KPI & Metrics


Customer support

Top 10 Customer Support Metrics and KPIs

Delivering exceptional customer support is paramount for startups aiming to establish a strong customer base and grow their business. To achieve this, orgs must measure and track key metrics that reflect the quality of their support operations.

From response times to satisfaction rates and agent performance, these metrics and KPIs provide actionable insights to deliver stellar support experiences.

Benefits of using Customer Support metrics and KPIs

Success metrics provide valuable insights and enable teams to evaluate their performance against set goals. By having a clear set of KPIs, teams can measure customer satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and optimise their support processes.

The data-driven nature of success metrics empowers teams to make informed decisions, remove gut fell, and have a clear understanding of the impact of their work. With success metrics and KPIs in place, support teams can continuously strive for excellence, delivering exceptional service and exceeding customer expectations.

Top 10 KPIs and success metrics for Customer Support

#1 First Response Time

First Response Time measures the average time taken by the support team to respond to customer inquiries or issues. It is a crucial KPI as it directly impacts customer satisfaction and sets the initial impression of the support experience. SaaS tools that can provide this KPI include:

  • Zendesk
  • Freshdesk
  • Intercom

#2 Ticket Resolution Time

Ticket Resolution Time measures the average time taken by the support team to resolve customer tickets or issues. It reflects the efficiency and effectiveness of the support process and directly influences customer satisfaction. SaaS tools that can provide this KPI include:

  • Help Scout
  • Kayako
  • Zoho Desk

#3 Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) is a metric that measures the level of satisfaction customers have with the support they received. It is typically determined through post-interaction surveys or feedback ratings. Monitoring CSAT helps assess the quality of support provided and identifies areas for improvement. SaaS tools that can provide this KPI include:

  • SurveyMonkey
  • Nicereply
  • Delighted

#4 Customer Effort Score (CES)

Customer Effort Score (CES) measures the ease of interaction and the effort required by customers to resolve their issues. It helps gauge the overall support experience and identify areas where improvements can be made to reduce customer effort. SaaS tools that can provide this KPI include:

  • GetFeedback
  • Medallia
  • Qualtrics

#5 Ticket Backlog

Ticket Backlog measures the total number of unresolved tickets or issues at any given time. It provides insight into the workload of the support team and helps prioritize and manage resources effectively. SaaS tools that can provide this KPI include:

  • Jira Service Management
  • TeamSupport
  • HappyFox

#6 Average Handle Time (AHT)

Average Handle Time (AHT) measures the average duration it takes for a support agent to handle a customer interaction, including both response and resolution time. It helps assess agent efficiency and productivity and can guide training and process improvements. SaaS tools that can provide this KPI include:

  • Salesforce Service Cloud
  • LiveAgent

#7 First Contact Resolution (FCR)

First Contact Resolution (FCR) measures the percentage of customer issues or inquiries resolved during the initial contact with the support team, without requiring further follow-ups. FCR reflects the effectiveness of support agents and processes in addressing customer needs promptly. SaaS tools that can provide this KPI include:

  • Helpshift
  • Freshservice
  • ServiceNow

#8 Customer Retention Rate

Customer Retention Rate measures the percentage of customers who continue to use a product or service over a specific period. It indicates customer satisfaction and loyalty and reflects the effectiveness of support in ensuring customer retention. SaaS tools that can provide this KPI include:

  • Totango
  • Gainsight
  • ChurnZero

#9 Average Response Time

Average Response Time measures the average time taken by the support team to respond to customer inquiries or issues after the initial contact. It helps assess the speed of support delivery and the level of responsiveness towards customer needs. SaaS tools that can provide this KPI include:

  • Kayako
  • Help Scout
  • Zoho Desk

#10 Customer Feedback Volume

Customer Feedback Volume tracks the number of feedback or survey responses received from customers. It provides a pulse on customer sentiment, identifies trends, and helps the support team understand customer expectations and areas for improvement. SaaS tools that can provide this KPI include:

  • Qualtrics
  • SurveyGizmo
  • Trustpilot

How to use Customer Support metrics with OKRs

The Objective and Key Results (OKRs) framework is a great way to align your team behind a clear set of goals for the quarter. OKRs will often use KPIs as the drivers for your KRs.

Here's how to effectively integrate Customer Support KPIs with OKRs:

  1. Align KPIs with OKRs: Select measurable KPIs that directly contribute to achieving the desired outcomes outlined in the OKRs.
  2. Set ambitious targets: Establish specific and challenging targets for each KPI to drive continuous improvement aligned with OKRs.
  3. Monitor and track progress: Regularly monitor and track the performance of KPIs in relation to the corresponding OKRs.
  4. Analyze and evaluate results: Analyze the data collected from KPIs to evaluate the effectiveness of initiatives in achieving OKR outcomes.
  5. Make data-driven adjustments: Utilize insights from KPIs and OKR progress to optimise strategies, resource allocation, and interventions for better alignment and progress towards organizational goals.

Best tools to track OKRs with KPIs:

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