OKR template to increase the number of qualified leads generated by BDRs by 30%

Tability Templates · Published about 1 year ago

Our objective is to increase the number of qualified leads generated by our business development representatives (BDRs) by 30% within the next quarter. This will require optimizing our BDR outreach strategy to ensure we are targeting the right prospects and nurturing those relationships effectively. Improving our lead generation process will boost the overall success of our sales team and create more opportunities for revenue growth.
  • ObjectiveImprove BDR performance to generate more qualified leads
  • Key ResultImplement new outreach strategy to increase lead conversion by 10%
  • Key ResultIncrease BDR call volume by 20%
  • Key ResultIncrease email response rate by 25%
  • Key ResultImprove lead qualification accuracy by 15%
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