OKR template to raise 1 Million US Dollars as seed funding

public-lib · Published 9 months ago

The overarching objective of this OKR is to raise 1 Million US Dollars as seed funding for the company. As a means to achieving this, the company will first identify and make presentations to 50 potential investors within target sectors of interest. Customized pitches will be developed for each investor based on their interests and the alignment of these interests with the company's mission and vision.

A secondary strategy is to secure a commitment of an average of $100,000 each from at least 10 investors. To operationalize this, the company plans on scheduling individual meetings for pitches, preparing a persuasive investment pitch, and initial outreach to 20 potential investors.

Fundraising events and campaigns form another crucial part of this OKR. The intent is to generate at least $200,000 through this avenue. This will involve high-donor events, peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns, and the implementation of a repeat contribution-encouraging donor stewardship plan.

Also embedded is the creation of a fundraising strategy that targets a $200,000 goal. This is accompanied by making a comprehensive list of 50 potential investors, researching each investor's interests, and prioritizing those aligned with the company.
  • ObjectiveRaise 1 Million US Dollars as seed funding
  • Key ResultIdentify and pitch to 50 potential investors in targeted industries
  • TaskCreate a comprehensive list of 50 potential investors in targeted industries
  • TaskResearch each investor's interests, prioritizing those aligned with our company
  • TaskDevelop and customize pitches tailored to each potential investor
  • Key ResultSecure commitments from 10 investors at an average of $100,000 each
  • TaskSchedule individual meetings to present pitch
  • TaskIdentify 20 potential investors for initial outreach
  • TaskPrepare a persuasive investment pitch
  • Key ResultExecute fundraising events/campaigns generating $200,000 in total
  • TaskOrganize high-donor events and peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns
  • TaskImplement donor stewardship plan to encourage repeat contributions
  • TaskDevelop a comprehensive fundraising strategy targeting a $200,000 goal
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