StratOps 101: A beginner’s guide to strategic operations

In any company, there are countless moving parts. As the team grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to understand what everyone is working on, align their efforts, and maintain an efficient path towards a shared vision. As the business scales, the complexity of building and organising the right processes to strategise and execute on goals only intensifies.

Strategic operations involve aligning business operations with long-term strategic goals to improve performance, ensuring that teams are not just focused on immediate tasks, but also driving towards the organisation’s broader objectives. Without a clear strategy that integrates both big-picture goals and daily workflows, businesses often find themselves in a reactive state, constantly addressing short-term issues rather than progressing towards sustainable growth.

StratOps provides a structured solution that connects strategy with execution, fostering alignment across teams, increasing transparency, and enabling quicker responses to emerging challenges. By embedding strategic thinking into everyday operations, companies can stay focused on their long-term objectives while remaining adaptable in a dynamic business environment.

What is StratOps? Bridging a gap between strategy and operations

Strategic Operations (StratOps) is a management methodology gaining popularity as an innovative and forward-thinking approach that can help organisations bridge the gap between strategic goals and tactical execution. Unlike traditional methods that only react to immediate issues, StratOps involves proactive planning and continuous evaluation, making it an invaluable tool for businesses looking to succeed in the long term.

StratOps starts with defining a long-term vision and goals for the organisation. Strategies and initiatives are then developed to realise these goals while considering internal capabilities and external market trends. It puts in place an infrastructure to ensure that strategic priorities are cascaded into departmental objectives, resource allocation, budgets, and KPIs. 

StratOps also introduces a feedback loop between strategy formulation and ground-level operations. The leadership team continuously assesses operational data and performance metrics to evaluate strategy execution. Any roadblocks, resource constraints, or changes in the business can trigger a review and adaptation of strategic priorities. This helps close the gap between what leaders intend to achieve and what is implemented.

StratOps differs from the typical annual planning process in that it incorporates both the big picture and the day-to-day. This results in more practical, analytical, and flexible strategies that guide leaders in steering organisational capabilities towards creating value and achieving sustainable success. 

Why is StratOps important?

Strategic Operations (StratOps) is crucial for several reasons, particularly in the modern business landscape where agility, efficiency, and alignment are key to success.

Integration of strategy and operations

In the past, a company's strategy and day-to-day operations were disconnected, resulting in strategy becoming an academic exercise with little ability to execute. The leadership team would define multi-year plans, while operations teams managed ongoing manufacturing, distribution, and transactions.

However, StratOps bridges this gap by aligning operations with strategic priorities. For instance, the corporate growth strategy would directly inform supply chain expansion plans, new hire training programs, and inventory policies. This ensures that everyone works towards the same goals.

Two integration points facilitate this synchronisation:

  1. A strategic planning process that provides clear operating guidelines
  2. A feedback loop to evolve strategy based on operational data

During strategic planning, leadership provides specific guiding metrics and objectives for different operations teams based on the growth strategy. These would cover new products, target markets, operational efficiency KPIs, technology infrastructure, and required organisational support. This strategic direction directly drives operations planning.

Granular data from across operations offer tangible inputs into strategy formulation and pivots. Customer interaction metrics, production benchmarks, and market response feed into annual strategy reviews. This allows strategy evolution based on feasibility and changes on the ground.

By linking high-level strategy to ground-level operations through aligned planning and continuous feedback, StratOps creates organisational agility and consistency. The entire company can swiftly respond to new opportunities and challenges in a coordinated way. This integration ultimately leads to synchronised action towards strategic goals across the business.

The symbiotic relationship between operations and strategy is key to StratOps' potential as it provides a competitive edge.

Cross-functional collaboration

Many companies have different business functions: sales, marketing, finance, HR, and operations. However, these teams often operate independently, with little collaboration between them. They focus solely on their objectives and metrics, which can lead to plans that undermine or conflict with those of other groups. This approach limits an organisation's cohesiveness and agility.

StratOps aims to break down these silos by facilitating cross-functional planning, transparency, and coordination. It accomplishes this through:

  • Cross-functional leadership teams collaborate to formulate overall corporate strategy and define guiding objectives for different functions. This ensures cohesion from the start.
  • Communication structures, such as central data repositories, where all teams share the latest performance data, plans, and pain points to promote transparency.
  • Cross-departmental workforce teams that implement special projects involving multiple groups to meet strategic goals, driving joint ownership.
  • Technology platforms that provide tools for group collaboration, open feedback loops, and crowdsourced solutions connecting frontline to management, removing physical barriers.

