiveDevelop a cohesive investor relations strategy for effective fundraising
  • Key ResultSecure commitments for fundraising from 5 potential investors following strategy implementation
  • TaskSchedule and conduct meetings with potential stakeholders
  • TaskObtain written commitments from investors
  • TaskCraft persuasive, personalized pitches for potential investors
  • Key ResultTrain 80% of team on strategy execution for secure investor communication
  • TaskMonitor and ensure 80% team participation in training
  • TaskIdentify team members needing strategy execution training
  • TaskSchedule training sessions on secure investor communication
  • Key ResultCreate strategy document involving all departments within 1 month
  • TaskIdentify key stakeholders across all departments
  • TaskSchedule meetings to discuss strategies
  • TaskWrite and revise comprehensive strategy document

OKRs to develop and implement an efficient cloud strategy

  • ObjectiveDevelop and implement an efficient cloud strategy
  • Key ResultIdentify and analyze potential cloud service providers by the end of month 2
  • TaskResearch potential cloud service providers
  • TaskPrepare a comparative analytical report of all providers
  • TaskEvaluate providers based on features, cost-effectiveness and reliability
  • Key ResultDefine key requirements and desired outcomes of the cloud strategy by month 1
  • TaskOutline desired outcomes from implementing the cloud solution
  • TaskIdentify critical objectives for adopting the cloud strategy
  • TaskDetermine primary requirements for the cloud strategy
  • Key ResultDesign, test, and execute cloud migration strategy achieving 90% transition by quarter end
  • TaskDevelop comprehensive cloud migration plan, including cost and risk analysis
  • TaskExecute the cloud migration, closely monitoring process and resolving issues promptly
  • TaskConduct exhaustive testing on pre-migration process and continuity plans

OKRs to enhance performance in the top two targeted areas for improvement

  • ObjectiveEnhance performance in the top two targeted areas for improvement
  • Key ResultBuild detailed strategy plans addressing identified improvements by week 4
  • TaskDevelop a detailed strategy plan in week two
  • TaskFinalize and implement improvement plans by week four
  • TaskIdentify areas needing improvement in the first week
  • Key ResultImplement created action plans and achieve 20% improvement by week 10
  • TaskMonitor progress and adjust approaches to ensure 20% improvement
  • TaskReview and understand the details of the created action plans
  • TaskStart implementing strategies from the action plans
  • Key ResultIdentify improvement needs through comprehensive analysis by week 2
  • TaskConduct surveys to gather employee feedback on improvement needs
  • TaskReview latest reports for performance-based improvement areas
  • TaskAnalyze customer feedback to identify required enhancements

OKRs to improve Advisory NPS through baseline measurement and analysis

  • ObjectiveImprove Advisory NPS through baseline measurement and analysis
  • Key ResultDevelop and implement targeted improvement strategies based on Advisory NPS insights
  • TaskImplement the planned improvement strategies systematically
  • TaskAnalyze Advisory NPS feedback to identify areas for improvement
  • TaskDevelop strategies to address identified weaknesses
  • Key ResultConduct customer satisfaction survey to gather Advisory NPS data
  • TaskDevelop a comprehensive customer satisfaction survey
  • TaskSend survey to existing advisory customers
  • TaskAnalyze survey results for NPS data
  • Key ResultAnalyze and compare Advisory NPS scores across different customer segments
  • TaskAnalyze Advisory NPS scores for each segment
  • TaskCategorize customers into different segments
  • TaskCompare NPS scores across all segments

OKRs to develop strong investor relations strategy

  • ObjectiveImprove Investor Relations
  • Key ResultAchieve higher investment inflow by 15%
  • Key ResultBoost investor confidence through regular communication
  • Key ResultMaximize investor outreach efforts
  • Key ResultIncrease investor engagement by 20%

