OKR template to improve search results page functionality based on device id

public-lib · Published about 1 year ago

This OKR aims to improve the functionality of the search results page based on the device ID. A key objective is to reduce the number of broken links on the search results page by 50%. This suggests a focus on improving the reliability of the webpage's links to enhance user experience.

Another significant goal is to ensure optimal display across all device IDs by implementing responsive design for the search page. To achieve this, the OKR prioritizes identifying and addressing unresponsive design elements and modifying the layout to adapt to different screen sizes.

Enhancing page loading speed is an additional focus, aiming for a 30% improvement across all device IDs. This is expected to be attained through various initiatives like optimizing image sizes and formats, enabling browser caching, and implementing lazy loading for non-critical resources.

Lastly, the OKR seeks to achieve a user satisfaction score of at least 4 out of 5 on the revamped search results page, suggesting a high emphasis on customer feedback and satisfaction.
  • ObjectiveImprove search results page functionality based on device id
  • Key ResultReduce the number of broken links on the search results page by 50%
  • Key ResultImplement responsive design for the search page to ensure optimal display across all device ids
  • TaskIdentify and address any design elements that are not responsive
  • TaskModify the search page layout to adapt to different screen sizes
  • TaskTest and validate the responsive design on various devices for optimal display
  • TaskConduct a thorough analysis of the current search page design
  • Key ResultIncrease search page loading speed by 30% for all device ids
  • TaskOptimize image sizes and formats to reduce loading time
  • TaskEnable browser caching to store and retrieve frequently accessed resources
  • TaskImplement lazy loading for non-critical resources to prioritize initial page rendering
  • TaskMinify CSS and JS files to decrease page load size
  • Key ResultAchieve a user satisfaction score of at least 4 out of 5 on the fixed search results page
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