OKR template to achieve 100% test case updation across all modules

public-lib · Published 8 months ago

The OKR - 'Achieve 100% test case updation across all modules' mainly focuses on the complete revision and quality verification of every module by the end of the current quarter. The full completion of this requires robust verification checks and a regular updating schedule.

The second objective - 'Update 25% of test cases in each module by week 3' points towards the identification and division of tasks needed for revision. There is a need to prioritize and schedule specific updates for every module, aiming to revise a quarter of the total test cases weekly.

The third objective signifies the importance of conducting a mid-quarter review to ensure 50% completion. This involves analyzing data to confirm the percentage of objective completion and setting up a mid-quarter review meeting.

Finally, a key aspect of this OKR emphasizes the significance of continuous monitoring of progress, prompt reporting, and compilation of every project update and data for review. The main purpose is to ensure steady progress and validation of the objectives.
  • ObjectiveAchieve 100% test case updation across all modules
  • Key ResultAccomplish complete updation and quality verification of all modules by quarter end
  • TaskImplement robust quality verification checks
  • TaskSchedule time weekly for updating each module
  • TaskRegularly track and report update progress
  • Key ResultUpdate 25% of test cases in each module by week 3
  • TaskIdentify modules requiring test case updates
  • TaskRevise 25% of test cases per module weekly
  • TaskPrioritize and schedule updates for each module
  • Key ResultConduct a mid-quarter review to check 50% completion
  • TaskAnalyze data, confirm 50% objective completion
  • TaskSchedule and conduct a mid-quarter review meeting
  • TaskCompile all project updates and data for review
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