OKR template to enhance the quality of the company's testing process

public-lib · Published 4 months ago

The OKR aims to improve the company's testing process significantly. One of the primary objectives is to reduce bugs found post-release by 30%, achieved through continuous training, rigorous pre-launch testing protocols, and enhancing code review processes.

Another outcome sought is achieving a 95% accuracy rate in every conducted test. The initiatives to reach this aim include refining test procedures, implementing comprehensive testing protocol training, and conducting regular monitoring and evaluations.

Implementation of two new automated testing tools to streamline the process is another aim. The steps to fulfil this aim include researching to select suitable tools, training the team on these tools’ usage and integration, and finally purchasing and installing the chosen tools.

Clearly, the central purpose of this OKR is to elevate the quality of the company's testing mechanism and further improving the development team's skills and tools to achieve better product outcomes.
  • ObjectiveEnhance the quality of the company's testing process
  • Key ResultReduce the number of bugs found post-release by 30%
  • TaskImplement continuous training for the development team
  • TaskDevelop rigorous pre-launch software testing protocols
  • TaskEnhance code review processes and quality checks
  • Key ResultAchieve 95% accuracy rate in every conducted testing
  • TaskReview and refine testing procedures and tools
  • TaskImplement comprehensive training on test protocol
  • TaskConduct regular monitoring and performance evaluation
  • Key ResultImplement two new automated testing tools to streamline process
  • TaskResearch and select two suitable automated testing tools
  • TaskTrain the team on usage and integration of tools
  • TaskPurchase and install chosen automated testing tools
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