Cross-pollinating insights across department boundaries sparks more holistic and creative planning guided by the organisation's North Star objectives outlined in its integrated strategy. It enables leveraging complementary capabilities and assets across functions to achieve goals, delivering a more significant impact. Breaking down silos unlocks networked thinking, leading to initiatives that use a series of coordinated cross-functional steps versus just being isolated within a single group's domain.

With barriers removed through extensive collaboration mechanisms, StratOps allows for strategy execution that fully mobilises an organisation in swift, unified action powered by organisation-wide coordination. This agility at scale is invaluable for any company today.

Continuous monitoring and adaptation

The fast-paced nature of business means that plans can quickly become outdated. Market conditions, competitor actions, technology advancements, regulations, and internal metrics continuously change. As a result, StratOps replaces the annual strategy planning cycle with a flexible, recurring process that evaluates strategy based on internal and external developments.

Real-time performance dashboards track critical financial and operational metrics across regions, functions, and products. These dashboards are integrated with market data, competitive intelligence, customer feedback, and macroeconomic indicators to provide a comprehensive view. These metrics offer tangible inputs into the planning process.

Every quarter, the leadership team analyses this data globally and regionally, along with ground sentiment, technological shifts, and partnership opportunities, to assess the feasibility and progress of the plan. Any deviation from benchmarks triggers an investigation into the root cause, such as execution gaps, inadequate resources, unforeseen market responses, or external variables. These investigations inform updated projections and alternative scenarios.

If the deviations are significant enough to impact strategic priorities, the planning team formulates revisions or contingency plans accordingly. These recommendations inform decisions on budget adjustments, resource reallocation, operational changes, investments, divestments, etc. Once approved, implementation kicks off with teams coordinating to align activities.

Using this adaptable and evidence-based planning approach, StratOps enables companies to be resilient, maintain the relevance of corporate strategy during volatile times, and prevent inertia. Organisations can address blind spots, seize opportunities, and mitigate risks by planning with an open-minded approach. This ensures that strategic objectives remain connected to the reality on the ground.

This iterative planning approach makes strategy setting a continuous journey rather than an annual ritual. Companies become more agile and forward-looking by dynamically calibrating their strategic direction.

Data-driven decision making 

Strategic planning has long relied on the business expertise and intuition of experienced leaders. However, this approach often leads to cognitive biases, outdated ideas, or gut feelings rather than objective analysis. StratOps aims to change this by putting data at the centre of decision-making processes.

There is a systematic collection of operational statistics related to customer interactions, supply chain movements, product performance, process metrics, compliance management, and more. Advanced analytics then convert this raw data into insightful key performance indicators that are easy to understand. By recording this data, the company builds a rich historical reference.

Business leaders and planning teams can use this real-time performance dashboard across sales, marketing, operations, HR, and finance to monitor progress on strategic goals. Data modelling can help predict future trends based on correlation analysis. What-if scenario analysis can evaluate different probability models for revenue and market response.

When significant decisions arise, such as entering new segments, mergers and acquisitions, investments in advanced technologies, or supply chain expansion, the team analyses the associated data patterns to quantify market size, customer response models, expected operational synergies, and more. This fact-based due diligence adds prudence and rationality, reducing blind spots.

Data even plays a role in organisational alignment with strategy. Employee interactions, corporate communication, training metrics, and surveys produce sentiment analysis flags. Leadership can assess if org-wide behaviours align with strategic direction.

By having real-time org data drive conversations around vision, planning, and critical decisions, StratOps allows for substantiated strategy iteration. Leaders can make informed decisions backed by evidence rather than gut feelings. This data-driven rigour, lent by analytics and metrics, is invaluable for long-term success.

Strategy and operations at work

The Strategic Operations (StratOps) cycle typically follows a continuous loop of planning, execution, monitoring, and adjustment:

Define long-term goals → Align operations → Execute → Monitor and provide feedback → Adjust and refine long-term goals (Back to the start)

The StratOps loop: A constant feedback loop for strategy

Define Strategic Goals

The StratOps cycle begins with defining clear, long-term strategic goals that align with the company’s overall vision. This phase involves setting measurable objectives that will guide the organisation’s operations. During this stage, businesses also allocate the necessary resources—such as time, budget, and personnel—required to achieve these goals. By breaking down the broad strategy into high-level objectives, teams gain a roadmap for what they need to accomplish.

