OKR template to ensure all company devices are asset tagged

public-lib · Published 9 months ago

The aim of this OKR is to ensure that all company devices are asset tagged. To verify success, the aim is to have full tagging and database updating of company devices by week 12. Activities to achieve this include developing a uniform tagging system by week 10, and creating a comprehensive list of devices by week 8.

Another objective entailed in this OKR is the procurement of quality asset tags for every identified device by week 8. This will involve identifying and tallying all devices needing tags, researching and choosing high-quality asset tags, then buying and assigning these to each device.

Further, the third key objective is to thoroughly identify and categorize all company-owned devices by week 4. This will be undertaken through compiling a list of all company-owned devices, verifying and finalizing this list by the end of week 4, and then categorizing them according to their respective type and function.

In summary, this OKR centers on asset management, using a detailed and staged plan to ensure all company devices are clearly tagged, regularly tracked, neatly categorized, and effectively managed to guarantee optimal efficiency and visibility across all owned equipment.
  • ObjectiveEnsure all company devices are asset tagged
  • Key ResultSuccessfully tag and update database with 100% of company devices by week 12
  • TaskApply tags and update the database by week 12
  • TaskDevelop an efficient and uniform tagging system by week 10
  • TaskCompile a complete list of all company devices by week 8
  • Key ResultProcure quality asset tags for 100% of identified devices by week 8
  • TaskIdentify and tally all devices that need asset tags
  • TaskResearch and select high-quality asset tags
  • TaskPurchase and assign asset tags to each device
  • Key ResultIdentify and categorize all company-owned devices by end of week 4
  • TaskCompile a list of all company-owned devices
  • TaskVerify and finalize list by end of week 4
  • TaskCategorize devices based on type and function
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