OKR template to improve the effectiveness and security of Identity Access Management (IAM) initiatives

public-lib · Published 3 months ago

This OKR aims to enhance the efficiency and security of Identity Access Management (IAM) initiatives. One objective is to diminish IAM-related security incidents by 20% - achieved through the implementation of multi-factor authentication, strict password policies, and regular security training.

A second objective targets the full implementation of two-factor authentication for all employee IAM accounts. This entails purchasing and installing suitable two-factor authentication software. Training for employees on how to use this new process also forms part of this initiative.

Another important goal is to raise the IAM user compliance rate by 30%. To achieve this, stricter IAM user permission policies will be enforced. Regular training is also proposed for IAM user compliance, along with routine audits to correct non-compliant IAM users.

In summation, this OKR focuses on amplifying the security and effectiveness of IAM initiatives by reducing security incidents, implementing two-factor authentication, and improving user compliance rates.
  • ObjectiveImprove the effectiveness and security of Identity Access Management (IAM) initiatives
  • Key ResultReduce IAM-related security incidents by 20%
  • TaskImplement multi-factor authentication for IAM systems
  • TaskUpdate and enforce strict password policies
  • TaskConduct regular IAM security training sessions
  • Key ResultImplement two-factor authentication for all employee IAM accounts
  • TaskPurchase and install selected two-factor authentication software
  • TaskTrain employees on how to use the new authentication process
  • TaskResearch suitable two-factor authentication software for IAM accounts
  • Key ResultIncrease IAM user compliance rate by 30%
  • TaskImplement stricter IAM user permission policies
  • TaskProvide regular IAM user compliance training
  • TaskRegularly audit and correct non-compliant IAM users
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