OKR template to strengthen cybersecurity to reduce incidents by 50%

Tability Templates · Published about 1 year ago

As the frequency and severity of cyber attacks continues to rise, it is critical for our organization to prioritize cybersecurity. Our OKR aims to strengthen our cybersecurity measures to reduce incidents by 50%, mitigating the risks and protecting our sensitive information. Achieving this objective will require a multidisciplinary approach and a concerted effort by all team members.
  • ObjectiveImprove cybersecurity to minimize incidents
  • Key ResultCreate and test updated incident response and disaster recovery procedures
  • TaskDevelop and document updated incident response and disaster recovery plans
  • TaskIdentify stakeholders and their roles in incident response and disaster recovery
  • TaskTrain employees on updated procedures and conduct mock drills
  • TaskEvaluate effectiveness of updated procedures and make necessary adjustments
  • Key ResultIncrease the number of cybersecurity training sessions attended by employees
  • TaskRegularly communicate the importance of cybersecurity to employees
  • TaskDevelop engaging cybersecurity training content
  • TaskOffer incentives for attending cybersecurity training sessions
  • TaskImplement mandatory cybersecurity training for all employees
  • Key ResultConduct two external security audits to identify vulnerabilities
  • TaskReview and implement audit findings
  • TaskMonitor security vulnerabilities and take appropriate actions
  • TaskShare relevant security information
  • TaskHire third-party audit firms
  • Key ResultImplement two-factor authentication for high-risk data access
  • TaskImplement authentication for high-risk data
  • TaskChoose two-factor authentication method
  • TaskTrain employees on new authentication method
  • TaskTest and monitor authentication effectiveness
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