  • Setting Goals: This involves working with leadership to define the company’s long-term strategic objectives (e.g., revenue growth, market expansion, product development).
  • Translating strategy into action: Breaking down high-level strategy into actionable initiatives, projects, or programs. This may include creating roadmaps, prioritising tasks, and allocating resources.

Operational Alignment

Once strategic goals are defined, the next step is aligning daily operations with these objectives. This involves designing processes that ensure every team and department is working towards the same end. Cross-departmental collaboration is key, as it ensures that efforts are cohesive rather than siloed. Transparency across the organisation also plays a critical role in ensuring that all teams have visibility into the strategic priorities, allowing for unified progress towards the company’s goals.

  • OKR/Goal management: Developing and managing Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) or similar goal-setting frameworks to align teams around key outcomes.
  • Cross-functional coordination: Ensuring alignment across departments (product, marketing, sales, etc.) so that every part of the company is working towards the same strategic goals.


After alignment is established, teams can move into execution. This phase involves translating high-level objectives into actionable tasks that can be carried out by the appropriate teams. Performance is closely monitored through key metrics and KPIs to ensure that the tasks contribute towards the broader strategy. Additionally, teams must remain adaptable—able to respond quickly to changing market conditions or internal challenges without losing focus on long-term goals.

  • Project management: Leading or coordinating the execution of strategic initiatives, ensuring that projects are delivered on time and within scope.
  • Process optimisation: Evaluating and improving operational processes to increase efficiency and drive better results. This may involve analysing bottlenecks, automating workflows, or redefining roles and responsibilities.
  • Data and reporting: Gathering and analysing data to ensure operations are performing as expected. This often involves dashboards or tools that provide visibility into performance metrics.

Monitoring and Feedback

As execution progresses, it’s essential to regularly monitor performance against the set objectives. This involves evaluating both short-term and long-term progress to ensure that the company remains on track. Feedback loops are crucial in this phase, allowing for input from teams, leadership, and stakeholders. This feedback provides insights into what’s working and what needs refinement, enabling the organisation to make necessary adjustments.

  • KPI tracking: Continuously monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track the progress of strategic initiatives and identify areas that need improvement.
  • Risk identification and mitigation: Proactively identifying potential risks (e.g., market changes, internal inefficiencies, supply chain disruptions) and creating strategies to address them before they escalate into larger problems.
  • Feedback loops: Creating mechanisms for regular feedback between leadership and operational teams, making it easier to pivot or adjust strategy based on real-time results. Regular check-ins and rituals can foster faster feedback loops.
  • Decision-making support: Providing insights and analysis to help leadership make informed decisions on strategy adjustments, investments, or new opportunities.

Refine Strategy Based on Findings

The final stage of the cycle is reflection and learning. Here, businesses assess the success of their operations in meeting strategic goals and identify areas for improvement. This continuous improvement mindset leads to iterative refinements of both the strategy and operational processes, which, in turn, feeds back into the start of the cycle. The goal is to continually enhance performance, ensuring that the organisation remains agile and aligned with its long-term objectives.

  • Run a Retrospective: Reflect on the progress made and assess if anything needs to be done differently. Depending on your cycles, this can be done monthly or quarterly.

Who's in charge? Strategy and operations jobs

The person or team responsible for StratOps (Strategic Operations) in a company can vary depending on the size, structure, and specific needs of the organisation. Generally, StratOps is led by a senior executive or a dedicated team that works closely with leadership to ensure alignment between strategy and operations. Here are some of the key roles that may be involved in making StratOps function seamlessly within your organisation:

How StratOps is handled throughout the organisation

1. Chief Operating Officer (COO)

The COO is often responsible for overseeing the company’s daily operations and ensuring they align with the long-term strategy. In many organisations, the COO leads strategic operations efforts to improve efficiency, performance, and scalability.

The Chief Operating Officer will focus on operational excellence, process optimisation, and translating strategy into actionable plans.

2. Chief of Staff

In many organisations, the Chief of Staff is tasked with coordinating between leadership (CEO, COO, etc.) and operational teams, ensuring that the strategy is properly communicated and executed. While often mistaken for the COO role, the Chief of Staff typically focuses on high-level planning, project management, and cross-functional coordination.

