OKR template to enhance security posture and governance as CISO Manager

public-lib · Published 3 months ago

The OKR focuses on improving the security stance and governance through the role of the CISO Manager. A key objective for this role is particularly to diminish the occurrences of security incidents by 20%, solidifying the organization's security stance. This would be achieved through strengthening cybersecurity practices among employees, escalating monitoring measures and intrusion detection efforts, and assuring the timely implementation of system updates and security patches.

Further enhancing employee awareness on cybersecurity is another critical component of the CISO Manager's OKR. This will be carried out through conducting quarterly cybersecurity workshops for all staff. The task will require scheduling and announcing training sessions, identifying relevant cybersecurity topics for the training modules, and creating comprehensive yet user-friendly training materials.

Additionally, the organization aims to implement multi-factor authentication across 90% of the systems. The process requires the identification of systems that currently lack multi-factor authentication and initiating its addition. Regular monitoring and reporting on progress is also expected until 90% of the systems have multi-factor authentication implemented.

Finally, the final step in this plan involves the instigation of a system-wide implementation of multi-factor authentication. This stage includes identifying which systems are currently without multi-factor authentication, continuously monitoring and reporting on progress until a 90% implementation rate is achieved, and finalizing the addition of multi-factor authentication to the necessary systems.
  • ObjectiveEnhance security posture and governance as CISO Manager
  • Key ResultReduce the number of security incidents by 20%
  • TaskEnhance employee training on cybersecurity practices
  • TaskIncrease monitoring and intrusion detection efforts
  • TaskImplement routine system updates and security patches
  • Key ResultConduct quarterly cybersecurity training for all employees
  • TaskSchedule and announce training sessions to all employees
  • TaskIdentify relevant cybersecurity topics for training modules
  • TaskDevelop comprehensive yet straightforward training materials
  • Key ResultImplement multi-factor authentication for 90% of systems
  • TaskIdentify which systems currently lack multi-factor authentication
  • TaskMonitor and report regularly on progress until 90% completion
  • TaskInstigate the addition of multi-factor authentication to necessary systems
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