OKR template to improve Arbor's inclusivity

public-lib · Published 4 months ago

The OkR titled 'Improve Arbor's inclusivity aims to increase inclusivity and diversity in the company. The first outcome includes the initiative of conducting diversity training courses for all staff members to increase company-wide awareness about inclusivity and diversity. The company plans to hire a well-recognized diversity training consultant for this purpose.

The second objective involves implementing two new inclusive policies or initiatives throughout the company. These will be developed considering the areas where the company needs inclusivity improvement. This will be followed by a company wide communication about these newly launched policies.

The third objective targets the increase in diversity representations in the leadership positions of the company by 10%. This is planned to be achieved by making diversity and inclusion training mandatory for all employees and by actively recruiting diverse candidates for leadership roles.

Additionally, there is a plan to develop specialized leadership programs specifically aimed at employees from underrepresented groups. This will help in increasing their representation at leadership positions and also improve the overall inclusivity at Arbor's.
  • ObjectiveImprove Arbor's inclusivity
  • Key ResultConduct diversity training for all employees
  • TaskCommunicate training details and expectations to all staff
  • TaskSchedule training sessions for all employees
  • TaskIdentify a well-recognized diversity training program or consultant
  • Key ResultImplement two new inclusive policies or initiatives company-wide
  • TaskDevelop two new inclusive policies or initiatives
  • TaskIdentify areas needing inclusivity improvement within the company
  • TaskLaunch and communicate these policies company-wide
  • Key ResultIncrease diversity representation in leadership roles by 10%
  • TaskImplement mandatory diversity and inclusion training for all staff members
  • TaskActively recruit diverse candidates for leadership roles
  • TaskDevelop targeted leadership programs for underrepresented employees
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