OKR template to reduce scope creep on critical projects

Tability Templates · Published over 1 year ago

Scope creep is a common issue that can have a big impact on the success of a project. It can result to missed deadlines, budget overruns, and decreased quality.

This OKR example gives you a starting point to establish a plan to track and reduce scope creep on critical projects.

  • ObjectiveMinimize scope creep on critical projects
  • Key Result100% of scope changes are documented and approved by the relevant stakeholders
  • Key ResultRun 3 training session on how to manage scope on long-term projects
  • Key ResultAchieve an 45% reduction in scope creep on critical projects
  • TaskEstablish clear project objectives and scope before the project begins
  • TaskSet expectations with stakeholders and document any changes to scope
  • TaskCreate a process for stakeholders to submit scope change requests
  • TaskMonitor progress regularly to ensure scope is being met
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