OKR template to enhance brand presence on various social platforms

public-lib · Published about 1 year ago

This OKR centers on escalating the brand's visibility on various social media platforms. The objective includes initiatives such as collaborations with influencers for promotions or shoutouts, development of engaging content, and consistent engagement with followers to achieve a 20% growth in Instagram followers.

Another objective entails boosting newsletter subscribers by 30%. The strategy will leverage both social media and email campaigns to promote the newsletter, provide exclusive content for subscribers, and to design a user-friendly subscription form on the website.

Furthermore, the OKR also acknowledges the importance of podcasts and aims at augmenting podcast listenership by 25%. Improving podcast content based on listener feedback, promoting the podcast on social platforms, and inviting popular guests are the chosen initiatives for this objective.

Lastly, driving up website traffic by 15% is another critical focus. The methods used to achieve this are implementing search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for improved page ranking, increasing the frequency of relevant content posts, and launching a targeted social media marketing campaign.
  • ObjectiveEnhance brand presence on various social platforms
  • Key ResultAchieve a 20% growth in Instagram followers
  • TaskCollaborate with influencers for shoutouts or promotions
  • TaskDevelop engaging content relevant to target audience
  • TaskConsistently engage with followers through comments and DMs
  • Key ResultIncrease newsletter subscribers by 30%
  • TaskPromote the newsletter through social media and email campaigns
  • TaskOffer exclusive content for newsletter subscribers
  • TaskImplement a user-friendly and attractive subscription form on the website
  • Key ResultBoost Podcast listenership by 25%
  • TaskImprove podcast content based on listener feedback
  • TaskPromote the podcast on relevant social media platforms
  • TaskInvite popular guests to increase audience interest
  • Key ResultDrive Website traffic up by 15%
  • TaskImplement search engine optimization strategies to improve page ranking
  • TaskIncrease frequency of engaging, relevant content posts
  • TaskLaunch a targeted social media marketing campaign
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