OKRs to enhance strategic decision-making skills

  • ObjectiveEnhance strategic decision-making skills
  • Key ResultGather and analyze feedback on decision efficiency from 5 colleagues
  • TaskCollect and analyze the returned surveys
  • TaskIdentify five colleagues to provide feedback
  • TaskDevelop and distribute an efficiency feedback survey
  • Key ResultImplement learned strategies in 3 real-life scenarios successfully
  • TaskUtilize learned strategy in first identified scenario
  • TaskIdentify 3 real-life scenarios where strategies can be applied
  • TaskDocument the success of each strategy implementation
  • Key ResultComplete a decision-making course with at least 85% score
  • TaskConsistently attend classes and complete all assignments
  • TaskRegister for a reputable decision-making course
  • TaskStudy regularly to achieve at least 85% score

OKRs to drive tangible growth towards company's 2024 ambitions

  • ObjectiveDrive tangible growth towards company's 2024 ambitions
  • Key ResultIncrease company revenue by 15% compared to previous quarter
  • TaskDevelop new marketing campaigns to attract customers
  • TaskImplement effective upselling strategies to boost sales
  • TaskOptimize pricing strategies for all products/services
  • Key ResultInitiate three impactful growth strategies that will reach team adoption by 90%
  • TaskIdentify areas of high potential for growth in team processes
  • TaskImplement strategies and monitor team adoption rate
  • TaskDevelop impactful initiatives geared towards these growth areas
  • Key ResultImprove employee engagement in growth pitching by 20% measured by increased participation
  • TaskLaunch internal competition on the best growth pitching strategies
  • TaskOrganize weekly brainstorming sessions for pitching ideas
  • TaskProvide growth pitching training to all employees

OKRs to increase the number of qualified leads generated by BDRs by 30%

  • ObjectiveImprove BDR performance to generate more qualified leads
  • Key ResultImplement new outreach strategy to increase lead conversion by 10%
  • Key ResultIncrease BDR call volume by 20%
  • Key ResultIncrease email response rate by 25%
  • Key ResultImprove lead qualification accuracy by 15%

OKRs to enhance inter-departmental collaboration for effective social media operations

  • ObjectiveEnhance inter-departmental collaboration for effective social media operations
  • Key ResultPioneer a shared, online document housing all social media initiatives and updates
  • TaskCreate structure for social media initiatives document
  • TaskIdentify suitable online platform for shared document storage
  • TaskUpdate document regularly with initiatives and updates
  • Key ResultImplement weekly cross-departmental meetings focused on social media strategy by month-end
  • TaskCreate a recurring weekly meeting schedule
  • TaskOutline the meeting agenda focusing on social media
  • TaskIdentify key representatives from each department
  • Key ResultIncrease shared social media projects between departments by 20%
  • TaskImplement regular shared social media project progress reports across departments
  • TaskDevelop a centralized social media project management tool for all departments
  • TaskInitiate weekly interdepartmental brainstorming sessions on social media projects

OKRs to develop an engaging and results-driven events strategy

  • ObjectiveDevelop an engaging and results-driven events strategy
  • Key ResultMeasure and increase participant satisfaction by 25% post-event via surveys
  • TaskCreate a post-event satisfaction survey for participants
  • TaskImplement feedback to improve future events by 25%
  • TaskDistribute the survey to all event participants
  • Key ResultSecure partnerships with at least 5 industry influencers for event exposure
  • TaskIdentify relevant industry influencers for partnership
  • TaskDraft compelling proposal for potential influencer partnerships
  • TaskFollow-up proposal with individual discussions and negotiation
  • Key ResultBoost event engagement by 30% through interactive and engaging execution strategies
  • TaskUse visual storytelling to captivate attendees' interest
  • TaskAdopt gamification methods for interactive participant involvement
  • TaskImplement live polls/quizzes to encourage audience participation

