OKR template to decrease user acquisition cost for our mobile app

public-lib · Published 4 months ago

The primary objective of this OKR (Objective and Key Results) is to decrease the user acquisition cost for a mobile app. The approach comprises three main outcomes: improving ad click-through rates, lowering the average acquisition cost per user, and boosting organic app downloads.

To improve ad click-through rate by 15%, initiatives such as regular monitoring, analysis, and optimization of campaign performance, implementing targeted ad campaigns based on identified personas, and researching customer behavior to create detailed audience personas will be used.

The second outcome aims to reduce the acquisition cost per user by 25%. This will be achieved by enhancing ad campaign targeting precision, analyzing and optimizing current marketing strategies and enhancing customer retention strategies.

The third outcome focuses on increasing organic app downloads by 30%. This will be possible through promotion via user reviews and ratings, developing compelling app descriptions and attractive icons, and conducting keyword research to improve app store search ranking.
  • ObjectiveDecrease user acquisition cost for our mobile app
  • Key ResultImprove advertisement click-through rate by 15% with targeted marketing campaigns
  • TaskMonitor, analyze, and optimize campaign performance regularly
  • TaskImplement targeted ad campaigns based on identified personas
  • TaskResearch customer behavior to create detailed audience personas
  • Key ResultReduce average acquisition cost per user by 25%
  • TaskIncrease targeting precision in ad campaigns
  • TaskAnalyze and optimize current marketing strategies
  • TaskEnhance the retention strategies for existing customers
  • Key ResultIncrease organic app downloads by 30% through app store optimization
  • TaskPromotion through positive user reviews and ratings
  • TaskDevelop compelling app descriptions and attractive icons
  • TaskConduct keyword research to improve app store search ranking
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