OKR template to achieve consistent delivery of a high-quality application

public-lib · Published 4 months ago

This OKR aims to achieve consistent delivery of a high-quality application. It focuses on increasing the rate of successful application releases by 20% through the use of automated testing, efficient software development methodologies, and enhanced team collaboration.

The second objective points to a 30% decrease in application issues reported post-release. This is to be accomplished by implementing a comprehensive quality assurance and testing process, conducting regular updates, patches post-release, and enhancing pre-release user acceptance testing.

The third piece accentuates on enhancing the user satisfaction ratings of the application by 25%. This involves developing and launching new features, prioritizing and addressing reported bugs and glitches, and actively gathering user feedback through frequent customer surveys.

All in all, this OKR targets the boost of the app's effectiveness by focusing on improved software delivery, quality assurance, user satisfaction, and constant application updating and maintenance processes.
  • ObjectiveAchieve consistent delivery of a high-quality application
  • Key ResultIncrease weekly cadence of successful application releases by 20%
  • TaskIntegrate automated testing for faster bug detection
  • TaskImplement more efficient software development methodologies
  • TaskEnhance collaboration among development teams
  • Key ResultDecrease application issues reported post-release by 30%
  • TaskImplement a comprehensive quality assurance and testing process
  • TaskPrioritize regular updates and patches post-release
  • TaskEnhance pre-release user acceptance testing
  • Key ResultEnhance user satisfaction ratings on the application by improving it by 25%
  • TaskDevelop and launch new desired features
  • TaskPrioritize and address reported bugs and glitches
  • TaskImplement frequent customer surveys to gather user feedback
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