OKRs Examples


EA & Administrative Assistants

Examples of OKRs for EA & Administrative Assistants

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Why use OKRs for administrative assistants

Administrative assistants are an incredibly important cog in the machine — their responsibility is to ensure the company operates efficiently and effectively. As professional multitaskers, they handle administrative tasks in the office while also ensuring employees are supported in their day-to-day duties.

OKRs are a powerful tool for administrative assistants, helping them prioritise tasks and improve office processes. Having administrative assistant OKRs in place will also promote personal career growth by enhancing your skills and demonstrating ambition and organization.

Why use OKRs for executive assistants

Executive assistants have a lot on their plate when it comes to supporting top-level employees. Like admin workers, they wear many different hats — their role can shift from desk clerk to editor in a blink. With many responsibilities, it can be challenging for executive assistants to balance personal and organizational development. 

That’s where OKRs come in — goal setting gives executive assistants the direction they need to both effectively support their employers and progress in their careers. With OKRs, executive assistants also have objective benchmarks for success— a rare find in this field.

How to write OKRs for administrative and executive assistants

Step 1. Understand OKRs theory

OKRs are made of three components: Objectives (O), Key Results (KRs) and projects.

  1. Objectives (O): Two or three points broadly describing what you want to accomplish this quarter. E.g. Consistently great customer service.
  2. Key Results (KRs): Action statements that define success. Good KRs should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. E.g. Reduce average call response time from 50 to 20 seconds.
  3. Projects: Your goal to-do list. For each KR, develop a concise plan for how you’ll achieve it. E.g. Employ a new receptionist and improve automated call messaging.

Step 2. Identify a focus

With OKRs theory locked and loaded, it’s time to turn ideas into action. Start by determining three areas of focus for the quarter. The following are some areas where OKRs could improve assistant performance.

  • Speed: Automate processes and minimize interruptions. 
  • Accuracy: Reduce errors made in day-to-day tasks.
  • Resource management: Use fewer financial/staff resources.
  • Consistency: Deliver a high standard of service every time.
  • Creativity: Innovate new, more efficient ways of doing things.

Once you’ve identified what you want to improve, you can start writing your Objectives. Keep your objectives broad and ambitious, and leave the specificity to the Key Results.

Step 3. Develop a strategy

Knowing what you want is a great step toward success, but the grind shouldn’t stop there. OKRs are built on a deadline-based structure that requires you to outline achievable KRs and follow them up with action points. 

Want to learn more? We’ve got heaps of resources on how to write OKRs! Here are some of our foundations:

This AI can create OKRs for you 👇
Create tailor-made OKRs with Tability's goal-setting AI.
See the tutorial

OKRs examples for executive assistants

Executive assistants support the team’s key players — they can use these examples as inspiration for their own goal-making. 


Improve executive productivity and support

Key result

Streamline and automate administrative tasks, resulting in a 20% reduction in the time spent on administrative work.

Key result

Increase executive's availability for strategic work by 15% by implementing a more efficient scheduling system

Key result

Coordinate 25 internal and external meetings to increase the executive's visibility and presence

Other SMART goals for executive assistants

What goals should I set as an executive assistant? Try one of the below.

  • Set aside 60 minutes a month to advance knowledge of essential resources such as Excel, Google Slides, Photoshop etc.
  • Obtain project manager certification (PMP) by the end of the quarter.
  • Improve conference planning by attending a seminar on event coordination before the June summit.
  • Redecorate and restock the board room before the client pitch in July.

OKRs examples for administrative assistants

Administrative assistants are the supportive foundation keeping an office from leaning like the Tower of Pisa. Here are some OKRs examples for administrative assistants.


OKRs to improve office efficiency and organization

Key result

Improve in meeting efficiency by 10%

Key result

Reduce office supply costs by 10% by streamlining ordering processes

Key result

Implement a new filing and document management system to reduce time spent searching for documents

Other SMART goals for administrative assistants

Looking for more SMART goal and OKRs examples for administration staff? See below.

  • Improve response to surveys by 25% by sending out one reminder email monthly.
  • Encourage calendar organization by adopting automated calendar management tools before the start of the next quarter.
  • Improve access to office supplies by restocking cupboards once a month.

Tracking assistant OKRs with Tability

Let’s keep the momentum going — while writing OKRs is a crucial part of goal success, they are of little use without tracking. OKRs are given a three-month deadline, and without regular tracking and check-ins, you could find yourself toward the end of the quarter with little-to-no goal progress. 

The best way to track OKRs

Tability will save you many hours of reporting, and create reports that you can easily share with stakeholders.

Free trial

OKRs work on the basis of responsibility and action —  to stay on top of your goals, you need to monitor and share your progress. This visibility will give you the information you need to change up your strategy if need be.

Thankfully, software like Tability makes tracking and transparency a breeze. Our dedicated OKRs platform is designed to keep you and your team accountable by enforcing regular check-ins via email. Our easy-to-understand dashboard also lays out your progress and tasks at a glance, taking the stress out of OKRs.

What other assistant metrics can you use?

If the examples above aren’t relevant to you, here are some more metrics for administrative and executive assistant success.

Leader and staff support

A leader or overall staff’s productivity, organization and preparedness.

Meeting preparation

How well you prepare during the pre-meeting, meeting and post-meeting stages.

Office communication

The consistent ability to write clear correspondence free from indiscretion.

Leader and staff morale

How executives and overall staff respond to work and the office facilities.

Worker safety

Measured by injury claim rate in accident-prone workplaces.

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