OKRs to enhance the effectiveness of our marketing strategy

  • ObjectiveEnhance the effectiveness of our marketing strategy
  • Key ResultImprove email marketing open rates by 30%
  • TaskTest various email send times for maximum visibility
  • TaskSegment email list for personalized content delivery
  • TaskOptimize email subject lines for relevancy and engagement
  • Key ResultDrive website traffic up by 25%
  • TaskDevelop sponsored content or collaborations with related influential blogs
  • TaskUtilize social media platforms for promotion and link sharing
  • TaskImplement SEO techniques to improve site visibility in search engine results
  • Key ResultIncrease social media engagement by 40%
  • TaskLaunch a weekly interactive quiz or contest on all platforms
  • TaskInitiate collaborations with relevant influencers or brand ambassadors
  • TaskRegularly post shareable, high-quality content relative to your audience

OKRs to establish a robust internal investor relations framework

  • ObjectiveEstablish a robust internal investor relations framework
  • Key ResultOrganize 10+ meetings with internal stakeholders to communicate the strategy
  • TaskIdentify relevant stakeholders for strategy communication
  • TaskSchedule 10+ meetings via online platform or in person
  • TaskPrepare a detailed strategy presentation
  • Key ResultIdentify and onboard a dedicated investor relations manager with relevant experience
  • TaskShortlist, interview, and select a qualified individual
  • TaskAdvertise the position on ideal recruitment platforms
  • TaskDefine the role, skills, and experience needed for the position
  • Key ResultCreate a comprehensive investor relations strategy document by end of Q1
  • TaskIdentify key insights and information for the strategy document
  • TaskDraft document outlining investor relations strategy
  • TaskFinalize and proofread document before deadline

OKRs to streamline project management for timely delivery

  • ObjectiveStreamline project management for timely delivery
  • Key ResultImplement a project tracking system for real-time monitoring and status updates
  • TaskInstall and configure selected tracking system
  • TaskResearch available project tracking systems and select appropriate one
  • TaskTrain team on using tracking system
  • Key ResultReduce existing project completion timelines by 20%
  • TaskStreamline work processes to reduce time-consuming steps
  • TaskUtilize project management tools for efficiency
  • TaskImplement more focused, effective team meetings
  • Key ResultAchieve 100% completion of intermediary milestones within scheduled deadlines
  • TaskImplement efficient workflow strategies for timely task execution
  • TaskMonitor progress regularly to ensure completion within deadlines
  • TaskDevelop a detailed project timeline with intermediary milestones

OKRs to penetrate the French environmental market

  • ObjectivePenetrate the French environmental market
  • Key ResultSecure at least 3 partnerships with key French environmental organizations
  • TaskInitiate contact for potential partnership discussions
  • TaskPrepare and present partnership proposals
  • TaskResearch reputable French environmental organizations
  • Key ResultLaunch successful marketing campaign leading to 15% customer conversion rate
  • TaskImplement analytics to monitor conversion rates
  • TaskDevelop a targeted, compelling marketing message
  • TaskConduct thorough market research to understand customer preferences
  • Key ResultIncrease brand awareness to achieve 25% market recognition
  • TaskDevelop a creative, engaging social media marketing campaign
  • TaskCollaborate with complementary businesses for cross-promotion opportunities
  • TaskLaunch a targeted PR initiative within our demographic

OKRs to develop a winning sales strategy

  • ObjectiveDevelop a winning sales strategy
  • Key ResultImprove the cross-sell ration by 15%
  • Key ResultAchieve net sales of $12M
  • Key ResultReduce customer churn rate from 35% to 15%
  • Key ResultIncrease revenue/sales staff from $1.2k to $2k
  • Key ResultIncrease the Average Revenue Per Unit (ARPU) to $275

OKRs to to implement a strategic, consistent, and realistic social media approach

  • ObjectiveTo implement a strategic, consistent, and realistic social media approach
  • Key ResultGain 1000 new, organic followers across all social media platforms
  • TaskImplement a strategic follow and unfollow campaign
  • TaskActively interact and build relationships with followers
  • TaskCreate engaging, high-quality content regularly
  • Key ResultPost high-quality content consistently 5 times per week
  • TaskWrite and finalize 5 high-quality posts
  • TaskCreate a weekly content calendar with 5 post ideas
  • TaskSchedule 5 posts for weekly publication
  • Key ResultIncrease overall social media engagement by 20%
  • TaskRespond promptly and personally to comments and messages
  • TaskImplement a regular posting schedule across all platforms
  • TaskEngage audience with interactive content like quizzes and polls

