OKR template to enhance product compatibility for Windows and Linux platforms

public-lib · Published 5 months ago

The OKR aims to enhance the product's compatibility with Windows and Linux platforms. The first objective focuses on making the product functional on both platforms. This involves identifying necessary modifications, implementing changes, and reviewing current performance.

The second objective targets achieving a 90% satisfaction rate from customers using the product on both platforms. It encompasses enhancing customer experience, seeking customer feedback, and rigorous product testing on both platforms to identify and address issues.

The third objective intends to guarantee successful testing on both Windows and Linux environments. Installation of required testing tools, documentation of discrepancies and performance results, and conducting functionality and compatibility tests on both platforms are all part of it.

Overall, this OKR seeks to optimize the product for enhanced performance on different platforms - Windows and Linux. It eventually aims to elevate customer satisfaction, suggesting that critical product enhancements and rigorous testing are crucial to achieving these goals.
  • ObjectiveEnhance product compatibility for Windows and Linux platforms
  • Key ResultDevelop and implement necessary changes to make product functional on Windows and Linux platforms
  • TaskImplement, test and adjust changes for both platforms
  • TaskIdentify required modifications for cross-platform functionality
  • TaskReview product's current performance on Windows and Linux platforms
  • Key ResultAchieve a 90% customer satisfaction rate for product performance on Windows and Linux
  • TaskTrain customer service staff to enhance customer experience
  • TaskDevelop regular feedback sessions with customers for improvements
  • TaskImplement rigorous product testing on Windows and Linux platforms
  • Key ResultSuccessfully execute testing on both Windows and Linux environments
  • TaskInstall necessary testing tools on both Windows and Linux systems
  • TaskDocument discrepancies and performance results for analysis
  • TaskConduct functionality and compatibility tests on both environments
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