OKR template to establish monthly brown bag/office hours with IT

public-lib · Published 9 months ago

The OKR aims to establish a monthly 'brown bag' or 'office hours' with the IT department. The first objective is generating and distributing an agenda for each session one week in advance. The initiatives to achieve this are formulating the agenda a week prior, compiling the topics for each session, and distributing the agenda to all participants.

The second target is to achieve a minimum attendance rate of 80% at each session. The steps to accomplish this involve implementing incentives for regular attendees, sending out reminders about upcoming sessions, and developing engaging content to keep attendance interest.

The third and final objective is to identify and confirm suitable time slots for all IT team members. The initiatives for this include: sending confirmation emails for chosen time slots, compiling responses, and identifying common availability times. Furthermore, a survey will be sent to the IT team to choose their preferred time slots.

This OKR envisions a more structured and involving office hours for the IT department. It aims to improve communication and discussion within the team, while ensuring the majority of the team can participate.
  • ObjectiveEstablish monthly brown bag/office hours with IT
  • Key ResultGenerate and distribute an agenda for each session, one week in advance
  • TaskFormulate the agenda one week prior
  • TaskCompile topics to be discussed for each session
  • TaskDistribute the agenda to all participants
  • Key ResultAchieve a minimum 80% attendance rate at each session
  • TaskImplement incentives for regular attendees
  • TaskSend out reminder notifications about upcoming sessions
  • TaskDevelop engaging session content to maintain attendance interest
  • Key ResultIdentify and confirm suitable time slots with 100% of IT team members
  • TaskSend confirmation emails for chosen time slots
  • TaskCompile responses and identify common availabilities
  • TaskSend survey to IT team to select preferred time slots
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