OKRs to enhance user satisfaction and engagement with our app

  • ObjectiveEnhance user satisfaction and engagement with our app
  • Key ResultReduce average response time to user inquiries to under 24 hours through streamlined customer support
  • TaskRegularly analyze response time data to identify bottlenecks and implement process improvements
  • TaskEstablish clear guidelines and documentation for resolving common user inquiries
  • TaskTrain customer support agents to handle inquiries effectively and efficiently
  • TaskImplement a ticketing system for efficient tracking and prioritization of user inquiries
  • Key ResultIncrease user retention rate by 15% through personalized push notifications and enhanced features
  • TaskContinuously monitor and optimize push notification campaigns and feature updates for maximum effectiveness
  • TaskDevelop and implement a comprehensive push notification strategy based on user insights
  • TaskAnalyze user behavior to identify key preferences and interests for personalized push notifications
  • TaskEnhance user experience by adding new features and improving existing functionalities
  • Key ResultIncrease user reviews by 20% through targeted campaigns and incentivized prompts
  • TaskUse social media platforms to highlight positive user reviews and encourage others to share their experiences
  • TaskCreate personalized email campaigns to request user reviews with compelling copy and visuals
  • TaskOffer exclusive incentives, such as discounts or freebies, for users who leave reviews
  • TaskImplement in-app prompts at strategic moments to remind and encourage users to submit reviews
  • Key ResultIncrease average app rating to 4.5 stars through user feedback and app improvements

OKRs to secure series A financing

  • ObjectiveSecure series A financing
  • Key ResultDevelop a compelling business plan and pitch deck
  • TaskConduct market research and identify target audience for business plan
  • TaskIncorporate financial projections and ROI analysis to support the business plan and pitch deck
  • TaskClearly outline the problem, solution, and value proposition in the business plan
  • TaskCreate a visually appealing pitch deck with concise and engaging content
  • Key ResultAchieve a 10% increase in investor meetings
  • TaskEstablish and maintain relationships with key industry influencers and networks to expand investor connections
  • TaskIncrease outreach efforts to potential investors through targeted email campaigns
  • TaskDevelop and deliver compelling presentations to attract investor interest and secure meetings
  • TaskUtilize social media platforms to promote our company and engage with potential investors
  • Key ResultIncrease investor outreach by 50%
  • TaskCreate personalized email campaigns for targeted investor segments
  • TaskDevelop a comprehensive database of potential investors
  • TaskLeverage social media platforms to engage with potential investors and share updates
  • TaskSchedule regular investor meetings and webinar sessions to disseminate information
  • Key ResultReceive positive feedback from at least 75% of the potential investors
  • TaskConduct thorough research on potential investors to understand their interests and preferences
  • TaskFollow up with investors promptly, addressing any questions or concerns they may have
  • TaskDeliver a compelling and concise presentation that clearly communicates the value proposition
  • TaskTailor pitch deck to highlight benefits and potential returns for investors

OKRs to boost Productivity & Results of KOL Marketing

  • ObjectiveBoost Productivity & Results of KOL Marketing
  • Key ResultDecrease operation costs by 10% by implementing automation in KOL management
  • TaskResearch and select appropriate automation tools
  • TaskIdentify processes in KOL management that can be automated
  • TaskTrain staff and implement automation tools
  • Key ResultIncrease KOL engagement rates by 20% enhancing content quality
  • Key ResultImprove conversion rate from KOL initiatives by 15% through strategic targeting
  • TaskDevelop tailored messaging for target demographics
  • TaskImplement A/B testing to optimize results
  • TaskIdentify key KOLs with highest engagement rates

More OKR templates

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

OKRs resources

Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the Objectives and Key Results framework.