OKR template to enhance provision of advisory services

public-lib · Published 3 months ago

This OKR focuses on enhancing the provision of advisory services. Its measure of success includes achieving 25% more client engagements, offering 3 new services tailored to client needs, and improving client satisfaction rate by 15% through superior service delivery.

There are several initiatives outlined to achieve these goals. Firstly, to increase engagement, discounted packages will be offered to new clients, webinars conducted to showcase expertise, and aggressive marketing strategies implemented. Secondly, adding to the service catalog has been identified as another way to attract more clients hence the plan to implement, market and develop new services based on researched client needs.

Improving the client satisfaction rate is the third objective. This will be done through a customization of advisory approaches for individual clients, implementing ongoing customer service training for advisory staff, and by routinely soliciting client feedback on the advisory services provided.

The OKR revolves around client engagement, service diversification, and satisfaction enhancement. It's clear that meeting these objectives involves the overall improvement of service delivery, and attention to client feedback and needs.
  • ObjectiveEnhance provision of advisory services
  • Key ResultAttain 25% more client engagements for advisory services by quarter end
  • TaskOffer discounted packages for new clients
  • TaskConduct webinars to showcase expertise
  • TaskImplement aggressive marketing strategies for advisory services
  • Key ResultOffer 3 new advisory services that cater to specific client needs
  • TaskImplement and market new advisory services
  • TaskResearch current client's needs to identify gaps in advisory services
  • TaskDevelop three new advisory service proposals
  • Key ResultImprove client satisfaction rate by 15% through superior advisory service
  • TaskFurther customize advisory approaches for individual clients
  • TaskImplement ongoing customer service training for advisory staff
  • TaskRoutinely solicit client feedback on advisory services
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