OKR template to enhance travel agent business through video competition

public-lib · Published 3 months ago

The main objective of the OKR is to strengthen the travel agent business via a video competition. The initial outcome focuses on converting 10% of video competition participants into formal travel agents. This is expected to be achieved through personalized follow-up discussions, offering specialized training, and providing incentives for participants to join as travel agents.

The second outcome aims to boost social media engagement by 30% through video competition promotions. By analyzing video competition performance and adjusting strategies accordingly, promoting the video competition on all social media platforms, and creating engaging video competition concepts relevant to the target audience, this outcome can be reached.

The final outcome for this OKR is to launch the video competition and attract at least 500 entries from potential travel agents. To achieve this, partnerships with various travel agencies will be established for a broader reach. Creation of compelling competition guidelines and promotional materials is also a key initiative.

Altogether, the objective and its associated outcomes set out a clear and plausible framework for enhancing the travel agent business. By focusing on video competition as an engagement tool, there is a strong potential for reaching new audiences and network expansion.
  • ObjectiveEnhance travel agent business through video competition
  • Key ResultConvert 10% of video competition participants into signed travel agents
  • TaskInitiate personalized follow-up conversations with participants
  • TaskOffer special training sessions tailored for video competition participants
  • TaskProvide incentives for participants to join as travel agents
  • Key ResultIncrease social media engagement by 30% through video competition promotions
  • TaskAnalyze video competition performance and adjust strategy accordingly
  • TaskPromote the video competition on all social media platforms
  • TaskCreate engaging video competition concepts relevant to the target audience
  • Key ResultLaunch video competition and attract 500+ entries from aspiring travel agents
  • TaskEstablish partnerships with travel agencies for wider reach
  • TaskCreate enticing competition guidelines and promotion materials
  • TaskAmplify event on social media and travel blogs
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