
Help your team work, not just report

Get started

Plan to work to report, a seamless weekly routine

Keep the team focused and accountable by keeping your tasks and outcomes together.

Add tasks to 

your team’s goals

If the outcome is a destination, tasks are the steps to get there. Attach tasks to goals so you know what you can do to get where we want to be.

Plan your tasks
for now, next, later

Our Work View allows you to see your OKRs as a weekly Kanban board, so you can plan what your team is working on this now, next, and later on the way to achieving your goals.

“We spend less time worrying about how to manage. There's more responsibility and creativity for the team”
Jay Spence

Jay Spence

CEO and founder of Uprise

A personalized

weekly to-do list

When your teammates are assigned tasks, they show up in their inbox, so they know as soon as they log in what they should be working on.

Integrate with your
task tools

Integrate with Jira so you don’t have to double the work. Update your tasks in Jira, and they’ll update in Tability too.

How to connect to Jira→
Get a free guided tour

Get a personalized tour from one of our team members and see how Tability can fit your team's workflow.

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Work toward
outcomes you want

Connect your tasks to strategy so you can work in context.

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