OKR template to improve software system design and logging framework expertise

public-lib · Published about 1 year ago

The first aspect of this OKR focuses on gaining a deeper understanding of software system design by collaborating with senior engineers in at least two software design reviews. Initiatives associated with this goal include researching, preparing and actively participating in the reviews and then sharing the acquired knowledge and input.

The second objective is to stay up to date on the latest trends and best practices in the software system design field through personal research. This includes engaging in discussions with professionals in the field, reviewing resources and industry publications, and attending relevant conferences and webinars.

The third objective revolves around applying hands-on experience in a specific logging framework onto a project. By doing so, its effectiveness can be analyzed with initiatives involving defining log messages, integrating the logging framework into the project, and understanding its impact on the project's performance.

The last objective is to complete an online course on software system design. The aim is to apply the theoretical knowledge from the course to the practical, working world. This course completion acts as a recognition of successful learning in the field.
  • ObjectiveImprove software system design and logging framework expertise
  • Key ResultCollaborate with senior engineers on at least two software design reviews and provide valuable insights
  • TaskPrepare for software design reviews by doing research and gathering relevant information
  • TaskActively participate in software design reviews by asking questions and offering suggestions
  • TaskSchedule meetings with senior engineers to discuss software design reviews
  • TaskDocument and share valuable insights and suggestions with senior engineers after the reviews
  • Key ResultConduct research on best practices and emerging trends in software system design
  • TaskEngage in discussions with industry experts and peers to gather insights on software system design best practices
  • TaskReview industry publications and online resources for current best practices in software system design
  • TaskAttend relevant conferences and webinars to stay updated on emerging trends in software system design
  • TaskSet up alerts and notifications for research papers and articles on software system design
  • Key ResultImplement logging framework in one project and analyze its effectiveness
  • TaskDefine and implement the desired log messages and their respective levels
  • TaskIntegrate the chosen logging framework into the project's codebase
  • TaskResearch and choose a suitable logging framework for the project
  • TaskAnalyze and measure the impact of the logging framework on project performance and debugging processes
  • Key ResultSuccessfully complete online course on software system design with a passing grade
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