OKR template to improve internal stakeholder usability of new ERP system

public-lib · Published 4 months ago

The main objective of the OKR is to enhance the usability of a new ERP system for internal stakeholders. This entails the implementation of initiatives that increase stakeholder competency through personalized ERP training courses, ultimately aiming for 100% increase in proficiency.

In order to lower complaint tickets related to ERP use by 30%, quicker tech support response times for ERP issues will be provided. Along with this, the user interface of the ERP system will be improved and regular training sessions for all users will be conducted.

Another goal is to implement suggestions from stakeholders for improvements in the ERP system, with an aim to achieve 80% positive feedback. Although specific initiatives for this goal are not listed in the OKR, they will likely involve collecting and analyzing stakeholder feedback, then applying recommended changes.

This OKR implies an essential effort towards making the new ERP system more user-friendly and efficient for internal stakeholders. Key success metrics include increased stakeholder proficiency, decreased complaint tickets, and positive feedback on implemented improvements.
  • ObjectiveImprove internal stakeholder usability of new ERP system
  • Key ResultIncrease stakeholder proficiency through tailored ERP training sessions
  • TaskIdentify stakeholder's proficiency level and specific training requirements
  • TaskImplement and monitor these tailored ERP training sessions
  • TaskDevelop customized training sessions based on identified requirements
  • Key ResultReduce complaint tickets related to ERP usage by 30%
  • TaskDeploy quicker tech support turnaround for ERP issues
  • TaskImprove ERP system's user interface for easier use
  • TaskImplement regular ERP training sessions for all users
  • Key ResultImplement stakeholder suggested ERP system improvements and achieve 80% positive feedback
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