OKR template to develop a functional and user-friendly MVP

public-lib · Published 9 months ago

The OKR is centered on developing a functional and user-friendly Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The main objectives include releasing the MVP to a test group with an expected satisfaction rate of 85% or higher. This entails identifying an appropriate test group, ensuring that the MVP works correctly, and integrating tools to collect feedback and measure satisfaction.

Another objective is to identify and prioritize the three most critical features by interviewing 20 potential users. This will involve conducting the interviews, crafting questions to target potential key features, and scrutinizing responses to identify the top three most critical features.

The OKR also sets securing a commitment from a technical developer or agency for the MVP development as an objective. This objective will be reached upon finalizing and signing an official commitment agreement, presenting project details and expectations to potential developers, and identifying potential technical developers or agencies.

Overall, this OKR is about creating a prototype product that meets user needs efficiently and effectively. It also involves aspects of market research, stakeholder engagement, strategic project management, and product development.
  • ObjectiveDevelop a functional and user-friendly MVP
  • Key ResultRelease MVP to a test group and achieve more than 85% satisfaction rate
  • TaskIdentify and organize a comprehensive, relevant test group
  • TaskDevelop a fully functional MVP for the specified product
  • TaskImplement feedback collection and satisfaction measurement tools
  • Key ResultIdentify and prioritize the top 3 key features by interviewing 20 potential users
  • TaskConduct interviews with 20 potential users
  • TaskPrepare interview questions targeting potential key features
  • TaskAnalyze responses to determine top 3 features
  • Key ResultSecure commitment from a technical developer or agency for MVP development
  • TaskFinalize and sign official commitment agreement
  • TaskPresent project details and expectations to potential developer
  • TaskIdentify potential technical developers or agencies
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