OKR template to improve efficiency of QA triaging

public-lib · Published about 1 year ago

The OKR seeks to improve the quality assurance (QA) triaging process's efficiency. The first objective is to drastically reduce the incidence of false-positive tickets, which refers to incorrectly categorized bugs or issues. This will be achieved through various methods, including utilizing automated tools, providing team training, implementing clearer classification rules, and ongoing review and improvements.

The second objective focuses on the integration of an automated QA triaging system with existing bug tracking tools. The initiatives include selecting an appropriate system, training all relevant individuals, developing required integrations, and confirming seamless data transfer between platforms. This not only eases the tracking process but also promotes efficient management of QA processes.

The third goal is to automate manual QA triaging, resulting in a 50% reduction in time spent on this task. This involves researching suitable tools, training the QA team, analyzing current manual processes for automation scope, and creating automated tests. This would free up more time for the QA team to focus on other key areas.

The final objective is to adopt a machine learning algorithm to categorize and prioritize QA tickets. By using historical data, the algorithm would be regularly optimized. The development of a prioritization system based on urgency and effect metrics is also stated. An appropriate machine learning algorithm would then be chosen and implemented for ticket categorization.
  • ObjectiveImprove efficiency of QA triaging
  • Key ResultIncrease accuracy of QA triaging by achieving a 90% reduction in false-positive tickets
  • TaskUtilize automated tools and technologies to assist in the identification and reduction of false-positive tickets
  • TaskProvide comprehensive training to QA team members on identifying false-positive tickets
  • TaskImplement stricter guidelines for ticket classification based on clearly defined criteria
  • TaskRegularly analyze and review triaging processes to identify areas for improvement
  • Key ResultIntegrate automated QA triaging system with existing bug tracking tools
  • TaskEvaluate and select suitable automated QA triaging system for integration
  • TaskTrain QA team and relevant stakeholders on using the integrated automated QA triaging system
  • TaskDesign and implement necessary integrations between the automated QA triaging system and bug tracking tools
  • TaskTest and validate the integration to ensure seamless data flow between the systems
  • Key ResultReduce manual QA triaging time by 50% through automation
  • TaskResearch and evaluate available automation tools and frameworks suitable for QA triaging
  • TaskTrain QA team members on the usage and maintenance of the implemented automation solutions
  • TaskAnalyze existing manual QA triaging processes to identify potential areas for automation
  • TaskDevelop and implement automated test scripts for frequently occurring triaging scenarios
  • Key ResultImplement a machine learning algorithm to categorize and prioritize QA tickets
  • TaskContinually evaluate and fine-tune the algorithm using feedback and updated data
  • TaskCollect and analyze historical QA tickets for training data
  • TaskDevelop a prioritization system based on urgency and impact metrics
  • TaskChoose and implement a suitable machine learning algorithm for ticket categorization
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