OKR template to secure funding for mobile game prototype

public-lib · Published 4 months ago

The OKR ("Secure funding for mobile game prototype") has three main objectives. The first objective is to create a list of 100 potential investors in gaming prototypes by week 6. This involves researching investors who have previously funded similar projects and have demonstrated interest in the gaming sector.

The second objective seeks to develop a compelling pitch by week 3 to engage the potential investors. This process includes identifying the unique aspects of the project that make it a promising investment, practicing the presentation for flawless delivery, and building a captivating narrative around the pitch.

The final objective involves securing meetings and presenting the pitch to at least 50% of the identified investors. The initiatives to accomplish this include preparation and rehearsal of the pitch, compiling the contacts of the potential investors, and scheduling meetings with each one of them.

The overall goal of these objectives is to secure funding for the development of a mobile game prototype. This will be achieved through effective research, compelling pitching, and nurturing relationships with potential investors.
  • ObjectiveSecure funding for mobile game prototype
  • Key ResultResearch and identify 100 viable investors for gaming prototype by week 6
  • Key ResultDevelop and perfect a unique and engaging pitch for potential funders by week 3
  • TaskIdentify unique selling points of the project
  • TaskPractice the pitch for fluid delivery
  • TaskCreate a compelling narrative for the pitch
  • Key ResultSecure meetings and present pitch to at least 50% of identified investors
  • TaskPrepare and rehearse investor pitch
  • TaskCompile contacts of identified investors
  • TaskSchedule meetings with each investor
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