OKR template to boost participation in wellness events through strategic alignment

public-lib · Published 4 months ago

The OKR titled "Boost participation in wellness events through strategic alignment" aims at increasing involvement in wellness activities. The key objectives under this focus on survey completions, rising event registrations, and enhancing engagement.

The first goal is to get 80% of participants to complete satisfaction surveys after an event. Tactics to accomplish this involve sending reminder emails, distributing quick post-event surveys, and encouraging responses through rewarding incentives.

Secondly, the OKR identifies a 15% increase in event registrations as pivotal. Specific plans to achieve this include sending personalized email invitations to previous participants, collaborating with local influencers to promote events, and launching engaging social-media campaigns for wellness occasions.

Lastly, there's a keen interest in ramping up engagement during the wellness events by 25%. Offering small incentives for active participation, incorporating interactive health-related games or quizzes to events, and utilizing all internal channels to promote wellness events are some strategies considered to meet this goal.
  • ObjectiveBoost participation in wellness events through strategic alignment
  • Key ResultEnsure 80% of participants complete post-event satisfaction surveys
  • TaskSend reminder emails regularly to encourage completion
  • TaskSend out satisfaction surveys immediately following the event
  • TaskOffer incentives for completing the survey
  • Key ResultIncrease registration for wellness events by 15%
  • TaskSend personalized email invitations to past participants
  • TaskCollaborate with local influencers for event promotion
  • TaskDevelop engaging social media campaigns promoting wellness events
  • Key ResultEnhance engagement during wellness events by 25%
  • TaskOffer small incentives for active participation or greater attendance
  • TaskAdd interactive health-related games or quizzes to wellness events
  • TaskPromote wellness events through all available internal channels
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