OKR template to increase AliExpress purchases

public-lib · Published 4 months ago

The OKR aims to enhance procurement from AliExpress by running market research, ordering items, and monitoring deliveries. Novel and trending products are to be identified weekly through browsing e-commerce platforms, scrutinizing Google Trends data, and following pertinent industry influencers.

Next, the execution phase involves ordering a minimum of five items every week. This requires weekly pre-purchase planning via examining product availability, pricing from suppliers, and compiling a wishlist of items.

A system is to be developed to track the time it takes for products to be delivered from the point of purchase. This aims to evaluate their logistics efficiency.

Lastly, customer satisfaction is to be measured post-delivery. The accumulated feedback will guide improvements in the ordering and delivery system to achieve a greater customer experience and ultimately boost AliExpress purchases.
  • ObjectiveIncrease AliExpress purchases
  • Key ResultResearch trending products weekly
  • TaskBrowse popular e-commerce sites for current top-selling items
  • TaskAnalyze Google Trends data for rising product searches
  • TaskFollow relevant industry influencers and note product recommendations
  • Key ResultPlace orders for at least 5 items per week
  • TaskReview product availability and pricing from suppliers
  • TaskSubmit at least 5 orders to suppliers each week
  • TaskCompile a list of desired products for purchase weekly
  • Key ResultTrack delivery times and customer satisfaction
  • TaskSet up a system to record and monitor delivery times
  • TaskAnalyze collected data and develop improvement strategies
  • TaskCreate customer satisfaction surveys after product delivery
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