OKR template to obtain ISO 27001 certification

Tability Templates · Published about 1 year ago

Obtaining ISO 27001 certification is a crucial objective for our organization as it signifies our commitment to implementing and maintaining a robust information security management system. This certification demonstrates our ability to protect sensitive data, manage risks effectively, and enhance the confidence of our stakeholders in our organization's security practices, ultimately improving our reputation and competitiveness in the market.
  • ObjectiveAchieve ISO 27001 certification
  • Key ResultAddress all identified non-conformities and implement corrective actions promptly
  • TaskMonitor the progress of implemented corrective actions and report any deviations promptly
  • TaskDevelop a corrective action plan outlining steps to resolve each non-conformity
  • TaskReview and document all identified non-conformities from the assessment
  • TaskAssign responsible individuals to execute the corrective actions within specified timelines
  • Key ResultPass the external audit with no major findings and obtain ISO 27001 certification
  • TaskConduct regular internal audits to ensure ongoing compliance with ISO 27001 requirements
  • TaskWork closely with external auditors to address any findings and promptly resolve them
  • TaskImplement necessary security controls and procedures to address identified gaps
  • TaskReview existing security controls and identify gaps or areas for improvement
  • Key ResultConduct a successful internal audit to ensure compliance with ISO 27001 requirements
  • TaskDevelop and implement corrective actions for identified non-compliance issues
  • TaskConduct interviews and surveys to gather feedback from employees on compliance practices
  • TaskAssess and document the effectiveness of existing security controls
  • TaskReview and update company policies to align with ISO 27001 requirements
  • Key ResultImplement necessary security controls to comply with ISO 27001 standards
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