3. Head of Strategy/Strategic Operations

Some companies, particularly larger or more complex organisations, have a dedicated Head of Strategy or Head of Strategic Operations. This role is responsible for aligning business goals with day-to-day execution, managing key performance metrics, and overseeing the execution of strategic initiatives.

The Head of Strategy’s role is to implement the long-term strategy, align operations with company goals, and ensure the smooth execution of major projects.

4. VP or Director of Operations

In some cases, a VP or Director of Operations handles the tactical side of StratOps, ensuring that the operational teams are executing the company’s strategy. They focus on optimising internal processes and ensuring efficient resource allocation.

5. Strategy & Ops Team

In large organisations, there might be an entire Strategy and Operations team (StratOps team) responsible for monitoring and executing strategic initiatives across different departments. They work across functions (marketing, sales, product, etc.) to ensure alignment and drive performance improvements.

Their focus includes cross-functional project management, data analysis, KPI tracking, and continuous process improvement.

6. Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

In early-stage startups, the CEO usually directly oversees StratOps, especially if there is no formal Chief of Staff or COO. The CEO ensures that the company’s strategy is being translated into operational plans and holds teams accountable for performance. As the company scales, the initial strategy and direction are typically set by the CEO or founder to maintain focus during growth.

In most cases, a CEO will be more focused on high-level strategy, vision, and guiding execution, particularly in early-stage companies until other Operations leaders are in place.

7. Product or Project Managers (for specific initiatives)

In companies of all sizes, the strategy eventually trickles down to the managers. While leaders set the strategy at the top level, product or project managers are usually the ones on the ground, ensuring it is executed.

For example, they may be responsible for aligning the product roadmap with the company’s strategy and ensuring cross-functional collaboration to deliver on strategic initiatives. A product or project manager will focus primarily on project execution, cross-functional coordination, and delivering strategic initiatives within set timelines.

Responsibilities across these roles

In most cases, StratOps is a collaborative effort involving several key players across the organisation, with a senior executive such as the COO or Chief of Staff taking ownership of the overarching process and ensuring the right teams are involved.

The strategic leaders are responsible for:

  • Setting Priorities: Aligning teams around the company's strategic priorities.
  • Measuring Performance: Monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure progress.
  • Resource Allocation: Ensuring that the right resources (people, tools, budget) are allocated to support strategic objectives.
  • Risk Mitigation: Identifying and addressing potential risks before they escalate.
  • Communication: Facilitating communication between leadership and teams, ensuring everyone understands the strategic goals.

Frameworks and tools for your operations strategy

Now that you understand what Strategic Operations (StratOps) is, you might be wondering how to actually implement it.

StratOps often requires a combination of tools and frameworks to ensure that strategy and operations are aligned, performance is tracked, and teams are communicating effectively. Below are some common tools and frameworks involved in StratOps.

OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)

Objectives and Key Results are a goal-setting framework used to define and track objectives and their associated measurable outcomes.

OKRs help align strategic goals across teams and ensure everyone is working toward the same high-level objectives. Key results are measurable and time-bound, helping teams stay on track.

Example Tool: Tability, Lattice, Weekdone, Notion

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

KPIs are specific metrics used to measure the success of an organisation in achieving its strategic and operational goals.

KPIs are used to monitor progress toward strategic initiatives, ensuring that operations are aligned with broader goals. They allow teams to quickly identify areas that need improvement.

Example Tool: Klipfolio, Databox, Tableau

Balanced Scorecard

A performance management tool that helps organisations track performance across four key areas: Financial, Customer, Internal Business Processes, and Learning & Growth.

The balanced scorecard provides a holistic view of organisational performance by looking beyond financial metrics. It ensures that teams are optimising operations across various strategic dimensions.

Example Tool: ClearPoint Strategy, Spider Strategies

Agile Project Management

Agile is a popular methodology that focuses on iterative development, flexibility, and continuous improvement, primarily used in software development but now widely adopted across industries.

Agile frameworks (like Scrum or Kanban) enable teams to break down strategic initiatives into smaller, manageable tasks, ensuring faster execution and adaptability.

Example Tool: Jira, Asana, Trello


StratOps is not just a management trend - it is a transformative approach that enables businesses to navigate the complexities of the modern world. By integrating strategy with operations and fostering a culture of adaptability and collaboration, StratOps is reshaping how organisations approach planning and execution. In an era where change is the only constant, embracing StratOps is not just a choice but a necessity for businesses aspiring to thrive and succeed.

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Jeremy Yancey

Head of Content, Tability

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