OKR template to deliver stunning 3D art for the upcoming game

public-lib · Published 4 months ago

This OKR revolves around delivering high-quality 3D art for an upcoming game. The primary directive is to procure favorable feedback from 95% of the testing team concerning the quality of the art by the 12th week. To attain this, the art team will collect and instate feedback from preliminary evaluations, improve art quality based on the received feedback, and create a detailed questionnaire for the testing team concerning the quality of the art.

Another objective is to complete the concept sketches for each game character and environment by the 4th week. Daily time allocation will be given towards developing and finalizing these sketches, and a meticulous schedule for the creation of character and environment sketches will also be put in place. Completion of all sketches by the end of the 4th week is a key directive.

The third aim is to achieve 3D modeling of at least 90% of the game assets by week 8. To ensure success, progress is to be monitored, and revisions to the modeling are to be managed. 3D modelers will receive tasks for each asset, and a final list of the required game assets for 3D modeling will be prepared.

All in all, this OKR emphasizes on two main factors: delivering appealing 3D art and gearing the team towards strict deadlines for completing sketches and models. The primary goal is to ensure game art is not just done on time, but also results in a quality that is appreciable by the testing team.
  • ObjectiveDeliver stunning 3D art for the upcoming game
  • Key ResultObtain favorable feedback from 95% of the testing team on art quality by week 12
  • TaskCollect, analyze and implement feedback from initial assessments
  • TaskImprove art quality based on feedback received
  • TaskDevelop detailed questionnaire for testing team about art quality
  • Key ResultFinalize concept sketches for all game characters and environments by week 4
  • TaskAllocate time daily to develop and finalize sketches
  • TaskComplete all sketches by the end of week 4
  • TaskCreate detailed schedule for character and environment sketches
  • Key ResultComplete 3D modeling of at least 90% of game assets by week 8
  • TaskMonitor progress and manage modeling revisions
  • TaskAssign tasks to 3D modelers for each asset
  • TaskFinalize list of required game assets for 3D modeling
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