OKRs Examples


Customer Success

OKRs for Customer Support

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In the world of customer support, delivering exceptional service and ensuring customer satisfaction are paramount. To achieve these goals, you can use the Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) align teams and keep track of progress.

OKRs provide a simple way for customer support teams to focus their efforts, measure their progress, and continually improve their performance.

Focus areas:


Key questions:

What are the main issues faced by our customers?

How can we improve our responsiveness?

How good are our supporting resources?

Can we improve our relationships with other teams

Setting Customer Support OKRs

Your OKRs should move from quarter to quarter and map to your company's reality – that's why we thought it's best to illustrate things as a case study that you can take inspiration from.

General advice

Take advantage of your Objectives to be specific about your opportunities. Avoid statements like "Be great", or "Improve support". It's pretty obvious that we want to deliver a great support experience, and vague statements won't help people understand how they can help.

Good Objectives should focus on specific aspects of Customer Support. "Be great" leaves too much room for interpretation. "Significantly improve response times" will produce more focused initiatives.

Examples of Customer Support OKRs

OKRs to optimize support efficiency and effectiveness


Optimize support efficiency and effectiveness

Key result

Reduce average first response time (FRT) by 25% through streamlined ticket routing

Key result

Increase the average resolution rate by 15% by empowering support agents

Key result

Implement a self-service knowledge base and achieve a self-resolution rate of 20%

OKRs to improve team productivity and collaboration


Improve team productivity and collaboration

Key result

Reduce manual effort and automate repetitive tasks to get a 20% increase in tickets resolved per agent

Key result

Conduct regular knowledge sharing sessions and achieve a 90% participation rate

Key result

Reduce internal escalations by 30% through improved communication channels and documentation

OKRs to continuously improve customer support quality


Continuously improve customer support quality

Key result

Implement a robust quality assurance program that results in a 95% score on quality assessments

Key result

Increase customer sentiment analysis accuracy to 90% by leveraging natural language processing and sentiment analysis tools

Key result

Conduct regular customer support training sessions

OKRs to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty


Enhance customer satisfaction

Key result

Achieve a customer satisfaction score (CSAT) of 95% or above

Key result

Reduce customer churn rate by 20% through improved support processes, personalized interactions

Key result

Increase positive customer reviews and testimonials by 30%

OKRs to enhance customer self-help resources and documentation


Enhance customer self-help resources and documentation

Key result

Increase knowledge base CSAT by 20% by revamping the content and expanding articles

Key result

Reduce the time to create and publish new support documentation by 30%

Key result

Improve search to get a 25% increase in successful searches and relevant article suggestions

This AI can create OKRs for you 👇
Create tailor-made OKRs with Tability's goal-setting AI.
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Tracking your OKRs

Knowing how to write good OKRs is critical, but without good tracking in place, the OKRs will fade away and focus will be lost.

The easier it is for a team to have weekly discussions around the OKRs, the better they'll execute. Here are a few best practices for tracking OKRs.

OKRs-tracking with Tability

1. Do weekly check-ins

Quarterly OKRs should be tracked every week to be effective. Without a continuous reflection on progress, your OKRs won't be much different from having KPIs.

The check-ins process can be automated with a platform like Tability that takes care of reminders, and distribute updates to the teams.

2. Keep track of your confidence

Good progress updates should help everyone understand how far we are from our goal, but also how confident we are in achieving it. You can use a simple red/yellow/green color coding to indicate your confidence.

3. Make trends easy to see

Lastly, it's important to look at trends to avoid false positives. It's not rare for a team to have a hot start and then slow down mid quarter. This will be hard to see unless you can look at progress trends for individual Key Results.

What other Customer Support metrics can you use?

Now that you've got good Objectives, it's time to pick some key results and finding good metrics that work for your team can be tricky. Lucky for you, we've laid out all the best success metrics for your teams to use.

Here are a few to get you started:

Top 10 Customer Support metrics

First Response Time

The average time it takes to respond to a customer's initial support request

Average Resolution Time

The average time it takes to resolve a customer support ticket

Customer Satisfaction

A metric that measures the satisfaction of customers with the support received

First Contact Resolution Rate

The rate at which support issues are resolved during the first contact with the customer

Ticket Backlog

The number of unresolved support tickets in the backlog

Customer Effort Score (CES)

A metric that measures the effort required by customers to accomplish tasks or actions

Ticket Volume

The total number of support tickets received within a specific timeframe

Average Response Time

The average time it takes to respond to customer support requests

Customer Retention Rate

The percentage of customers who continue to use the product or service over time

Ticket Resolution Rate

The rate at which support tickets are resolved or closed

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