OKR template to increase quality assurance effectiveness and efficiency

public-lib · Published 3 months ago

The OKR's main purpose is to enhance quality assurance efficiency and effectiveness. Achieving 70% automation in QA testing processes is the first outcome, involving efforts such as tool acquisition, automation identification, and the training of QA personnel in its usage.

Another objective is reducing false positives by 30%. To accomplish this, initiatives involve staff training to better identify and handle false positives, enhancing data checks, and setting stricter reporting algorithm parameters.

Improvement in the QA test pass rate to 95% is another outcome. This involves improving the bug detection and reporting system, creating a comprehensive training program for QA testers, and rigorous test case reviews before execution.

Thus, this OKR reflects a commitment towards QA process optimization, aiming at higher pass rates, accurate reporting, and increased automation.
  • ObjectiveIncrease quality assurance effectiveness and efficiency
  • Key ResultImplement automation in 70% of QA testing processes
  • TaskTrain QA team in automation tool use
  • TaskIdentify the QA testing processes that can be automated
  • TaskResearch and acquire suitable automation tools
  • Key ResultDecrease false positive reports by 30%
  • TaskTrain staff on identifying and handling false positives
  • TaskEnhance data quality and accuracy checks
  • TaskImplement stricter parameters in reporting algorithms
  • Key ResultIncrease the QA test pass rate to 95%
  • TaskEnhance the bug detection and reporting system
  • TaskDevelop a comprehensive training program for QA testers
  • TaskImplement rigorous test case reviews before execution
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