OKR template to establish myself as a thought leader in my field

public-lib · Published 2 months ago

This OKR focuses on establishing oneself as a thought leader in a certain field. The way to achieve this objective involves three key outcomes - building a strategic network, having speaking engagements, and publishing industry-relevant articles.

Building a strategic network involves identifying and connecting with 20 key influencers in the field. The initiatives to reach this outcome include identifying the influencers, reaching out to them and regularly engaging with them to foster and maintain connections.

Speaking at 3 major industry conferences or webinars is the second desired outcome. Identifying the organizers, scheduling and confirming speaking arrangements, and preparing insightful presentations are the initiatives to reach this goal.

Lastly, publishing 5 in-depth articles on industry-relevant topics in reputable journals is the third outcome. The initiatives include identifying the topics, writing the articles and submitting them to the journals.
  • ObjectiveEstablish myself as a thought leader in my field
  • Key ResultBuild strategic network by connecting with 20 key influencers in the field
  • TaskIdentify 20 key influencers in your field for potential networking
  • TaskReach out to influencers via email or social platforms
  • TaskEngage regularly with these influencers to foster and maintain connections
  • Key ResultSpeak at 3 major industry conferences or webinars to share insights
  • TaskIdentify and contact 3 major industry conferences or webinar organizers
  • TaskSchedule and confirm speaking arrangements with organizers
  • TaskPrepare insightful and engaging presentations
  • Key ResultPublish five in-depth articles on industry-relevant topics in reputable journals
  • TaskIdentify five industry-relevant topics for articles
  • TaskSubmit articles to reputable journals
  • TaskWrite the five in-depth articles
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