OKR template to eliminate high-risk tech debt over the next year

Tability Templates · Published about 1 year ago

Our company's tech debt has been increasing over the years, and with it, the risk of potential issues arising. In order to mitigate this risk, we have set the objective to eliminate high-risk tech debt over the next year. By doing so, we are not only improving the reliability of our systems, but also creating a more manageable and sustainable path for future developments.
  • ObjectiveReduce high-risk tech debt to improve system stability
  • Key ResultConduct a thorough analysis to measure the impact of eliminating each high-risk tech debt item
  • Key ResultOutline and prioritize initiatives to eliminate each high-risk tech debt item
  • Key ResultComplete the elimination of at least 50% of high-risk tech debt items
  • Key ResultIdentify top 10 high-risk tech debt items
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