OKR template to successfully launch the tech startup

public-lib · Published 9 months ago

This OKR proposes measures for successfully launching a tech startup. The first objective emphasizes securing funding from multiple investors, achieved by enhancing company visibility. Tactics include improving online presence via social media, participating in industry events, and developing a compelling investor presentation.

The second objective focuses on the realization of the defining product - the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The successful development, testing, and launching of the MVP to retrieve user validation data are pivotal to this goal.

The final objective stresses the importance of assembling a capable product team of skilled developers. Effective strategies to achieve this include job description detailing, targeted vacancy promotion, and the development of a comprehensive onboarding program for new recruits.

Overall, the three strands of the OKR tie together ambitious advancement strategies. Though distinct, each aspect is ultimately aimed at enabling the successful launch of the startup.
  • ObjectiveSuccessfully launch the tech startup
  • Key ResultSecure funding from at least three investors by increasing company visibility
  • TaskEnhance online presence through social media and optimized website
  • TaskParticipate in industry networking events
  • TaskDevelop a compelling investor presentation
  • Key ResultDevelop, test and launch the MVP (minimum viable product) targeting user validation
  • TaskDesign and develop the minimum viable product
  • TaskCarry out rigorous testing and fixing of the MVP
  • TaskLaunch MVP and collect user validation data
  • Key ResultHire and onboard five skilled developers to establish the product team
  • TaskCreate a detailed job description for developer positions
  • TaskPromote vacancies on targeted recruitment platforms
  • TaskDevelop a comprehensive onboarding program
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