OKR template to improve Identity Access Management for large scale clients

public-lib · Published 4 months ago

The OKR is focused on enhancing Identity Access Management services for large-scale clients. The principal objectives involve reducing access credential errors, putting broad two-factor authentication in place and increasing the speed at which security incidents are responded to.

To decrease access credential errors by 20%, efforts would be put into launching regular password update reminders for employees, administering a detailed access credential training program and upgrading access security software to lower login errors.

Aiming to have two-factor authentication for 90% of the major customers involves launching the system to chosen clients after developing and testing a two-factor authentication mechanism. The final step is identifying 90% of the underlying big clients who need two-factor authentication.

The goal to expedite security incident response by 30% will have the focus on training staff in quick threat recognition procedures, deploying automated threat detection, response tools and streamlining the incident report, as well as escalation processes.
  • ObjectiveImprove Identity Access Management for large scale clients
  • Key ResultReduce access credential errors by 20%
  • TaskIntroduce regular password update reminders for employees
  • TaskImplement a comprehensive access credential training program
  • TaskUpgrade access security software to reduce login errors
  • Key ResultImplement two-factor authentication for 90% of big customers
  • TaskDeploy system to selected clients
  • TaskDevelop and test two-factor authentication system
  • TaskIdentify 90% of biggest clients requiring two-factor authentication
  • Key ResultIncrease security incident response speed by 30%
  • TaskTrain staff in faster threat identification procedures
  • TaskImplement automated threat detection and response tools
  • TaskStreamline incident reporting and escalation processes
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